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  • Birthday 01/30/1995

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    Halloween Horror Nights when it was creative and good.

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  1. They're still beating the walking dead horse, huh? Must be mush now... the new location looks interesting. *goes back under rock*
  2. Goo

    Freddy vs. Jason

    Eh. Nothing will compare to Dreamwalkers... A lot of what I have seen of this looks cheesy and not in the good way.
  3. From the videos I watched, I honestly feel like this house was a missed opportunity for something really cool. It should have been cornier, more 80s like Critical mentioned. I also feel like they should have picked a few assassins, one of which being Eddie, and made them the villains of the house rather than have a bunch of themed rooms and different characters. I just felt it didn't work the way they set it up and it didn't feel like a game like it was supposed to. More generic, ramshackle sets resembling paintball fields would have worked. They really could have played off of Eddie's back story with this one. I did like the little chainlink "maze" at the end, though.
  4. The main issue with both parks is that there's a lot of space. It would certainly help with the lines but they'd need to pack more experience in both parks to make it worth the walk. But, with the money they're making, I feel like it's totally possible. One of my main complaints of HHN at this point is that you can't go to the event and see everything in one night unless you get the express pass (and have a good time), which has been going up in price year after year. I simply can't afford it anymore, and unfortunately I don't have the luxury of going multiple nights like a lot of people here do. And on top of that the content isn't favorable to me, so there isn't a single pull for me to go. It's too much to just go and have a good time and not cool enough for me to burn a hole in my bank account for it. I definitely see them going to both parks in the near future, simply because the crowds are reaching a point to where there just isn't enough space for them, or enough things to see to occupy them. Also, with the train going to the other park, it seems like a no brainer. Also, depending on how many times you make the look around universal, the distance can't be THAT much different, unless you're going around both parks multiple times in one night. And before someone goes "You can go and see everything in one night if you try!!!" I've done it, quite a few times. It's not fun. You're running all over the place to see everything. You're just rushing around to make sure you get everything in and not actually ENJOYING it, and having a good time with the people you're with. Plus, most of the time if you're with a group, nobody wants or cares to run around the park at 1am.
  5. Goo

    Freddy vs. Jason

    There isn't a clear cut winner in the film, why would there be one in the house?
  6. Oh Creatures.. How I wanted that house to be good. Amazing sets, but damn, those costumes/puppets really didn't do it. Would've been neat to see it as Werewolf instead. Probably would have be insanely awesome.
  7. I didn't say it made the lineup worse, I said it's really like there's only 8 houses since a majority of people have seen this house since it's such a recent house and it's identical. It just seems really redundant. If it's supposed to help congestion, wouldn't you want something that a lot of people haven't seen already, so ya know, they want to go see it? I'm sure it'll help with the congestion a little, but lines will continue to be ridiculously long. If anything, I think Diagon Alley will be the biggest help in that aspect. Why not dig up some older popular houses and remake those? In what way is it cheaper? I doubt they have a ton of the stuff from the original house... I just don't see the thought process behind this, especially with the throwback house being there this year. Like if the puppets are "gonna cost a ton" that means they don't just have them laying around somewhere so they're remaking them. It's just a weird choice. Someone mentioned how the way they're kind of selling it also doesn't make sense. "We just did this, it was cool, it's back, oh and it's IDENTICAL!" like, what? Okay... I guess? Four years of zombies, all different, but you aren't gonna change up this house a bit? I don't get it.
  8. Some of the coolest houses in the past have been 3D houses. The In-Between being one of them, and although not technically "3D," Dead Exposure was basically built like one, they just didn't include the glasses, and that house was pretty sick.
  9. Why didn't they just put a a scene or two in the throwback back house... the whole "9th" house thing is arguably a gimmick since this house is, according to them, identical to the previous AWiL house which in a way subtracts it from the lineup for a lot of people. Is it cheaper for them to just remake a house identically? I don't really understand the thinking behind this.
  10. This house really reminds me of the B movie Slashers (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRgyG1ipTC0). I wonder how many villains that have planned.
  11. I don't know how you guys are actually happy with this year or what they're even doing. Everything this year, literally everything, has been done in some way in the past. Even the scarezones. I'm actually pretty astonished by the fact there isn't a single original idea this year. I've practically experienced everything they're offering this year already in some form.
  12. They didn't forget anything and they don't misunderstand anything. They figured out a way to make more money and they're going to keep doing that. The problem with that is they don't seem to want to realize what they're doing is going stale because they want to keep making as much as possible. To them, getting recognizable, familiar, established brands is their way of doing that. It will work, but eventually it will hurt them if they don't keep things fresh. People do get bored after being even slightly unimpressed repeatedly, and lets face it, they definitely don't have the stellar reputation that they once had and were so proud of. Also, those ticket prices are insulting. They're going to repeat material for years and up their prices? No thanks.
  13. Honestly, I don't know why people are even hyped over this event anymore. I'm surprised this community still thrives, which isn't a bad thing but what made this event so special is pretty much gone. If you're into it, great! But I there's no need to complain. If you don't like it, simply don't go! I'm not going this year and many others aren't either. Yeah, it's a bummer, but hey, there's other stuff out there. It will never be what it used to be, and that's that. I will say this is the first time I literally don't care about a single thing they're doing so far. It's so unexciting. It's the same stuff pretty much and you know Bill and Ted won't even be slightly funny... Like why go? There's other cool stuff out there, just search for it. There's a big haunt in Miami that looks awesome, there's Howl O Scream.. there are other options. Be open to new stuff. Don't like what universal is doing? Don't give them your money. Simple as that.
  14. Hm, it's been a bit since I've looked around here. I really like the artwork for this year, I think it's nice. Also, a stage show is cool to see back! TWD though is pretty laughable to me at this point.. talk about milking the cash cow. Looks like another typical but promising year to say the least! This will be my first year not attending... $120 bucks for an express pass... yikes. Sucks if you need to see everything in one night. Looking forward to the pictures and videos.
  15. Goo


    I think the fact that it's in a tent is what helped it, honestly. Everything was kept small, tight, and claustrophobic almost, which is what I was hoping for. It just works for a tent, no need to make something larger when it doesn't need to be. Super polished house.
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