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Halloween Horror Nights 25 Wishful Thinking


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If the house is well made and delivers the scares, it will be accessible. In 2013, I heard people saying AWiL was the best house and they had never seen the movie.

There's a difference between a house with a single narrative (Guy becomes a werewolf while visiting London), versus a montage with several different films over fifty years old. The only real "save" would be a queue video that features the scenes that are actually in the house.

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My concern with a Hitchcock house is recognition. Psycho and The Birds are his most aggressive films, but today's audience generally won't recognize the "violent" scenes from his most popular films. Rear Window (camera flashes), Strangers on a Train (carousel), Rebecca (house fire), Vertigo (bell tower), North by Northwest (Mt Rushmore), Lifeboat (storm), and Dial M for Murder (scissors) would likely be the films selected (with Psycho and The Birds), but even with those it's a lot of shoving and falling.

The house may entertaining, but accessible? I highly doubt it.

I agree and I will preface this with I LOVE Hitchcock. In fact when you enter my basement the first thing you see at the bottom of the stairs is a poster sized print of him (smoking a cigar with a black bird on the end of it). Guy was brilliant.... but I'm having trouble seeing a Hitchcock house working. Especially to a crowd of teens and preteens that have no clue about the man or his movies. I'm probably wrong and I'm sure A&D could make make me eat crow on this but even if a kid hadnt seen AWIL, a werewolf tearing someone to pieces is scary. Now the same kid walks into a a room that hasnt seen NBNW and sees a guy hanging off Washingtons nose it just isnt scary. I feel you almost need to be submerged in a Hitchcock film to feel that suspense and terror.

But the nerd in me WANTS a Hitchcock house for sure. Hell even a house based on The Birds would be a dream come true. Its one of my favorite films.

Are the old que videos uploaded anywhere? That would be cool.

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Psycho is the easiest one to based a Haunt on, hence why that's why the have done it so many times in the past.

On my dream list is to see props like Singapore used last yr in there NY backlot set

TJ has been wanted to do set pieces like that for a few yrs now but cant do to money and superstar parade...

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Right she copyrighted her personal work (i.e. makeup, makeup style, and crappy comic) which I'm all for. By all means protect that which you create. However she trade marked the use of the name Bloody Mary in a theme park.That is just a dick move. She does not own the urban legend and has no claim to it.... well according to our screwed laws she apparently does now.

I understand why "Bloody Mary" won't come back. I wouldn't give her the satisfaction either. But I never understood why they don't bring her back and just call her "Mary" or "Mary Agana". She doesn't need to be be referenced as Bloody Mary anymore.

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I think of past houses, and there are many I loved and would love to see again, but beyond the new "franchises", I don't see any potential sequels. Catacombs and Nightengales. They would be the most plausible. Gothic could have a spiritual successor, but not a straight sequel. Frightanic? Maybe. ST, BC, Scarepy? Scarepy could move to the streets (although that franchise seems to have "finished"). ST and BC have both "done it all". They've been houses and while a street has never been named ST, 3 of 08's streets were definitely ST related. Run?

I'm too mercurial to definitively state what I'd want to see. I love the past, but want the new.

I might be alone on this one, but I'd like to see another installment of H.R. Bloodengutz.

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I might be alone on this one, but I'd like to see another installment of H.R. Bloodengutz.

You are not alone on this, for sure. I loved H.R. Bloodengutz and would love to see this again. It would be tough to do without just recreating the same maze. I want it to be done but if it will just be the same house then I rather they not.

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HHN will not due a best of year and take a house from last year. Unless they construct 24 houses and I don't see that happening in the future, or ever for that matter. Jack could be connected to Giggles but I don't see another house. If anything, maybe a scarezone based on them breaking out of the factory. That's about it.

Well take away the factory and then you have yourself a basic clown zone lol. :P

Obviously, there's 2 ways Jack can go. (besides a backstory for the event.) A house or a scarezone. Both will work. And both will not disappoint. But which one? A house for Jack can either be based on basic clowns in a carnival, a 3D funhouse, or even his past. With a zone, it can go as a carnival/clown zone, a freakshow, or even the carnival of carnage. I feel that any of these are possible. As for the backstory, I feel maybe he could have escaped the lantern, gained all of its power and freed the other icons AND the event's past. Now he controls the icons and lots of past content to cause uncontrollable chaos. Just an idea. Any thoughts?

Edited by JackTheREAPER
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I have a feeling that all the icons will be in a scarezone and that's that for all the lesser known/loved Icons. Just like HHN 20. They might all be shoved into a house as well now that we have a presumed 9th house but nothing much after that. Jack might get a funhouse or just be part of the icon house.

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<- waiting for the lantern to be a complete non-factor.

Isn't it already? I mean when it takes too much effort to explain away something they just throw it out and reboot it. That goes for hollywood too.

Sure some might want it to tie up neatly... But they really don't need it to anymore. They wrote the lantern into it to "kill off" the icons so they could make way for the "New age" of corporatism... er I mean horror.

Honestly, Being an anniversary they can (and probably will) take the easy way out. Rehash all the icons... or even just Jack... in a single house of best of clips and run the event as normal otherwise. Sure they'll hype it up with some goofy tag line that will imply more than it is (and maybe even give a rush job explination) but you'll ultimately get HHN 20 2.0... and the majority of people won't care.

If they wanted to do it "right" viral market Jack's return now (I really don't want multiple icons back TBH).

