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Jakemeister last won the day on November 13 2012

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About Jakemeister

  • Birthday 06/03/1991

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  1. I got the best scare from a chainsaw coming out of Afterlife. I was walking up the ramp heading into the Coca-Cola plaza and out of a hedge a freaking chainsaw flies like 2 feet from me. Best scare I have gotten in years.
  2. I think not enough credit is being given to the chainsaws. On Friday night I got one of the best scares I have gotten in years from an actor while leaving Afterlife. Chainsaw came right out of the hedges walking up to the Coca-Cola plaza.
  3. 1. Cabin in the Woods 2. Llorana 3. Evil Dead 4. Resident Evil 5. American Werewolf 6. Afterlife 7. Walking Dead 8. Havoc II
  4. The Terra Queen was supposed to be the official icon of 2005 but marketing opted for The Story Teller. A decent amount of the props seen in the Saw maze were actually donated to Universal Orlando by Lionsgate In 2007 in the Texas Chainsaw Massacre there were initially many more chainsaws but were scaled back to electrical difficulties. Opening night of Screamhouse: Resurrection had Caretaker minions asking guess if they had seen Cindy (Caine) but the reference was lost and later dropped. ScareTales 3 was originally intended to be used in 2006. As far as shows go, anything that eats the crowd is fine by me. I don't care if it's RHPS or not. I watched Penny once last year and it was fairly forgettable, but 2 shows and an actual lagoon show with showtimes could make a difference in crowds.
  5. I personally expect to see a mix. 3 or 4 hordes and 2 or 3 scarezones. Would make a nice mix and if the hordes are done in a fashion like last year could really intensify the event overall.
  6. Candle Cove is scary, like really scary. I don't know how it could translate into a house or scarezone though. The great thing about it is the narrative accompanying.
  7. When we got our first real update in 2011 it revealed a lot and it was even later than this update. I think 2007 handled updates the best. We got them early and frequently after that. I wish we'd have another website like that, but I'll take what I can get.
  8. I think the failing of the community is a lot of them view themselves as too good to do a simple survey, or that they voice their opinion online so they don't have to do one. Terrible logic, do the surveys.
  9. I'd revisit a couple. For years I missed I think I would have to do 2002 and 2005. Years attended I would have to do 2006-08. 2006 was my first year and I missed houses. 2007, I would go back just to revisit houses, especially NOES. 2008, was just a phenomenal event and I'd love to go back to it.
  10. Honestly, the best way to show a business you're not pleased anymore is to A. Quit using their service. B. Tell them you quit using their service. They read that sort of thing. Knowing the life of an HHN Forum Reader, I'm sure everyone will just complain heavily about the event all the way up until it opening and then it will be the best year everyone has ever seen just like last year, and the year before that. Until Nov. 1st when they start complaining again.
  11. With Amanda Bynes recent shit storm I wouldn't be surprised if she was the villain, or atleast working with the villain.
  12. I wish Universal would go back to storytelling in their shows. I would gladly take something like Carnival of Carnage or The Arrival. What would be really cool and would make a lot of sense is if the lagoon show actually told a story and was on the maps with show times.
  13. Despite us "hating" it, Universal realized that IP's sold tickets and that people hated the marketing. I think it's inevitable we'll see a large IP come to the event, but it will be marketed differently. People had mixed emotions on hordes, some found them scarier, others found them less so. Hordes however worked, I think we'll see 3 hordes and 3 scarezones this year. Seven houses probably won't happen this year, I think people were too pissed off about that one. I'm expecting house 8 to come back. Universal spent a lot of money on the technology for the lagoon, I expect something to return there. I hope they actually put showtimes in the guide though. Construction won't be as bad, atleast there won't be light bleeding in NY.
  14. SS23 was being used for other projects. Otherwise they wouldn't have used SS20 at all and just have used 23.
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