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Scareactor Appreciation Thread


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Laz - for creeping me out last night and the tickles

MattJohnson - (:

C_D - for never giving up on trying to scare me and providing hours of entertainment

The Queen of Hearts cast B (I think) - for providing many good laughs

MrBungle - for the shout outs

Victoria - for the extra special scares!

I know I'm missing people....

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Everyone in Esqueleto Muerte (not sure what cast closed) for giving me some great entertainment people watching during the closing hours.

^_^ *salsa dances*

Cast B ... my cast lol. Curious....were you hanging off to one of the sides?

Edited by MirpleNeze
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One of the female actresses in Esqueleto Muerte. EVERY single time I came through your cast on all four nights you would either point at me and do a heart, take your maraca, put it up to my nose and make a sound, or both. You were one of the scareactors that stuck in my head all day the next day and made the event that much better. Glad I got to do the heart back to you on possibly my last night of hhn for this year. :D

aw shucks....*makes a heart* lol....glad you enjoyed it! ^_^

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Thanks to Cindy/Storyteller in Fear Revealed for utterly creeping me the hell out. I was walking through a crowd and thought to myself "eh, guess not much is going to happen this time around" and saw Cindy breeze by me going the other direction. I said her name in a bemused voice, but it didn't seem like she heard me....wrong! Just as I'm approaching the storyteller she pops up next to me with some AWESOME energy and says "Hi! Want to play a game? You can go hide, and I can come and kill you!" I smiled and as she was turning away I jested "What if you don't find me?" She turned around, grinned and said "Oh, I'll find you." and when I turned back around, there's the storyteller in my face saying "Oh yes, she'll find you" in an awesome voice...epic.

That was me.

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Last but not least..Catacombs. Liz and I went though this house 9 times last night. 1 of the 9 was cast A and I gotta thank you guys for being awesome. I am also very curious to find out who kept hitting those stringy things on my arm. Whoever you are, you're great. :lol:

Cast B- Do I even need to say anything? To every scareactor in this house, you're all amazing, and you know that. First person on the left ALWAYS gets me. My goodness. Peckers, you know who you are. I don't even know what to say about you guys. You make me smile. Keep it up!

To all the scareactors in general- I really appreciate all the hard work you guys put into this. Keep it going, and I'll keep coming back!

Are you the one that keeps coming in with a Tigger stuffed animal?

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^_^ *salsa dances*

Cast B ... my cast lol. Curious....were you hanging off to one of the sides?

Yes ma'am. I had a Monster beanie on with a black Creep Show hoodie and white/black plaid shorts and was Neutron-side leaning against a garbage can :P I enjoy people watching in your zone. I'll probably be spectating a lot when the lines really pick up next week.

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Psychoscareapy, just before 10:00 - this house is rapidly rising on my list of favorite houses. I did want to send an apology out, though. About halfway through, where the doors are, an actor came out from the left to stare me down. I thought I recognized him from photos here on the board, and so I did a double take, and couldn't think of what to say, so I finally pointed and said "Nightmares!" Unfortunately, he was also setting me up for a double scare with the actor to the right (behind me), and I sort of blew that. I really wasn't trying to be a dou**e, I just don't usually think I recognize someone and kind of froze up. Sorry, and thanks for the scare!

Was it the hallway right after the jail cells with the hands or was it the hallway just after that? i guess they're both technically hallways but one is a lot longer than the other.

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Ah- I forgot, I was in catacombs at the beginning with the fake statue part and I was staring right at an actor because I thought it was his spot but couldn't remember. He flinched a bit and didn't even do anything and I got terrified. Well played whoever you were.

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Thanks to havoc and catacombs for a great run the other night. I went through both on friday night right before close. Being a scareactor myself, I know how tired one can be by this time of the night but the energy was awesome. I got more scares then i have in a while. Good job!!

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Gotta give props to the first 3 actors in Hallow'd Past cast A. The chainsaw guy on the left and the clown to his right never fail to be all up in your space and provide good scares <3 The frankenstien is very crafty using the dummy to distract and then jumping out and scaring.

I'm loving the Plague Doctor in Catacombs, around 6:10 so I'm guessing cast A, who has the full body skeleton that he ever so gently caresses!! <3 <3

** On a side note I must give major props to the person that came up with idea to call Catacombs, Cats n Combs. I love, love, love this, you are in fact a genius!!**

To the whole cast working Zombie Gras around 8:20 on 10/10, you guys and girls were rockin! I got creeped up on and scared multiple times in the few minutes I was in there. Also I was loving the "Lady Gaga" zombie, that girl was awesome.

Psychoscareapy cast A, I love you!! You all never fail to deliver, the two guys in the window hallway are always full of energy and very creepy. The guy in the jail cell hallway on 10/10 who said "It's been a while since I've seen ladies" <3 The guy behind the window, across from the electric chair, always delivers and then gives extra scares when you come around the corner!

