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HHN 21 | Take A Chance Clues & Answers

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Well, dunno if this qualifies as a spoiler or not, but the rune game entrance doesn't tell you anything at all about the rune sequence. The image on the box is static. The runes are randomized and paired to the slots. Another purely random game.

The machine game is a bit more interesting than the rest in that it is indeed random, but it's more like a memory game. Probably the best of the four so far.

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Well, dunno if this qualifies as a spoiler or not, but the rune game entrance doesn't tell you anything at all about the rune sequence. The image on the box is static. The runes are randomized and paired to the slots. Another purely random game.

The machine game is a bit more interesting than the rest in that it is indeed random, but it's more like a memory game. Probably the best of the four so far.

Im not exactly sure its purely random, i was able to win the game by following the order on the black box. Only thing was that it was rotated 90 degrees to the right.

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Im not exactly sure its purely random, i was able to win the game by following the order on the black box. Only thing was that it was rotated 90 degrees to the right.

Well, there are very few permutations so I'm not all that surprised you encountered a pattern, but it is still random.

The image for the chest/door thing is static, and can be extracted from the game. It's shown below:


There are actually a pile of rune symbols (more than 4) that appear in the game, but I didn't bother extracting all of those.

Here is some pseudo-code derived from the AVM bytecode responsible for linking rune-keys to rune-slots.

You can ignore the reference to 'door' in this case, as it looks like the devs copied/pasted some of the code from the key puzzle game. The source for the random feed is again Math.random().

private function _SetKeyDoorCombo() : void


	var random_key_index:Number = NaN;

	var random_key:String = null;

	var runeKeyNumber:uint = 0;

	var rune_slot_index:uint = 1;

	while (rune_slot_index <= 4)


		random_key_index = Math.random() * mKeyList.length >> 0;

		random_key = mKeyList.splice(random_key_index, 1)[0];

		mInstance["mDoor" + rune_slot_index + "CorrectKey"] = MovieClip(mcContainer.getChildByName(random_key));

		runeKeyNumber = uint(StringUtils.remove(String(random_key), "key"));

		mcContainer["door" + rune_slot_index].mcRune.gotoAndStop(runeKeyNumber);

		rune_slot_index = rune_slot_index + 1;



}// end function
The AVM bytecode is below:
private function _SetKeyDoorCombo() : void


	_as3_getlocal <0> 



	_as3_setlocal <2> 



	_as3_setlocal <3> 

	_as3_pushbyte 0


	_as3_setlocal <4>

	_as3_findpropstrict trace

	_as3_pushstring "---------------"

	_as3_callpropvoid trace(param count:1)

	_as3_findpropstrict trace

	_as3_pushstring "Certain Rune > Set Combo"

	_as3_callpropvoid trace(param count:1)

	_as3_pushbyte 1


	_as3_setlocal <1> 

	_as3_jump offset: 138[#83]

#21			_as3_label 

	_as3_getlex Math

	_as3_callproperty random(param count:0)

	_as3_getlex mKeyList

	_as3_getproperty length


	_as3_pushbyte 0



	_as3_setlocal <2> 

	_as3_getlex mKeyList

	_as3_getlocal <2> 

	_as3_pushbyte 1

	_as3_callproperty http://adobe.com/AS3/2006/builtin::splice(param count:2)

	_as3_pushbyte 0

	_as3_getproperty {}


	_as3_setlocal <3> 

	_as3_getlex mInstance

	_as3_pushstring "mDoor"

	_as3_getlocal <1> 


	_as3_pushstring "CorrectKey"


	_as3_findpropstrict flash.display::MovieClip

	_as3_getlex mcContainer

	_as3_getlocal <3> 

	_as3_callproperty getChildByName(param count:1)

	_as3_callproperty flash.display::MovieClip(param count:1)

	_as3_setproperty {}

	_as3_findpropstrict uint

	_as3_getlex com.xstudiosinc.utils::StringUtils

	_as3_findpropstrict String

	_as3_getlocal <3> 

	_as3_callproperty String(param count:1)

	_as3_pushstring "key"

	_as3_callproperty remove(param count:2)

	_as3_callproperty uint(param count:1)


	_as3_setlocal <4>

	_as3_getlex mcContainer

	_as3_pushstring "door"

	_as3_getlocal <1> 


	_as3_getproperty {}

	_as3_getproperty mcRune

	_as3_getlocal <4>

	_as3_callpropvoid gotoAndStop(param count:1)

