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HHN Hollywood X (2011) Speculation

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Just an idea (and forgive me if anyone already said this) but maybe soap opera has to do w\ that new Tim Burton film coming out based on that show on vampires. (the name escapes me lol) but if remember correctly, the show was a soap opera type...a horror soap opera about vampires? Just saying lol

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Just an idea (and forgive me if anyone already said this) but maybe soap opera has to do w\ that new Tim Burton film coming out based on that show on vampires. (the name escapes me lol) but if remember correctly, the show was a soap opera type...a horror soap opera about vampires? Just saying lol

I doubt it. Whatever hint John pulls out will be really, REALLY subtle.

DTH said this earlier in the thread, but I think last year was just too successful to not have a repeat. As much as we don't want to admit it, I think it's very likely there will be a repeat in some way or form. I don't think HoTC will come back (I apologize in advance for jinxing the Terminator queue), but an original maze with Rob Zombie in 3D will, I'm sure, be inevitable. The only repeat/remake I see plausible would be the Texas Chainsaw Massacre since Murdy has met with Toby Hooper at the Eyegore Awards. If that were to happen, I wouldn't mind. I would rather have some other maze on the lower lot that does not have the word "saw" in it, but still, at least it would be based on the original so I don't think it would feel exactly the same from 2007 or 08.

Just a thought, but as for GV Black, do you think the impossible has been made possible and that the Exorcist is that codename?

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Well, what out of GV Black do you see The Exorcist in? haha

I haven't seen the movie (At least not yet) so I wouldn't know. haha

Interesting tweet I found. I think I found a hint that GV Black could indeed be Trick r Treat:

@HorrorNights is "GV black" candyman? GV black is Greene Vardiman black who filled cavities and cavities are caused mostly by candy.

@Zangy101 Hmmm. Your logic is sound...we'll have to wait and see if you're right

Hmmmm.....candy. Dentist. Maybe it is Trick r Treat. Unless it could be a HOP MAZE!!!! Oh crap no! :blink:

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I haven't seen the movie (At least not yet) so I wouldn't know. haha

Interesting tweet I found. I think I found a hint that GV Black could indeed be Trick r Treat:

@HorrorNights is "GV black" candyman? GV black is Greene Vardiman black who filled cavities and cavities are caused mostly by candy.

@Zangy101 Hmmm. Your logic is sound...we'll have to wait and see if you're right

Hmmmm.....candy. Dentist. Maybe it is Trick r Treat. Unless it could be a HOP MAZE!!!! Oh crap no! :blink:

TrT seems to be the most logical because Candyman isnt that well known

HOP is a universal movie and Im terrified of unfunny Computer animated comedys that commercialize a religouse holiday

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Okay, I am absolutely convinced right now that GV Black HAS to be Trick r Treat. He just said that the maze indirectly has something to do with dentists. Eating too much candy can lead to dental carries (Cavities) which can lead others to the dentist. That's pretty much the same logic a lot of us have been following. Not to mention that he has never come out and said no to any of the tweets that have said the same thing. Also, Murdy said he's going to unveil another hint on GV Black tonight (Assuming the horror trivia goes well).

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Hollywood getting a RUN house? The latest hint on twitter for the code name soap opera is Run.....Forest.....Run. Interesting development to say the least. Here's the link

I can tell you for a fact that "Soap Opera" will NOT be a RUN maze. Murdy wants to distance himself from Orlando. All I can think about right now is a victim running from Ghostface.

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I can tell you for a fact that "Soap Opera" will NOT be a RUN maze. Murdy wants to distance himself from Orlando. All I can think about right now is a victim running from Ghostface.

I would love to see a Scream house. Not that I will be able to make the trip out but I would still like to see it happen because I am a big fan of the movies.

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I would love to see a Scream house. Not that I will be able to make the trip out but I would still like to see it happen because I am a big fan of the movies.

You can always watch it on YouTube. The taping restrictions are VERY light out here...unlike out where you are where if you film like a minute of the maze, they confiscate your camera, kick you out, and ban you for the rest of the year. lol

Well, I think I can say with complete confidence that soap Opera=Scream (And yes I am aware of how many times I was wrong speculating for last year's event haha). There's just a lot going for it. Seeing his cat atop of blueprints that looked like a small box resembling a TV and a large rectangle that looked like a couch, soap opera elements that relate to the plot of the movies (ala Dewy and Gale, Sydney, etc.), the whole "Run, Forest, run!" hint that could imply Ghost-face chasing after his victims, the maze taking place in the Shrek queue which would be an ideal place for such a maze if you ask me...DTH, let's celebrate Scream coming to Halloween Horror Nights 2011! :D

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Freakazoid, grab the beers and let's party! Even though I don't drink and even though you're probably not old enough, who cares. Rick James voice - "It's a celebration, bitches!" lol

The movie being released this year, highest grossing slasher series of all time, the TV and couch in the plans and now...

"Run, Forest, Run." The killer runs (one of the few). The victims run. Shorty in Scary Movie says "Run, bitch, RUUUUUN!" when being interviewed. This was a dead giveaway!

And I know the hints point directly to Trick 'r Treat and him not saying no and all... but something is suddenly telling me it's wrong. Usually, 95% of the time, Murdy just flat out says no if something is wrong. Here, he is leading us on. That tells me that either a) it IS Trick 'r Treat or B) TrT is heavily in the running and in negotiations for another maze that's not of this codename but he would get backlash for saying no to a maze not happening. The only OTHER thing I can think of that relates to dentists is another high in speculation is Hostel, considering they use all sorts of tools to torture their victims.


