Trust me. You aren't the only one who isn't pleased. It's a huge anniversary year but doesn't feel at all like an anniversary year. Big deal, we are getting some awesome IPs (TWD is debatable for most), but that's not what I want to see from an anniversary year.
Every year it seems like A&D has so much planned for original and truly creative content, but they get cut down instantly. As a kid, I always dreamed of one day being able to work on Horror Nights. At the time, I didn't know about "corporate powers" or "big business" influences. The admiration that I had for the event in my early years was built on original and creative concepts. Somewhere along the line, the event started a transition into a totally new creature.
I wish I could say things are like they have always been, but that's not the case. It's evident that the event has grown in popularity exponentially in the past 5 or so years and Universal has taken advantage of this by bringing big name IPs to the event. It's a very smart business move. You can't deny that. However, it's a real shame that A&D hasn't been able to continue some of the most important things that made the event successful in the first place. It's the 25th anniversary. I know we were all hoping on getting mainly original content and have that old Horror Nights feel, but sadly we haven't really gotten that in its true glory. I'm sure that they will do the originals justice, but there is only so much that can be done when money is the main focus.
I understand that things can't and won't be the way they used to be. Logistically, it would be hard with the huge masses of guests and other concerns. The past few years, a part of me has died. The part of me that is like a kid on Christmas waiting to open up all my presents (waiting to see what houses, zones, and shows will be revealed). I remember when there used to be so much hype and anticipation building each year. Now it's just deflated by leaks and craziness. Of course I'm still going to attend the event each year. How could I stop? I've been going for so long that if I did miss a year, I would hate myself later on for not going. I do still genuinely enjoy the event. Not as it was or what I want it to be, but as it is. I'm going to get off of my soapbox now