General Specific Posted August 26, 2011 Share Posted August 26, 2011 Since we were on the topic of scareactor appeciaton there, I'd like to let people know to be mindful of scareactors with gimmicks that you don't find scary. In my first year, with the Headless Horseman role, it didn't take much from me to clear a street, but the year after, Mr. Nose certainly took more effort to pay off. Some characters are there to thematically enhance the event, and you've got a scareactor inside there doing what they can to add to the event in the way they were chosen to, so avoid being critical to any of the performers that you come across. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HHNFreak88 Posted August 26, 2011 Share Posted August 26, 2011 Since we were on the topic of scareactor appeciaton there, I'd like to let people know to be mindful of scareactors with gimmicks that you don't find scary. In my first year, with the Headless Horseman role, it didn't take much from me to clear a street, but the year after, Mr. Nose certainly took more effort to pay off. Some characters are there to thematically enhance the event, and you've got a scareactor inside there doing what they can to add to the event in the way they were chosen to, so avoid being critical to any of the performers that you come across. Ahh, I was in Cirque too in 09. What cast were you? I was Evra the Snake Boy, Cast B. I got a lot of compliments on my makeup as they would come in close since I usually froze in place, then when they were close, stomp my feet, hiss, and scare the crap out of them! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HHNFreak88 Posted August 26, 2011 Share Posted August 26, 2011 Burger King Ad: Speculate away! Now that's just plain awesome! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AaronPaHHNFan Posted August 26, 2011 Share Posted August 26, 2011 (edited) In a way, its better to not have scarezones there because whenever the Bill and Ted show is over, that area gets FLOODED with people. Having a scarezone there would make it even more difficult to walk through I'm not really talking about right by the exit to Bill and Ted. I'm more or less talking about where Zombie Gras was last year. I enjoyed having the zone there last year. Now onto our Icon. Am I the only one who actually finds her attractive? She isn't scary at all. Then again maybe that's the point. She isn't scary looking but her actions are scary. Almost like a black widow type character. I had to edit this post because I noticed half of her face is covered by her hair. I think the hair may be hiding something a little more sinister looking about her. Edited August 26, 2011 by AaronPaHHNFan Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grimp0nd Posted August 26, 2011 Share Posted August 26, 2011 I'm not really talking about right by the exit to Bill and Ted. I'm more or less talking about where Zombie Gras was last year. I enjoyed having the zone there last year. Now onto our Icon. Am I the only one who actually finds her attractive? She isn't scary at all. Then again maybe that's the point. She isn't scary looking but her actions are scary. Almost like a black widow type character. I had to edit this post because I noticed half of her face is covered by her hair. I think the hair may be hiding something a little more sinister looking about her. Oh I agree I think the hair covering one side of the face is no coincidence. I'm thinking it's grotesque, kinda like the two face character out of Batman. I wonder if this is Lady Hawthorn, I so hope so. Her visible eye is very noticeable and looks green to me. Maybe associated with greed? I wonder if Universal will bring their website reveal forward now that her image is out in the open. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LV-426 Posted August 26, 2011 Share Posted August 26, 2011 (edited) I don't get scared in scarezones if that's what you 4 are implying but I do enjoy watching people get scared. If you haven't seen anyone get scared in a scarezone then maybe you need to hang out in them a bit more. They are called scarezones for a reason guys. They aren't atmosphere zones. They are scarezones. I'm sorry if I don't like watching an endless line of people getting their pictures taken. No actually I'm not sorry, I pay plenty and to ask that a SZ isn't just a photo op isn't a big deal. I love how you jump to conclusions about me getting scared. If I do get scared a few times then GOOD that's what I pay for. The actors are hired to try to scare people. Hence why we call them scareactors. I don't care if they scare groups of 13 year old girls or sneak up behind 40 year old drunk guys it's what I like to see in the zones. Not actors standing around taking pictures with guests. If I'm wrong for wanting to see the scareactors try to scare people then maybe I'm wasting my time here and going to HHN. well my post was not entirely towards you, but more in