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Freakazoid, grab the beers and let's party! Even though I don't drink and even though you're probably not old enough, who cares. Rick James voice - "It's a celebration, bitches!" lol

The movie being released this year, highest grossing slasher series of all time, the TV and couch in the plans and now...

"Run, Forest, Run." The killer runs (one of the few). The victims run. Shorty in Scary Movie says "Run, bitch, RUUUUUN!" when being interviewed. This was a dead giveaway!

And I know the hints point directly to Trick 'r Treat and him not saying no and all... but something is suddenly telling me it's wrong. Usually, 95% of the time, Murdy just flat out says no if something is wrong. Here, he is leading us on. That tells me that either a) it IS Trick 'r Treat or B) TrT is heavily in the running and in negotiations for another maze that's not of this codename but he would get backlash for saying no to a maze not happening. The only OTHER thing I can think of that relates to dentists is another high in speculation is Hostel, considering they use all sorts of tools to torture their victims.


Even though I'm not old enough, I still don't plan on drinking, so let's chug the Full Throttles instead haha. Besides, I don't want to violate rule number two of surviving a scary movie. To back it up, when I tweeted him that "Run, forest, run" would involve victims running, and Scream having soap opera elements, he told men, "You seem quite sure of yourself..." He didn't openly deny it. Like you said, if it wasn't it, he would flat out say, "No" usually.

I still think TrT is very likely this year even if it's not GV Black; but if TrT is GV Black, I like how it's the first maze he has worked on...like it's going to have some major significance at the event this year. Maybe it could be the main theme since he, apparently, is working on it quite a bit? :huh:

Yes, I know I'm bad lol. I need to see the Exorcist. I have a six-year old sister and I don't want to terrify her for life. I'll probably wait 'till when she's not round or something.

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Screw everything I just said. He just told me point-blank that I'm wrong....Wolfman? Evil Dead? Those are the only two I can think of. Also, notice he spelled it "forest" so that would imply a forest scene...oh well. Scream is more suited for a larger location, anyway.

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I thik he's talking about scream not being in the shrek Venue

There you go.

Maybe he's planning Scream for the WWW venue? That's what I'm seeing. Unless Scream is for the JP venue and TrT for WWW. It fit with Halloween. I think the WWW venue would be better fitted for Evil Dead, though. However it does sound like Shrek queue will be Evil Dead.

Someone on the FB page has pointed out that Bruce Campbell played a Soap Opera star in the movie, "Fargo"; hence how "Soap Opera ties in (BTW, someone on the FB page pointed this out so I can't take credit for discovering this). I did some research on Wikipedia and, lo and behold, there was the evidence.

Also, with the "Run Forest Run" hint, that would allude to the girl getting chased and through the forest (Notice how Murdy spelled "forest"). That image we saw with the possible TV and couch in the blueprints are probably for the cabin.

DTH, let's pull out the Full Throttles again and celebrate Scream, Evil Dead, and Trick r' Treat for HHN 2011: "What's Your Favorite Scary Movie!" (That better be the title for this year! "What Fear Fears Most" was lame.) I can't friggin' wait to have a headless undead person jump out at me with a chainsaw! This is definitely going to be the biggest event of them all!

Here's our rundown:

-Original HoH overlay

-Rob Zombie's House of 1000 Remade Atrocities: In 3D ZombieVision [Original Rob Zombie maze] (T2 queue)

-Scream: Don't Liver Spleen in the Mailbox! (WWW arena)

-Evil Dead: Shut Up, Thelma, Shut Up! (Shrek queue)

-Trick r' Treat: It's About Freaking Time! (JP Queue)

-Texas Chainsaw Massacre: Wrath of the Angry HHN Fans for This Repeat (Lower Lot)

That's just what I see. As for the Wolfman, I'm not counting on him showing up at all, despite all of the things going for him. Murdy just said last year that not many people are really asking for that property.

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Oh oh oh guys I just remembered! To back up GV Black as Trick r Treat and Soap Opera being Evil Dead, remember Murdy's "short list?" Trick r Treat and Evil Dead? Hmmm.......

On top of that, I remember Murdy tweeting before the 2010 event that TrT would make a nice theme for the event. So now the TrT is on the short list and very likely to appear this year, I wonder if TrT will be the main theme for this year?

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We all know we would love nothing more than that... but 98% of everyone attending would have 0 clue as to what the hell is going on lol

Hence why I think a repeat, in some form or fashion is very likely this year. It won't be HoTC like something tells me, but most likely Halloween or TCM...or both. :blink:

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Alot more known but STILL not well known ENOUGH, not for a world renowned theme park like Universal at least. That would fly at something like Sinister Pointe or whatever those guys names were that did Saw and Silent Hill but people coming from all around the world would expect a much broader known theme. I think it has enough popularity for a maze though. Still maybe not enough for Terror Tram yet though.

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Alot more known but STILL not well known ENOUGH, not for a world renowned theme park like Universal at least. That would fly at something like Sinister Pointe or whatever those guys names were that did Saw and Silent Hill but people coming from all around the world would expect a much broader known theme. I think it has enough popularity for a maze though. Still maybe not enough for Terror Tram yet though.

I wouldn't mind since Scream was made for the Terror Tram.

Also, I have a feeling GV Black (Or Trick r Treat?) is really going to be something else. Look at this: @disneyrthanthou Obviously lack of sleep is not a criteria for maze design...since GV Black will mean very little sleep

Interesting. It took very little sleep for him to do HoTC...

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