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About PWT

  • Birthday June 25

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    Ft. Lauderdale

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  1. Face Off - In the Flesh by taylor_pwt, on Flickr
  2. Yup, the day time games are also not showing up for me. All games have been turned off.
  3. Half the games, if not all of them, have been turned off and can no longer be played. I'll see if I wrote down one of my extra accounts somewhere though later.
  4. Let me rephrase, they now use Context Optional to make and maintain the Facebook (and twitter) app they use to post/schedule their social media. They do not even bother using a custom application to hide it on Twitter. When you go to one of Universal's tweets and click the method it was sent ("Social Marketing Suite") it will take you to a log in page for Context Optional. Coffee table books is a great idea and all but I'm not sure if it'd have the same wide appeal every single other piece of HHN merch has. I don't know how many people that go to HHN would want to buy a coffee table book. DVDs on the other hand I could see being a great hit and selling as well as the hoodies and such.
  5. Context Optional just changed the HHN FB page to a generic version, let the waiting begin. http://www.facebook.com/halloweenhorrornightsorlando
  6. B&T would never ever happen for the same reason why the take down old B&Ts off youtube, even when the event is over. House and scare zone videos would be awesome though. Although I could see some problems with filming in some of the zones like Nightmaze. A light would ruin the zone.
  7. Nice review, agreed with most of your ratings and your opinion of Death Drums. (Which I keep hearing people say how much they love it...)
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