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Everything posted by Troiandan

  1. Agreed with Jeramy, I have much higher anticipation for this year's house than in previous years.
  2. On the very quick shoutout side - I was very pleased with the run through with the closing cast on Friday night. It was... highly interactive. Very energetic crew they have in here. And I do love doing the hand jive. Very impressed with what I'm seeing here so far, and I REALLY have to try out the phone (thus far I've only seen it in the videos).
  3. Haven't done this in previous years but... wth. The Walking Dead - 3 La Llorona - 2 Afterlife - 3 Havoc - 2 Evil Dead - 3 American Werewolf - 3 Resident Evil - 3 Cabin in the Woods - 2
  4. To bring a happy end to this tale - Zombie Carl has been returned to his home with me. THANK YOU to Grimp0nd for helping to spread the word, and to Doctor Cogstein for providing exactly the right information to be able to locate him. Once I was able to talk to a high enough coordinator in the KidsZone area, they got on their radios, passed the right information along, and another coordinator hand delivered him to me in about 15 minutes. Honestly, the Universal family, even the ones I haven't met, are just amazing and fantastic people. To bring the tale even more allure - it turns out Carl was found in La Llorona. I'm thinking, since La Llorona steals children, that she grabbed him from my waist belt as I was going through, in order to drown the poor child. Unfortunately, with Zombie Carl being ALREADY dead, her efforts were for naught, so she angrily tossed him to one side, where he was stumbled upon by a confused Team Member. And THAT'S why you need to stay in the house during the Zombie Apocalypse, kids!!
  5. Scare of the night - a walker in Atlanta was chasing this poor old woman down the street who was rolling her wheelchair just as fast as she could up to the sidewalk. The crowds were laughing and enthralled by the sight - would have been great to get on video! Damn shame most of them didn't realize she was wheeling so fast to grab a Captain and Diet at Finnegan's...
  6. Yes, I will be leaving shortly for Universal and will talk to Lost and found again and also to Team Members in Kids Zone if appropriate. THANK YOU!!!! This is all Lori's fault. Whoops - I guess in this case I'm Lori...
  7. I have no idea where to post this, so moderators PLEASE move to another location if appropriate. Zombie Carl is now paying for not staying in the house, and has become lost at Halloween Horror Nights. He's a little homemade doll that I started bringing to Horror Nights last year, and I had him tucked in my "belt" during my first run through The Walking Dead house during AP preview last night. He came loose and is now gone. He either fell out in the house, or in the Kids Zone area immediately following. I noticed him missing shortly after that. It's a real longshot, but I figured I'd appeal to my fellow Nightmares: if anyone sees that critter in their visits to the event, could you grab him and PM me here? It's just a silly little doll, but we've been through alot together I don't have a milk carton, but here's a shot of him (he's in between Cat N Comb and Bulldog of War). http://www.flickr.com/photos/54791832@N08/9854960054/ Thanks dudes and dudettes!!
  8. Totally agreeing with Grimp0nd. I saw a TON of Nightmares t-shirts last night - including in the mirror - so there will be lots of potentially friendly faces to meet with.
  9. Oh my - I need rest and another visit tonight, and to digest everything. Loving all the houses and streets - there is a huge amount of interaction, especially so early in the run! Special love to the guys and gals in the last few rooms in Havoc (a vicious snarling attack followed by a blown kiss will make a girl's night); a TON of fantastic interaction with the closing cast in the last few rooms of Walking Dead. And the stunningly impressive Bicycle Girl. It's amazing what they can do with CGI these days Oh - and if I can't move into the bedroom in Forsaken or next to the guillotine in AC, then I am totally moving into Atlanta. Just bringing two buckets and a carton of Febreze. I will chuckle if my sweetheart house this year ends up being a street.
  10. Intentional Scareactor Bait. Poorly executed comedy relief. And yet another of us who is all like, "don't mess with my scareactor boils and ghouls or I will totally go Mama Kat on your ass." And thoroughly immersed in love for the event and all those who contribute. Total fangirl on wheels.
  11. Looks like I'll be spending a whole lotta time in Atlanta for awhile...