	_as3_findpropstrict trace

	_as3_getlex mInstance

	_as3_pushstring "mDoor"

	_as3_getlocal <1> 


	_as3_pushstring "CorrectKey"


	_as3_getproperty {}

	_as3_getproperty name

	_as3_callpropvoid trace(param count:1)

	_as3_getlocal <1> 



	_as3_setlocal <1> 

#83			_as3_getlocal <1> 

	_as3_pushbyte 4

	_as3_ifle offset: -145[#21]

	_as3_findpropstrict trace

	_as3_pushstring "---------------"

	_as3_callpropvoid trace(param count:1)


}// end function

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Edit to my edited edit: Yup, it ramps up now. Just got a 120 token risk. Seems like refreshing before losing will continue to build up the risk, thus making it so when you do win, you get a ton of tokens. . No wonder the top people in the leaderboard have 5000+ tokens. Incoming fix? Lol.

I'm still not sure why they didn't just have it remove 30 tokens at the start of the minigame, and then award 60 if you win. That would've prevented the refresh exploit from the get-go.

Not that I have anything against people who've exploited the refresh bug, mind you (I'm guilty of doing it, too). It just would've made things based more on chance and the leaderboard would more accurately reflect the 'lucky' ones.

EDIT: Or just the ones who play The Machine a lot, because man it's easy to win.

Edited by Greyfalken
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I have now finally beat both games. The Rune game was a toughy but once I figured it out, I learned the strategy to it. Although, the key to using this strategy is that you have to get one of the Rune peices in its right place on the very first try. You might lose alot of the tokens this way, but you can regain them by winning the Horizons game again, considering how easy it is and going back and retrying the Runes without getting banned. Using Legacy's hint in his post above, I drew a picture of all four symbols at exactly where they are placed from each other on the black box on a sheet of paper. After finding out where one the peices was supposed to go on the first try, I looked at my sketch to find the next symbol that goes across from it and put that symbol across from the first one you placed. Two places and peices left, I then check to see if one of those two peices goes somewhere and if it doesn't go where you place it, put it on the next one. Put the final peice on the last remaining area and you win. That was my strategy and I hope it helps most of you.

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BTW, when you pick the green card and it takes you to the screen where it says "Cheat for Grades.... or play for keeps?", what does the note on the wall, right of the screen, say?

I've also tried figure that out to, its hard to read.

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Does anyone have a clue what the "school" based game is? I hear like kids taking in it. Has desk in it. That's the one I am most confused on?

Sprung 1. Don't know the specifics on the theme yet, but something to do with summoning the demonic.

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um what are you supposed to do on the rotating card game? i thought you would grab and move cards or something but i do not actually grab anything with my curser?? I just figured out it was not a game it was the rotating cards building a card house and I had to click back to the tray with the cards to choose a game just took a few to figure out what to do.. :rolleyes:

Edited by bubby45
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Does anyone have a clue what the "school" based game is? I hear like kids taking in it. Has desk in it. That's the one I am most confused on?

It's the Saw n' Steams house in the JAWS queue. All you have to do in the game is match all the symbols before time runs out or before you run out of water on the right side.

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Woo hoo I just retook top of the leaderboard with just over 20000 tokens. The one confusing thing is yesterday a guy called Danny was well clear with over 30000 tokens but now he's nowhere to be seen. Can you be kicked off the site I wonder?

He had something like 30,000... it's possible to gain that many tokens over a couple of hours, but perhaps he was using some "other method" of gaining tokens fast. No idea why he'd be booted...

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still works for me. I got it once and then the refresh worked again... but it doesn't increment... just 30 30 30

Firefox gets the message but chrome doesn't

Edit: nvm


Still made it to 4th place today.... took three hours though <_<

I can safely say the games are completely random.

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Wow, Just won the Rune game, I missed the first piece but, finally won it after a while,

can the house of cards be a scarezone? obviously not exactly like the house of cards but, could they be making a scarezone that looks like the cards kinda? just a silly idea I got from looking at them, but that would be cool

Edited by black mask
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I'm a bit saddened that they fixed the refresh trick, but in all honesty, I'm glad that my input (as well as other people's input) has been able to help them make the game how they want it. If I didn't want them to figure it out I wouldn't have posted so much about it :P.

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