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Mark M.

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Mark M. last won the day on December 14 2022

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About Mark M.

  • Birthday 12/04/1973

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    Winter Haven, FL

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  1. Speculation and Discussion related to Halloween Horror Nights Hollywood 2024.
  2. From Discord most of the playlist in dead coconut club Tangerine Dream Betrayal Giorgio Moroder Machines Tonto's Expanding Head Band Cybernaut Autechre Teartear Howard Shore Main Title The Thing - Main Theme Michael Andrews Philosophy of Time Travel
  3. Everything will remain the same as far as profiles. We'll evaluate HHN 33 when that time comes!
  4. I guess there isn't anything posted about Freddy? I tried with no results, but then did a random search for Walking Dead and got results. Anyone like Freddy in Hollywood?
  5. Are you trying this for a specific forum? I've tried a general (everywhere) search for "Freddy" and got various results, even from the archived areas.
  6. We are keeping that open, so feel free to add to it, or discuss. You should be able to post in there. Only areas that you can't are anything under or marked archived. The music lists will eventually make it over to Discord, and another plan we may have for it. As far as moving anything to IU, that would have to be discussed between us and them.
  7. Following marked Archived. - HHN Singapore - HHN Japan
  8. Speculation about Halloween Horror Nights 2023 (Hollywood)
  9. Although we will be leaving this thread open, we remind everyone that we have The Music of HHN channels over on our Discord as well with continued discussion. Discord discord.gg/hhn Music of HHN https://discord.com/channels/828646317747470356/1041374635876425759
  10. They were pretty dead. Posts were very rare! The past two HHN's the forums pretty much died off. Most members moved on to Discord and/or the IU forums, We kept everything updated here, but that's just what happend. Instead of just having a bunch of dead topics, we made the decision to close them. I'll re-add them for the archive! Discord isn't bad once you get used to it and get passed the learning curve. We're working hard to make it user friendly and listening to feedback. EDIT: Re-added the Hollywood forums with the archive for years past. Added HHN 2023 forum along with a Spec thread for those still here.
  11. Thanks everyone for the kind words! It's hard to close them down, but the upkeep for the little amount of traffic we have is a tough decision! Discord will now be our official home for discussion, HOWEVER, I'm considering on keeping a few areas open. I still encourage everyone to join us on Discord @ discord.gg/hhn! EDIT: I'll leave four areas open for posting. - Music of HHN - HHN 32 - Artist Showcase - Your Nightmares Everything else has been archived and non-postable!
  12. It's never to late to speculate! Here are our current speculation maps for HHN31!
  13. Awesome, have fun! We'll be on the media tour tomorrow night, and general guests on Saturday!
  14. ***NOW AVAILABLE*** No one escapes their fate. "Sir Henry's Haunted Tales" is finally available for purchase! You can grab it on Amazon to get delivered right to your door. Own the origin stories, and bring your copy to get signed when you visit us in Plant City! We offer a limited quantity of signed copies on our website and will also have limited copies at our gift shop when you attend our event. https://amzn.to/2Ya4EmM https://www.sirhenryshauntedtrail.com/sir-henry-s-haunted-tales-novel
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