I personally don't see how it is a 'terrible' or 'worst house I've ever seen' house. I may not be familiar with the story of Steven and all, but I still enjoy the house. I may not know every Alice Cooper song, but I still enjoy the house. I think judging a house by not understanding the story or knowing the songs is kind of unfair. I know opinions are opinions, but how is this the worst house HHN has ever done? I don't see that. At all. I've seen much worse. I think the costumes are great for what they are meant to be. Those Alice Cooper masks cannot be done better. I've gotten more scares in this house than I did in some of the sound stages. I believe that if you go in open minded you will enjoy or even love the house. Give it another chance, and if that doesn't do it for you then I don't know what to say.