I liked the way Cassie was going. She had me going for a while till the house confusion. But the story elements she was dropping were at least interesting.

They don't even need to give house clues... well maybe one or two for the big IPS. I mean they already have some really cool icon ideas that tie into Jack form years ago. I would love to see them implemented. Jack as the catalyst for an all new icon. Honestly I thought that was what they were doing with all the Jack hints over the last few years, the crows in the houses, etc

Anyway, I really think it will just be a rehash of the same formula they have used from 22 and on. So I'm not trying to get anyone's hopes up. There are some elements they are cosidering that will be "new"... or at least what people have been grumbling about for years. But I don't think they will implement them in a way that will make the event better.

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I would LOVE another HR Bloodngutz house! It was one of my favorites for sure.

I'll never forget when I entered that house for the first time. I asked him what H.R. stood for. He said "I could tell you, but then I'll have to kill you". It was the way he said it that cracked me up. Great house!

I hope we are wrong but I can see this being just another year for HHN. They will push the big 25 year thing, sure. Maybe even Jack. But TBH I think thats about it. I hope Im wrong....

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Hold on a second. You think flashing the most loved Icon in HHN would be a clue for an icon that never happened officially and most of the GP have no clue who he is?


Maybe you guys will have a clown maze similar to ours last year? A family of clowns - so instead of Sweet Licks, Cutty and forgot the last ones name, you can have Jack, Eddie and Chance (I think that's her name?). Would be similar too since Jack is the leader, Eddie would be the big intimidating one, and a female clown. Idk just a thought.

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Maybe you guys will have a clown maze similar to ours last year? A family of clowns - so instead of Sweet Licks, Cutty and forgot the last ones name, you can have Jack, Eddie and Chance (I think that's her name?). Would be similar too since Jack is the leader, Eddie would be the big intimidating one, and a female clown. Idk just a thought.

Honestly, Clowns 3D looked pretty cool to me, so I wouldn't mind an idea similar to that. Question is: what would the setup for that be?

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Why do you guys say this will be "Just another year" but with the number 25 shoved into it and small amounts of past content. Well let's look at some tweets first:

12/18/14- HHN Orl Tweets "With next year being the huge anniversary.. What has resonated the most with you.. My fellow hardcore fans of HHN? Characters, thematics, mazes etc"

I like this tweet because it shows that they are truly looking to the hardcore fans to see what appeals to us, instead of the GP. This leads me to believe they want to please us with this anniversary. They know we want original concepts, past concepts, and icon concepts. Even if they didn't know that before, they do now, because those answers are every reply from us fans to the tweet. :)

12/18/14- HHN Orl Tweets "Concepts..." with a picture of the bottom space of a paper, with some designs above, and a note that says "HHN 25 Street Zones"

Not quite sure why they wrote "Street Zones" instead of Scare Zones. Maybe they were looking for open scarezone locations? Or it could easily mean they are working on scarezones. Either way, there are "zones" which means we will see mulitple scarezones once again. One of my hopes: a throw back scarezone similar to 20 Years Of Fear. Agree or disagree if you'd like.

1/9/15 - HHN Orl Tweets "Today we are working on the second maze concept, we're reading scripts for potential use, going through our archives of our horrific past."

Due to the "past archives" thing, I say... sequel house probably? The scripts could easily be past scripts. Could be Nightengales or Catacombs. There are also scripts involved here. Maybe they already had written a Nightengales sequel script and were waiting till this year to do it.

1/9/15 - HHN Orl Tweets " The 25th is taking shape daily..."

Some were worried because there was no sight of the word "anniversary." Just "the 25th". I personally don't care how the hell they call it. It's still "the 25th anniversary." I also see this tweet as helpful because it shows us that they are working hard to make this 25th anniversary special.

Sure there will be IPs, as it is a permanent part of the event now. However, I think they will make us happy and focus the event more on the icon(s), original content, HHN Past, and just overall a new (old) age of the event. I feel like IPs will just be the money makers. Sure, they'll be "featured", especially on ads, but I think the bigger thing that they show off on ads will be Jack or something. The GP will dig it, if they haven't seen Jack before! Jack is the best and most exciting icon they could possibly introduce to the GP. With clowns being such a big thing on Halloween nowadays, it'll work out. Especially to people who hate clowns. Anyways, my point is that It's the anniversary. Stop doubting so much. I still have faith in this event.

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I wouldn't mind a 3D house. Just not the clown theme. 3D houses need to be done right like The In-Between or Penn & Teller. Afterlife was just eh. They need to do it right or just not bother.

I still say they should make the walking dead 3D but that's not going to happen.

This brings up another topic that hasn't really been discussed on here. For people who still care about the walking dead, how are they going to "expand" that franchise in the event? They've literally done everything that wouldn't be an obvious gimmick to draw in guest. Thoughts?

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Honestly, Clowns 3D looked pretty cool to me, so I wouldn't mind an idea similar to that. Question is: what would the setup for that be?

Overall it was a well done 3D maze, definitely not perfect but still good. Hmmm im not sure. I've only been to Orlando's HHN last year, so I don't know what stories have been used for Jack but maybe the three of them have made a bet to see who could have the highest kill count? So to them, it's a game which does highlight their twisted nature and can still incorporate a lot of sets associated with clowns. The carnival could be used, and carnival games can be transformed into a where they kill their victims. This is just off the top of my head, but I do think it's a somewhat decent premise.

Edited by Arsik_22
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