  12. Please add on for me EP (9/18), 9/28 and 10/5. With a shirt. Coz otherwise would be inappropriate
  13. Agreed with the more recent sentiments - I would call mine "hopeful."
  14. I dunno, I'd also be super excited to see Mr. Timeout return
  15. Very stoked for this sequel to what ended up as my sweetheart house for 2010. The actors brought an "insane" amount of intensity to the first house; I'm really excited to see what happens when that gets paired with non-recycled sets. In fact, the descriptions thus far, including starting in the cars, sound very promising. I think it was Doomsday in 1999 that had a scene in a subway car that I found very effective; I look forward to the train cars providing an even more immersive experience. GO DOGS!!!
  16. I'm extremely enthused about this house - I felt the 3D was more effective in In-Between than just about any of the other 3D houses I've been through. The follow up details given about this - and really, several of the houses - gives me the impression that the intention IS to be much more intense and visceral throughout the event this year; this is something that many of us have been clamoring for. Once past the vortex, I'm really interested to see what tableaus they chose, and how much will be straight demon experiences versus the demon/vengeful victim re-enactments.
  17. I, too, had been thinking about an interior facade. The Forsaken courtyard was so effective - do the Woodbury barricade as an external facade (front entrance, please ), then do the storyline and transitions as others have suggested, with a Prison facade in the midst of the house. Two facades for one house; that would go a ways towards making this year's TWD house live up to the focus put on the property, and really showcase what creative is truly capable of and best at.
  18. I support the right to share thoughts and feelings in open forums, but I do feel the need to stand up for our scareactor performers. I, for one, am grateful that so many do have access to the e-proms (sp?) in the houses, mostly so they don't blow out their vocal cords on the first night of a 6-7 week run. But these men and women most assuredly do work - hard. They continue to be creative and inventive in their interactions with the guests, especially when new rules and restrictions seem to come up every week to make it harder and harder to do the job for which they were hired. They sport fresh injuries every night just from doing what they do, not to mention having to deal with and dodge the all too numerous asshat guests that decide they want to show how "tough" they really are. And they keep coming back to do it year after year - for the love of it and not for the shrinking dollar. I respect the hell out of that. I do get your point about HOS being more raw and HHN more slick (albeit I still haven't had the opportunity to experience HOS for myself). However, it is anticipation of interacting with these folks, and seeing how they come up with ways to scare and thrill through whatever impediments are placed before them, that helps me to put whatever disappointment I may have initially felt behind me. As Jeramy said elsewhere, it has happened and is happening; I'm now moving forward with the anticipation that I've got less than two months before I get to spend 6 weeks witnessing some hella sick interactions from some pretty flippin' awesome professionals. That, and I wanna get cornered inna barn, which sounds wikkid kewl to me.
  19. I have faith in A&D. I have faith in our performers. I don't have faith in AMC and their restrictions, based on last year, and that is my only genuine concern, albeit it's a biggie. Many is the time that my least anticipated house or street ended up being my favorite. Mike Aiello, for whom I have great respect and affection, has made some excellent FB posts responding to the disappointment that has been expressed, and that perks up my own personal hopes. I will absolutely go, and go with the belief that those who create and deliver the scares > IP-holder neuter nutters. If I am disappointed, I will not hesitate to (hopefully constructively) express my disappointment. And if I am pleased and delighted, I will most assuredly shout it from the mountaintops. Or something. For those on here, and out there, that have it within their power to bring it? Bring it ON! And now I will go lie back down.
  20. And here I was hoping AMC would keep their hands off of our actors. Big sigh, more deep breathing commencing. Does anyone think Uni will at least pony up for the non-walker characters this year?
  21. All the best to those attending Reunion Auditions - make it a killer day.

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