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Ecto_Freak last won the day on July 30 2017

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About Ecto_Freak

  • Birthday 09/08/1983

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  • Interests
    Haunted Attractions, theme parks, Ghostbusters, classic rock and more

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  1. Since I have over 180 HHN shirts I really want to add this to my collection.. I think it looks pretty good. \\ If there was an icon they would have hinted at it by now and I don't see them doing one this yr..
  2. Since I have over 180 HHN shirts I really want to add this to my collection.. I think it looks pretty good.
  3. Long time poster but long time not posting... In case you guys and gals were wondering Scare Zone construction started Saturday.
  4. I came across the dates for the FFP+ https://www.facebook.com/notes/sunshine-frights/halloween-horror-nights-27-what-do-we-know/1118336241610018/
  5. So since construction has started.. Why has nobody found any permits yet?
  6. BTW construction is underway in some locations
  7. We need NEW icons not past icons.. I thought this was the number one Halloween event in the USA?
  8. Caretaker is my favorite HHN icon (And Cindy is my favorite unused icon)... However if we get an icon this year I want a NEW icon/character.
  9. Do I believe the list? Yes and No but Im hoping if it is real that Universal does damage control.. When you have 2 many IPs you have to many hands in the pot and stuff will get leaked big time.
  10. Facebook groups have killed forums all together to be honest.
  11. I have 176 shirts.. Including a shirt from the 1986 HHN Hollywood event and a 1991 shirt from Fright Nights
  12. I dont want Eddie back nor any past icon.. Then again Im not holding my breath we are getting an icon this yr
  13. Just for the record they dont need to run the event this many nights
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