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Roanoke: The Cannibal Colony


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I think that everyone who has talked negatively about Roanoke in their reviews simply hit the house at the wrong time. The actors in this house haven't gotten cast change down to a science quite yet so during cast changes there are very few scares. Also, the actors are still getting used to timing and figuring out their niches so to speak. The environment is by no means below par. I heard that someone had said it was poorly put together and seemed like a home haunt. That blew me away when I read that. Anyways, if this is one of your most anticipated houses then don't listen to any of the negative comments. Wait till you go through the house and if possible, go through several times. That can make a huge difference, not only with Roanoke but with any haunted house. And if you are a history geek like I am, you will probably have a natural attraction to this house. I actually got a lot of ideas for my home haunt from the houses this year, Roanoke included. Now if we can actually pull it off, that's a different story.

I know I went in at a bad time. I even mentioned that. This and AVP are the houses I want to retry most. Just because they were only bad due to out of control circumstances.

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Like many others are saying, go through Roanoke multiple times if possible. On opening night, my first time was alright but I could sense the potential. I went back right before they shut down the line and it was my favorite run through any house of the night, possibly ever. That's because I got to walk through by myself, it was just me versus the cannibals and it was perfect.

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When I went I saw all the actors, did not go during cast change, it was....okay

the only thing I would like to see is to see the actors act crazy. like really crazy, This really needs to be another "Havoc", that could easily make it go on top of people's lists.

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I was entering Roanoke on Friday night when I noticed the cast change. Decided to stop and let others pass by for the next 5 minutes. Ended up with a decent amount of scares. Saturday I went through without a cast change and was on the receiving end of even more scares.

The actor dressed as the bush was one of the biggest scares I received all weekend. The headless corpse was my girlfriend's biggest scare.

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I was entering Roanoke on Friday night when I noticed the cast change. Decided to stop and let others pass by for the next 5 minutes. Ended up with a decent amount of scares. Saturday I went through without a cast change and was on the receiving end of even more scares.

I wish I actually hadn't read that spoiler, cause I saw neither of those. :(

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The one that got your girlfriend horrified me on my second trip through (despite having seen it the first time!) because I was walking through alone the second time and I was so scared to be one on one with each scare that I couldn't even focus and remember where each scare was. I actually had to stop afterward and was laughing at myself with one of the attendants inside the house because it was so funny

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I like Roanoke a lot more than TWD. Roanoke has its issues and still needs to get into the groove, but it's different. TWD is basically a repeat of what we've had for two prior years, but bigger. And walkers are zombies no matter what you call them, and zombies have been around for a very long time. Even if the actors were on point, the house would just be nothing new. Roanoke has a lot more room to grow.

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I like Roanoke a lot more than TWD. Roanoke has its issues and still needs to get into the groove, but it's different. TWD is basically a repeat of what we've had for two prior years, but bigger. And walkers are zombies no matter what you call them, and zombies have been around for a very long time. Even if the actors were on point, the house would just be nothing new. Roanoke has a lot more room to grow.

Couldn't agree more. Personally, I prefer Roanoke over FDTD, Giggles, and Dracula as well. Something about the sets, senses, and story ranks it above all of those.

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I like Roanoke a lot more than TWD. Roanoke has its issues and still needs to get into the groove, but it's different. TWD is basically a repeat of what we've had for two prior years, but bigger. And walkers are zombies no matter what you call them, and zombies have been around for a very long time. Even if the actors were on point, the house would just be nothing new. Roanoke has a lot more room to grow.

I know what you mean, but my problem is how the actors in both houses kind of look the same. You could replace the walkers with the cannibals in each house, and as far as how they look, they would fit in both houses equally.

I wish the Walking dead had stronger costumes, or that the cannibals looked different somehow. for me the only difference between houses is just the sets (And the cannibals talking)

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Although this was deff just above walking dead, I enjoyed this house. The sets were very neat, and even though we entered after a set change the actors were pretty on point. But what was supposed to be special at the end? The stilts?

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Ok... I need to ask. Did anyone else hear one of the guys at the end of this house boom out, "I'm the Wendigo Spirit... Fuck You!" ? I'm pretty sure it came from the guy dressed as a pilgrim/settler up top. It sounded so ridiculous, we were laughing for quite some time after that. The accent was perfect.

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Ok... I need to ask. Did anyone else hear one of the guys at the end of this house boom out, "I'm the Wendigo Spirit... Fuck You!" ? I'm pretty sure it came from the guy dressed as a pilgrim/settler up top. It sounded so ridiculous, we were laughing for quite some time after that. The accent was perfect.

"Like wolf among sheep, the wendigo spirit has taken hold! I now mark you and all others as cattle to the slaughter."

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again, another original that I like, but there should be some kind of primer for it. everyone I've gone with so far has had to have me explain the house, and I was simply guessing based on what I know about history. then at the end you have a pilgrim mention the wendigo spirit. not only should that have been somewhere up front, but most people don't even know what that is.

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