general, so I wasn't assuming anything about you personally.... at all, if you get scared in scarezones more power to you, im just getting kinda tired of people bashing the Icon scarezone last year because it was my favorite scarezone, I know people want to see actors scaring people, and act in the scarezone the role they were given, but, I think at this point in the game it is inevitable to stop people from taking pics, if Uni makes it a rule that we cannot take pics in the scarezones there, people are going to do it anyway, Like i said in that post, I love seeing the pics that everyone takes, and we cannot take pics in the houses, I just think is harder to get scared in a scarezone because of the "outside" factor, besides sometimes Im trying to take pics of the scarezone in general, like the actors scaring someone or the decoration, and the actors stop to pose for me, when i dont even ask, that's how cool they always are, I think that's just awesome, that they would let you take a pic of them, Actually, This is what you said: (I honestly want to see an area just for pictures that is separate from the scarezones. They could rotate people from each SZ or house over there to take pictures. Maybe 15 minutes of pictures per actor each night. Then they could say no pictures with scareactors in the SZ's) which made me write what I wrote, and I still think stopping people from taking pictures is kind of impossible, I know in 2007 you could not take pics in scarezones and that Sucked, if they did that this year, that would kinda suck, but like i said, I think there needs to be a balance, the whole "people waiting in line to take pics" does suck I agree with you on that, But what you suggested is the opposite, which is not good either, scarezones are the only place we get to take pics, take that away and we won't have anything to look back, besides, your own profile pic is a picture with Chance LOL so.... I respect your opinion, but I think differently Edited August 26, 2011 by black mask Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LV-426 Posted August 26, 2011 Share Posted August 26, 2011 scarezones make the event for me. Plain and simple. If the SZ's aren't doing well, I don't have much as a fun time. When every house is sitting at a 60+ minute wait, I know I can get some really good scares out in the streets. While I don't usually get scared in the streets, they are always the most fun part of the event for me. Especially scarezones like Fear Revealed and Horrorwood, where the focus isn't just on being scary, it's about having fun at the same time. Exactly. When you go several nights and get tired of waiting in lines, scarezones are the place to be! That is why I am happy that it looks like they are going to be spending more on elaborate scarezones this year. I just had to comment on this topic, since I feel very strongly about it and wanted to post before this whole conversation gets deleted because it's not "speculation". I usually have tons of fun in the streets. I don't get scared nearly as often as I used to, but on that note, the same usually goes for houses too. Last year I had several good scares in the streets. To add to that, I think I not only have tons of my fun in the streets...I have MOST of my fun in the's a lot easier to play around with scareactors, or just sit back and watch the show. Houses are great, and I love them too, but they are two different animals. I find myself so enamored with all of the props and costumes that I am too busy smiling and showing how happy I am. Even when a scareactor does approach me my first instinct is usually to compliment them on how amazing they look. Suffice it to say HHN puts me in my happy place. Is this normal? I hope not! I will just like to clear out one thing, i Completely Agree with you guys, My post was never intended to bash scarezones, it was the opposite, I really Love scarezones, I spend lots of time in the scarezones, I think i spend more time in there than going to the houses, I love seeing the actors and the street props, I get startled in the Coven as well, what I was commenting on is that I hope they never stop us from taking pics, that would really suck, but, lol, yeah I Love the scarezones, (sorry for the double post, I just think my original post was not clear) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grimp0nd Posted August 26, 2011 Share Posted August 26, 2011 well my post was not entirely towards you, but more in general, so I wasn't assuming anything about you personally.... at all, if you get scared in scarezones more power to you, im just getting kinda tired of people bashing the Icon scarezone last year because it was my favorite scarezone, I know people want to see actors scaring people, and act in the scarezone the role they were given, but, I think at this point in the game it is inevitable to stop people from taking pics, if Uni makes it a rule that we cannot take pics in the