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OhHaiInternet95 last won the day on June 25 2020

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  1. I think by next summer we're going to pretty much have to start moving back to normal. Maybe not completely but closer than now. Put it this way if your wonderful governor forces the parks to still be closed by this time next year it might very well be curtains for CA's parks. EDIT: I should add that it is even more absurd that he refuses to trust the FDA approval of a vaccine, which is naturally going to take even LONGER for the parks to reopen. Unreal. Looking at Spanish Flu, 1919 was seemingly far less severe than 1918. And the second (worldwide) wave seems to be less deadly here, while with Spanish Flu the second wave (which peaked in October) was vastly deadlier than the first. So hope I guess?
  2. At 25, the icon zone and anni zone were the same. That said, I would prefer a focus on new things.
  3. Which is why I think the originals and Brides are the surest things to be kept, since they have to negotiate for the others. Of the four licensed ones, Billie will likely be their top priority.
  4. I adore Mary, so gotta disagree with you there. But yes, I would love for Crowe to be an icon for 30 instead of Jack, especially since we might still have Beetlejuice (not as likely to be kept as Brides and Billie, but likelier than HoHH and TC3D in my best guess)--those two are just much too similar for my tastes.
  5. I was not excited at all at the thought of how toned back the event would have been.
  6. For the next few years, possibly the next half-decade, they’re going to be relying on locals.
  7. I think they might need to lower the price, hence the lower house count.
  8. I feel like there's a couple of IPs that could've been executed way better, so I could be open to it. I do think (could be wrong) that the house count will be cut 1-2, which I would be okay with as long as it didn't come at the expense of originals. I could see a 3/5 or 4/5 in favor of originals for the following few years.
  9. One thought I've had that's kept me going through all this is that for the next few years the event may go somewhat back in the direction that the fans want--between IPs becoming too expensive, rarer with productions shut down, and having to appeal to a local crowd.
  10. Well, I’m betting they’re glad they used three merch powerhouses (ST, UCM and GB) last year. (And I wanted them to save UCM for this year lol)
  11. Tooth Fairy, your party is ready. I feel like they missed such a huge opportunity with Deadly Ever After. Snow Queen should've been the main villain IMO. Bonus points for a guy impaled on an ice pick, bonus bonus points for him to be wearing a viking helmet.
  12. Legacy saying that they're going to be relying on the event to carry the resort. I'll say it once again, I think Critical Analysis found himself a monkey's paw late last year.
  13. Ringwraith says there’s a couple things on that list that are wrong and that fans would be very happy with the things that were. (He now says that it’s a 5/5 split counting Brides as an IP.) TCM is a good way to respond to the family friendly complaints, since unlike HoTC it’s big enough a property to put on marketing.
  14. Gonna take a guess at the IPs: -Beetlejuice -Brides (w/ Billie) -Haunting of Hill House -TCM -Invisible Man
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