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HHN XX Speculation II

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I know we are talking about the past and how we should look towards the future. But,what if its both?What if after she escaped into the gRaveyard,she couldnt have stayed there the whole time did she? She would probably have gone to a SMALL town where not much would hear of the atricities of what her family did.Such as Carey,Ohio.There while in hiding,she somehow finds Pandoras box. Not completly sure how she would of found it but surely icons from the past have something to do with it.She opens it,revealing the next era of HHN icons,locked away for centuries,waiting to be released.And finally she takes her revenge along with the next era of icons.

What does everyone think?

Maybe I was wrong about that theory like I've been wrong in the past about things.

As I said all along lets worry about the future and not hype on the past.

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I dont think there's anything wrong with speculating a little bit on the past. I mean, we have seen proof there's going to be at least some sort of twist of the past icons appearing this year (or at least we've speculated. Honestly, we know NOTHING for sure yet as all of you are aware hah) so I think toying with the idea of Cindy works just find :]

Dr. Raymond came up with an interesting concept: we all have a hunch that Cindy will make some sort of appearence this year and, since she was snubbed in years past and her staring role of an icon robbed of her, why not make her part of this supposedly strange and new era's lineup? :P Everything is possible lol

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Now its been confirm there is burnt wood in the JAWS extended que... What if they maybe continue Cindy story from the moment the angry mob burnt down her family home? Im not saying Screamhouse will come back by any needs.. this is just a thought.

With it being fun to toy around with possibilities that can work as an idea. The 'Valedictorian' could reference to one of the old icons, possibly a memory of Albert... or maybe even the 'Nightmare Man' can be him, if even a twisted form? If he is the 'Nightmare Man', could Cindy have even subconsciously feared her own father? An innocent portion of her mind (blond/"pure" Cindy?) knowing full well of the atrocities that Albert was performing and creating this figment of her imagination, along with her toys? Could it be the alternative idea showing through?

Could I just be overthinking it... bah, probably..

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Well, it's official: The fanboys love Sindy. (And I spell it with an "S" cause I like it that way, so nyah.)

Problem with Sindy is, she can never be portrayed correctly. Part of her menace/charm is that she's a child that doesn't act like a child (which is, itself, a well-used horror image). Children that don't act like children are just plain creepy. Of course, when we see Sindy in the flesh, she looks less like a demon child and more like some teenage mall Goth. She's just too darn old, and it undercuts her character's effectiveness. So that's one real challenge to presenting her. There's also the fact that some people freak the F out when they see children placed in any sort of jeopardy, even if it is fictional. Me, I'd love to see her as an icon, but it's simply too potentially offensive to too many people. So the poor girl has a ton of stumbling blocks to overcome. But the Skoolhouse proves it can be done...it just has to be done carefully. And there again, you've got the adults-playing-children problem.

Having said all that, I'd love to see Sindy get her own house. They could call it "Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things".

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There's also the fact that some people freak the F out when they see children placed in any sort of jeopardy, even if it is fictional. Me, I'd love to see her as an icon, but it's simply too potentially offensive to too many people.

Especially since that's precisely the reason why she got snubbed in the first place because of the string of child abductions in the area that particular year (2002).

Here's something that popped into my head just now - could Chance be an older Sindy?

Perhaps after the funeral parlor burning down she runs away and stumbles upon the infamous Oddfellow's Carnival. Prior to the events of CoC, Jack is still very much alive (using the original backstory of Jack, I am) and is still very much a murderer of younglings. He attempts to off Cindy but realizes that she is very much...different from the other children. Very...disturbed...she is. Pulling a Grinch, Jack takes her under her wing for a very short period of time until he is eventually apprehended by authorities and is killed after finding the bodies of his victims in his trunk.

This would be the second time Cindy has lost someone near and dear to her. However, being the disturbed child that she is, she ends up pulling a Jesus resurrecting Lazarus from the dead, but with an evil clown...and a disturbed child doing the resurrecting. Anyway, Jack comes back (much to the chagrin of everyone on this forum reading this) and confronts - I mean, KILLS - Oddfellow after being led to believe he threw Jack under the bus, so to speak, so as not to get dragged along with his sadistic tendencies and be called as a assistant to murder. Then, the events of CoC unfold, as Jack travels the country and Cindy grows older and dons the new name of Chance.

...and I just pissed off every fan of Cindy in here. Oops.

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As in a second Chance at life. Doesn't really piss me off, personally.

But, I don't know if I was seeing things when I was watching videos, but does Chance have two scars running along her mouth line? A little off-topic, but I just need that clarified..

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I say that's all BS.

We've had horror films (the orphan, recently) about kids and they've done fine. It's entertainment, and it's HORROR. Cindy is a horror villain. People go to HHN to see horror, and creepy kids is a common fear with people. We had kid characters at the skool house scare zone and house... If they want Cindy as an icon she can be an icon. Nothing is holding her back. And making her older is a dumb idea, because she wouldn't be as creepy...its almost a waste of a character. She has a lot of potential the way she is.

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I love to read speculation threads but I rarely partake in them, but I think that CINDY sorry I don't like the SIN in SINDY works in many ways. It all depends on who is handling it.