scarezones there, people are going to do it anyway, Like i said in that post, I love seeing the pics that everyone takes, and we cannot take pics in the houses, I just think is harder to get scared in a scarezone because of the "outside" factor, besides sometimes Im trying to take pics of the scarezone in general, like the actors scaring someone or the decoration, and the actors stop to pose for me, when i dont even ask, that's how cool they always are, I think that's just awesome, that they would let you take a pic of them, Actually, This is what you said: (I honestly want to see an area just for pictures that is separate from the scarezones. They could rotate people from each SZ or house over there to take pictures. Maybe 15 minutes of pictures per actor each night. Then they could say no pictures with scareactors in the SZ's) which made me write what I wrote, and I still think stopping people from taking pictures is kind of impossible, I know in 2007 you could not take pics in scarezones and that Sucked, if they did that this year, that would kinda suck, but like i said, I think there needs to be a balance, the whole "people waiting in line to take pics" does suck I agree with you on that, But what you suggested is the opposite, which is not good either, scarezones are the only place we get to take pics, take that away and we won't have anything to look back, besides, your own profile pic is a picture with Chance LOL so.... I respect your opinion, but I think differently I've only ever once asked for a photo in a scarezone which was last year in the Coven. I wasn't sure if it was frowned upon or not before that but when I saw the scareactor pose for a photo with a couple I figured it must be ok. I gave her a few minutes after that then approached her to ask for a photo. She quite nastily said no when left me feeling stupid and a little perplexed. I didn't ask again after that and have little photographic reminders I was ever there. For this reason I like Aarons idea of a set area for photo opportunities with rotating characters. They could also have a changing background to match the zone or house the character is from like the photo studios have to have your photo taken in front of. This way we know it's cool to get our photo without being made to feel dumb for asking. I wouldn't ban taking photos in the scarezones of the scenery or scareactors scaring but I think doing it this way doesn't stop the scareactors scaring. It's pretty much the perfect solution. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LV-426 Posted August 26, 2011 Share Posted August 26, 2011 (edited) I've only ever once asked for a photo in a scarezone which was last year in the Coven. I wasn't sure if it was frowned upon or not before that but when I saw the scareactor pose for a photo with a couple I figured it must be ok. I gave her a few minutes after that then approached her to ask for a photo. She quite nastily said no when left me feeling stupid and a little perplexed. I didn't ask again after that and have little photographic reminders I was ever there. For this reason I like Aarons idea of a set area for photo opportunities with rotating characters. They could also have a changing background to match the zone or house the character is from like the photo studios have to have your photo taken in front of. This way we know it's cool to get our photo without being made to feel dumb for asking. I wouldn't ban taking photos in the scarezones of the scenery or scareactors scaring but I think doing it this way doesn't stop the scareactors scaring. It's pretty much the perfect solution. well... that really sucks, atually that did happened to me in esqueleto muerte, i was trying to take a pic of the guy in stilts and for some reason he would not let m take a pic of him, i tried twice and both times he turned, but then 2 seconds later he let this girl take a pic.... i guess i must have pissed him off personally or something,it was weird, what happened to you in the coven also happened to me, but i just thought it was their character, but most of the time the actors are cool, I guess since you put it that way, that could be a good idea, I guess there is a huge difference between taking pics of an actor, which takes 3 seconds, and asking an actor to pose with you, which takes longer and they brake character, I go to HHN by myself ( i know forever alone... ) and i always take pics of actors in a couple of seconds, but i almost never really take pics with them, i did last year for the accolade with the icons, but i usually almost always take pics of the actors, so, what i mean is, i guess it would be ok to Ban people posing with the actors?, like i said before, i agree with AaronPaHHNFan on that, I guess banning that and having 15 minute sessions for pics could work? I mean, I think that's the real problem here, and what AaronPaHHNFan said, the photo Op, so I guess they could tell the actors not