At around 1:45 on 10/10 I made a quick pass through Saws n Steam on the lagoon side. There was no one else around so me a my sister got creeped by all the guys but one guy in particular, tall and skinny with dark hair, was really goin nuts. He followed us through, circling around muttering all kinds of crazy things, he didn't even need to use his chainsaw, he had the whole crazy, psycho act down!

Everytime I go through 20 years I always seem to get cast A and they always are having so much fun. Not only do they provide good scares but they have fun with the guests as well. Keep up the good work!! Special love to little Chucky <3 <3

Those are just a few specifics but I send love to all you scareactors!!!!!!!!!!

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Was it the hallway right after the jail cells with the hands or was it the hallway just after that? i guess they're both technically hallways but one is a lot longer than the other.

I believe it was the longer hallway, I'm thinking it was at the beginning of a long hallway. You'd think after so many trips through I'd remember better, but I do think it was the second hallway after the jail cells.

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This one?? IMG_0190.jpg

Yes! That would be me. And her. We share it. B)

That's the one. I probably misheard you say tiger instead of tigger. I'm not gonna lie though, when I first saw you girls with the tiger, my first thought was "They seem drunk, but they're nice drunks" lol

But now I'm happy to see who named us Cats & Combs. Both casts love it. ;)

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That's the one. I probably misheard you say tiger instead of tigger. I'm not gonna lie though, when I first saw you girls with the tiger, my first thought was "They seem drunk, but they're nice drunks" lol

But now I'm happy to see who named us Cats & Combs. Both casts love it. ;)

If it was Thursday.. uh we probably were =p We are harmless.. we just adore the peckers and cats n combs, and tend to go in.. a lot.

We did your house 18 times in 3 days, sooo yeahh....

Edited by Cinderelly115
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That's the one. I probably misheard you say tiger instead of tigger. I'm not gonna lie though, when I first saw you girls with the tiger, my first thought was "They seem drunk, but they're nice drunks" lol

But now I'm happy to see who named us Cats & Combs. Both casts love it. ;)

If it was Thursday that you thought we were drunk, then yes we were. :unsure:

But yeah, we are harmless and we love your house, and plan on going to it many more times. :D

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I don't know who was Cindy in the Fear Revealed scare zone. But she was great! She kept running around, was full of energy and super creepy! Had a great creepy kid voice and saying little thing like "are u gonna play with me?" Just what I pictured. Great Job. Also the Director and the Usher in that scare zone were really into their roles too. Great energy. I was in that scare zone for at least a hour, just taking it all in.

Cindy was great, she even recognized my friend and I when we came through later in the night and welcomed us back.

Chance (Erin) was AWESOME, scary and a lot of fun, she IS Chance. I think she's given me a Chance fetish ;)

The Chair in LT got me GOOD, actually a few actors got me good in that house I honestly don't think my heart slowed down for a half an hour.

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I was there Saturday night and right after opening we went to Hades first. whomever was Medusa then scared the living crap out of me! i didn't see it coming and about knocked my friend down it was great! Also the blond chance in the fear revealed scare zone was amazing. I was taking her picture which she posed for when some idiot walked through and she didn't miss a beat chasing after him before coming back and posing again. :) There were plenty more but way too many to mention..everyone did a great job thanks for the many scares!

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To the entire cast of Catacombs, EXCELLENT job on friday ocotber 8th. Hands down the best house and scares. To the scareactors who changed casts at about one a.m right after the house was closed briefly, I loved how in character you all were, one of them pointed menacingly at our group as they passed us. Also one scareactor in particular around the middle of the house scared me so bad, and I screamed but I couldn't help but exclaim "But their costumes are so cool though!" the scareactor overheard me and leaned in and nodded enthusiastically. made my night! <BR><BR>also, The Usher in Fear Revealed at opening was very nice when I asked for a picture, I told him he was my favorite and he creepily said "Thank you"<BR><BR>also in Fear Revealed I did a man a favor and took a picture of his group and he felt the need to return the favor, he was quite drunk and wanted to play photographer. Myself and three friends gathered around The Director who the drunk man told to stand with us, Eddie joined us as did Fear and his minions but the man was having difficulty with my camera. I said "Thank you for your patience" because I felt kind of bad, so I hope these scareactors heard me, I appreciated it, great job guys.

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I have to thank the closing cast zombie in the "zombie baby" room for making me jump on Friday or Saturday. I was waiting for the baby to pop up again and when I turned around he was right there and I jumped. I am sure he had 10 - 20 seconds to wait on me and hope the payoff was worth the time standing there! ;)

Edited by Tman875
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