Remember A&D is not making a feature film here, they are more like writing a TV spot. For the GP, they are in a House / Maze for about 5 mins. For a fan a lot more due to FFP. So think of it this way. And although fans are great! GP is more important. ( they are in GREATER NUMBERS )

Cindy - She was in a fire, or not. Child or dead Spirit ( Both disturbing? Uh hum! yup. ) Gimmick, Gag or scare Hmm? .... Nursery Rhymes and a well casted actor. As for a story? Limitless...

( Hypothetical A&D Meeting ) *Ok gang Cindy is coming back for revenge... Child if dead, adult around XX years old if alive.* ( Simple )

Concepts / Treatment





Being that I work in the Horror Industry as a concept artist, I can say that meetings, treatments, concepts, stories, etc. Are handled in the way I just described. Don't over think the event.


Also on another note XX years of HHN + Universal ( A Movie Park ) + latest horror film ( THE CRAZIES ) = My speculation.


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I know this year isn't a movie themed year..but a clever way to incorporate popular movies would be to place past icons in houses loosely based on movies. such as the speculation about the crazies. Imagine a house similar to the movie the crazies but instead of a person coming at you with pitchfork throw in Jack or the caretaker or sindy or any one of the icons stalking you with the pitchfork. I don't think this will happen but it would be cool to see popular movie themes taken over by the icons.

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As I said all along lets worry about the future and not hype on the past.

Most of your speculation has revolved around the past, Except the laughingly funny Lovecraft stuff. Just Saying.

As for Cindy, yes the backstory could be molded to place Cindy as Chance. The Creative Department at Universal can put any of the past Characters in any setting they choose, and it all falls into place after it comes out. They made Jack a Mental patient, then a Ringmaster, So anything is possible, Open your creative mind, and forgo thoughts of the past, other than names and identifiable looks.

Edited by Pha_Q
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Yes but didn't the portraits in Scream House: Resurrection depict her with blonde hair in at least one portrait? That was kind of puzzling to me... some sort of underlying dualism to Cindy?

End of Debate on the blonde Cindy/


And some good points there Mr. Q.

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You can remember the past as you move on towards the future.. Basically remember to honor the past, but not repeat it

More Double Speak and flip flop, as always. Have you thought of a career in politics?

nice Pic C_D. I guess Cindy-Sindy was a blonde, the ash from the fire blackened it. End of the Icon era of HHN is upon us.

Edited by Pha_Q
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Has anybody confirm from UO that is Cindy in the painting? I dont think so. There was a lot of pictures of little girls in the '06 version of Screamhouse...

I'm not double speaking per say, I'm looking at the past for clues that could lead us to the future.

Edited by Dr. Raymond Holmes
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I could think of dozens of reasons to explain the blonde/black hair discrepancy. But I will only list a couple of them.

1. Cindy's beautiful blonde locks were burned off in the fire that killed her and now she wears a black wig.

2. She became a goth chick.

3. She admires certain celebrities like Elvis Presley, Carolyn Jones, Winona Ryder and Adam Lambert all of whom were/are natural blondes who dye their hair black for their careers.

4. She has a number of wigs in various shades which she wears when the fancy takes her... she could show up next as a ginger!

5. She has chameleon powers.

6. All of the above.

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As heartbroken as Albert was over the loss of his beloved daughter Cindy Who the hell else would he have pictures of Charles? *JesusFacepalm*

Why would anyone think that that particular painting is of cindy when in every bit of concept art, the corpse in the coffin in resurrection and the actual final character that was in shadows last year has always had black hair. Its not like when you walked in the house there was a plaque on the painting saying Cindy Caine

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Hay People this is a Speculation tread correct? And we are all speculating here. So can we stop bashing other people’s Ideas, we all have a right to our opinions, if you don’t agree or don’t like someone’s post ignore it, or say what you think, please just do it with respect for others right to their opinion. But no has the right to discount someone else’s opinion even if you don’t agree with it. You know I served in the military many years ago, so the people of the fine country would have that right, it’s called freedom.

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It would be common sense that any picture of a small girl on the wall in Screamhouse could only be Cindy. Unless Albert was a pedophile, for simple minds that would be a Baby molester.

And we are not arguing, it is called debate, And unless Obama has somehow slipped in a law banning it(Could happen), it is allowed by the constitution.

Edited by C_D
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I could think of dozens of reasons to explain the blonde/black hair discrepancy. But I will only list a couple of them.

1. Cindy's beautiful blonde locks were burned off in the fire that killed her and now she wears a black wig.

2. She became a goth chick.

3. She admires certain celebrities like Elvis Presley, Carolyn Jones, Winona Ryder and Adam Lambert all of whom were/are natural blondes who dye their hair black for their careers.

4. She has a number of wigs in various shades which she wears when the fancy takes her... she could show up next as a ginger!

5. She has chameleon powers.

6. All of the above.

No I think because she's a Timelord.

But anyway...

maybe the blonde hair child is not Cindy in the picture. Maybe Albert has been taking others girls and have tried to make them into Cindy.

That is all until I catch up with the thread.

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It would be common sense that any picture of a small girl on the wall in Screamhouse could only be Cindy. Unless Albert was a pedophile.

Before anyone opens their mouth saying they would never do something with a pedophile. Let me remind you that HHN has already had a child molesting/killer house in the past, and it was a MAIN HHN house for that year. Which house? NOES of course!

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