Not pose with anyone except the 15 minute sessions but, they could still allow us to take pics in the scarezones, that could help a lot I think, I mean, they could do that this year, maybe? Edited August 26, 2011 by black mask Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grimp0nd Posted August 26, 2011 Share Posted August 26, 2011 (edited) well... that really sucks, atually that did happened to me in esqueleto muerte, i was trying to take a pic of the guy in stilts and for some reason he would not let m take a pic of him, i tried twice and both times he turned, but then 2 seconds later he let this girl take a pic.... i guess i must have pissed him off personally or something,it was weird, what happened to you in the coven also happened to me, but i just thought it was their character, but most of the time the actors are cool, I guess since you put it that way, that could be a good idea, I guess there is a huge difference between taking pics of an actor, which takes 3 seconds, and asking an actor to pose with you, which takes longer and they brake character, I go to HHN by myself ( i know forever alone... ) and i always take pics of actors in a couple of seconds, but i almost never really take pics with them, i did last year for the accolade with the icons, but i usually almost always take pics of the actors, so, what i mean is, i guess it would be ok to Ban people posing with the actors?, like i said before, i agree with AaronPaHHNFan on that, I guess banning that and having 15 minute sessions for pics could work? I mean, I think that's the real problem here, and what AaronPaHHNFan said, the photo Op, so I guess they could tell the actors not Not pose with anyone except the 15 minute sessions but, they could still allow us to take pics in the scarezones, that could help a lot I think, I mean, they could do that this year, maybe? It would be a great idea in my opinion. All they have to do is put up polite notices saying "Please don't ask scareactors for photos they are busy being terrifying. If you'd like a photo with our characters please go to ..... where you can pose with them and get a photo. Thanks." They could also put this on the map you get when you go in. Everybody happy, everybody wins and the illusion of the scarezones is kept intact. It's not hard to implement, it's not gonna up Universals budget hardly at all and they have improved the event. I would also add that there is plenty of room on the map to put a character appearance schedule on it. For example 7pm- 7.30pm Characters from Saws and Steam. 7.30pm- 8pm Characters from The Coven scarezone etc etc etc. Damn I wished I worked for Universals development team lol Edited August 26, 2011 by Grimp0nd Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
theheat345 Posted August 26, 2011 Share Posted August 26, 2011 In regards to the Burger King ad, can anyone see how the bottom of the Queen card looks? It doesn't seem to be covered in this ad. It may show what Lady Luck is hiding on her left side. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Neko Posted August 26, 2011 Share Posted August 26, 2011 It's a little unfortunate Lady Luck was leaked like that but I do like the pic. I also think she is probably disfigured in some way, based on the obvious attempt to cover that side of her face, it's much more than the "peek a boo" hair style. I wonder if this leak might prompt Universal to update a little earlier than planned. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hhnFEARfan Posted August 26, 2011 Share Posted August 26, 2011 (edited) Lady Luck looks great!! She looks like one of the best female icons yet!! She's way better than FEAR! Can't wait to see her FULL look! Edited August 26, 2011 by hhnFEARfan Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LV-426 Posted August 26, 2011 Share Posted August 26, 2011 (edited) Burger King Ad: Speculate away! Am I the only one that sees the Vampire girl from BloodRayne? you think this will be a sexy icon or a scary Icon? It would be a great idea in my opinion. All they have to do is put up polite notices saying "Please don't ask scareactors for photos they are busy being terrifying. If you'd like a photo with our characters please go to ..... where you can pose with them and get a photo. Thanks." They could also put this on the map you get when you go in. Everybody happy, everybody wins and the illusion of the scarezones is kept intact. It's not hard to implement, it's not gonna up Universals budget hardly at all and they have improved the event. I would also add that there is plenty of room on the map to put a character appearance schedule on it. For example 7pm- 7.30pm Characters from Saws and Steam. 7.30pm- 8pm Characters from The Coven scarezone etc etc etc. Damn I wished I worked for Universals development team lol that sounds pretty good, I hope this doesn't get deleted since its part of the speculation on the scarezones and Uni could read this, maybe use it, honestly I Wasn't trying to attack AaronPaHHNFan point of view but something like this will fix the problem, while letting us take pics of the actors in action, that would be pretty good Edited August 26, 2011 by black mask Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JDW Posted August 26, 2011 Share Posted August 26, 2011 you think this will be a sexy icon or a scary Icon? Both I also think she is probably disfigured in some way, based on the obvious attempt to cover that side of her face, it's much more than the "peek a boo" hair style. I don't think she is disfigured but I definitely think there are two sides to her. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr. Jimmy Posted August 26, 2011 Share Posted August 26, 2011 She's not bad she's just drawn that way. As in drawn poker!!! I've been sitting on a picture of Lady Luck for some time, now that this face has been revealed I posted it on my Tumblr this morning. She's not hiding anything under her hairstyle, but she IS hiding something..... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Legacy Posted August 26, 2011 Share Posted August 26, 2011 She's not like Two-Face. The hair is simply covering the other half of her face to make her look more foreboding. Still extremely doubtful she's Elizabeth Hawthorne (for various reasons). Still doubt we'll get a backstory for her, because "Luck" is not a person, but an idea; a diety. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr. Jimmy Posted August 26, 2011 Share Posted August 26, 2011 Still doubt we'll get a backstory for her, because "Luck" is not a person, but an idea; a diety. Rather like Chaos, Death, Sacrifice, Legend, Vengeance and Fear. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Legacy Posted August 26, 2011 Share Posted August 26, 2011 Rather like Chaos, Death, Sacrifice, Legend, Vengeance and Fear. Only difference is that the Five each had their own year to develop backstories, and THEN they became "ideas." Fear was presented as a "diety" up front, and the only backstory focused around Legendary Truth and the unleashing of him. Other than the name "Adaru," we actually knew nothing about Fear. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tman875 Posted August 26, 2011 Share Posted August 26, 2011 In regards to taking pictures in the SZ's, the scareactors are not required to take photos with you. They are there to scare and if they don't wish to engage in a photo-op, then they don't have to. For that reason, don't take offense if a scareactor doesn't allow you to be photographed with them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ThomasHHN Posted August 26, 2011 Share Posted August 26, 2011 That picture does look did it get leaked? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Legacy Posted August 26, 2011 Share Posted August 26, 2011 (edited) That picture does look did it get leaked? Which one? The Burger King picture of the one Dr. Jimmy posted? EDIT - Actually, I'll answer both to be thorough. Burger King has started putting up marketing materials for the event "early." The put the stuff out on the day the site went live last year, so in all reality it's right on time. Jimmy's picture came from a source. Had he posted it prior to any official reveal, there could have been serious legal ramifications against his source (which could have been discovered easily), and against the site as a whole. An individual's sources will not be revealed. Edited August 26, 2011 by Legacy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LV-426 Posted August 26, 2011 Share Posted August 26, 2011 (edited) In regards to taking pictures in the SZ's, the scareactors are not required to take photos with you. They are there to scare and if they don't wish to engage in a photo-op, then they don't have to. For that reason, don't take offense if a scareactor doesn't allow you to be photographed with them. yeah I know what you mean, but, when they wont let you take a pic of them but let someone else take like 4 pics, then I did i do?.... but yeah I usually try to take pics of the actors in action, but they pose for the pic, so I love when they do that, that's always nice Edited August 26, 2011 by black mask Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Neko Posted August 26, 2011 Share Posted August 26, 2011 Sorry. I know better. But this is allegedly a picture of the icon/mascot/whatever, correct? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gambit Posted August 26, 2011 Share Posted August 26, 2011 She's not bad she's just drawn that way. As in drawn poker!!! I've been sitting on a picture of Lady Luck for some time, now that this face has been revealed I posted it on my Tumblr this morning. She's not hiding anything under her hairstyle, but she IS hiding something..... BTW, what is you Tumblr? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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