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2011 Scareactor Appreciation Thread


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From last night:


I love you guys, both casts. All 14 of my trips through last night were great!

Poe A:

This house has gotten much better! Red death and tell tale heart guy props to you!

Forsaken B:

There's too many of you to name that gave me shout outs! Some I remember are 2nd scene and courtyard scene

Nightingales B:

Awesome cast! Props to the nurse who'd always pop out and then point at me. Soldier who is ripped in half thanks for doing the effect after the third trip through, I happened to be in front of the water spray and my shirt was SOAKED.

Saws B:

Props to the guy in the aquarium scene!


As usual great job both casts!

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Such a wonderful year. So sad to see it coming to an end. I know I'm forgetting some shout outs, but here are just a few:

Saws & Steam, you are my absolute favorite this year. Between Casts A and B, I've been terrorized in more ways than I can count. I've been through that house so many times that I should know my way with my eyes closed, yet I received such a vicious triple-teaming yesterday on A that nearly walked into a wall when they finally let me go, and was of course verbally abused for that. Then the saw in B inside the house nearly had me down on my knees.

I'm going to miss the viciousness in Forsaken, too, especially Cast A, and all the nice chats with Cast A H. R. Bloodengutz. I've had a lot of terror in The In Between, too. Is it my imagination, or have the gotten more and more aggressive as time goes on? That finale is killer. Poe, too...great finale, and it's rare that I go through there without a Virginia attack.

Just sitting here hoping the rain stops so I can get terrorized by y'all one last time.

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Last night was really awesome! I'm really bad at keeping up with cast but in BloodnGuts (ugh the cast with the female actors in the fourth of july room) I wash SOOO caught off guard by one of the leprecons! normally they are hiding in the cave parts when I enter but this SA was right at the start of the room and scared the sh*t outta me! oh and the other shift Abe got me really good too! I saw him and was like well I guess he's not gonna try to scare me and then bam he is all up in my face and im delightedly scared! Oh and I got BloodnGuts to press the button :) I got a lot of attention in Grown evil which is rare and awesome! Seven were on there game as always, one of the sloth dudes was standing with his arms stretched out so I said "ok?" and walked around him and bam the other one was in my face and one of the vanity dudes also "knows this one" lol :) Oh and apparently one of the SAs in nightmaze likes my hat :) I wonder how many SAs have noticed that when I go to HHN im almost always wearing a black hat? Great Job guys and ghouls! hope I get more shout outs and scares tonight :) Happy Halloween! knock em dead!!!

Edited by LostFall23
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There was one of Vanity's minions tonight that MADE MY NIGHT! haha He was both scary and hilarious. He followed me through half the zone saying how he liked my face and wanted to cut it off and put it in a file cabinet under "F for favorite". You sir, were awesome! My boyfriend asked after "Did he know you?? Cause it seemed like he knew you."

Did you know me? haha WHO ARE YOU??

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First off, every single actor on both cast A and B in HR is awesome. I could name almost every actor on both casts and have a memory with them.

Cast B Forsaken is awesome. 2nd scene you guys have amazing team work and got me every time. There's tons of great actors in Forsaken, both casts.

Saws (don't know which cast) was great tonight as always. Plenty of VAAAULTS and such.

Finally, Acid Assault was great tonight. Trying to run fellow actors over with a grocery cart was a awesome sight.

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There was one of Vanity's minions tonight that MADE MY NIGHT! haha He was both scary and hilarious. He followed me through half the zone saying how he liked my face and wanted to cut it off and put it in a file cabinet under "F for favorite". You sir, were awesome! My boyfriend asked after "Did he know you?? Cause it seemed like he knew you."

Did you know me? haha WHO ARE YOU??

I wonder if it was the same one who trapped me and demanded to know the name of my little stuffed penguin because he was going to cut its face off. I finally made up a name and he accused me of being a liar but let me go because it was his favorite. There I am trapped, with all this going on, and my husband is all the way past Mel's Die In without even realizing I'm not behind him!

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I wonder if it was the same one who trapped me and demanded to know the name of my little stuffed penguin because he was going to cut its face off. I finally made up a name and he accused me of being a liar but let me go because it was his favorite. There I am trapped, with all this going on, and my husband is all the way past Mel's Die In without even realizing I'm not behind him!

It probably was. That guy was awesome haha

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Man, I dunno where to begin. So much epic win last night! I'm gonna try to take it zone by zone, and house by house. This is more or less a trip report, but I'm trying to put emphasis on the scareactor shoutouts. For scareactors searching for shoutouts, I tried to keep it organized enough to search for yourselves lol.

Mad Props to EZ_E (sorry if I screwed the name up :P) for chatting with me, and keeping my girlfriend on the sidewalk for a while haha. Also the "Shock face" is awesome, as well as the "eating popcorn face."

ALL of the minions in Seven were as always outstanding. Love the gluttony guy shouting "C'MERE MEALS ON WHEELS!" at the guy in the wheelchair, and telling me to burn my Vault shirt. The Lust guys...oh man...do I need to go on? They are so into their roles. Having a Lust minion dancing on you while saying "Oh yeah baby, you know you want it" provides a new kind of fear I never thought I'd experience. It was simply amazing. My favorite was when one ripped his robe/coat open to scare this poor couple, and upon hearing me say "Man, I'm gonna miss this zone" he replies "We're gonna miss you too, baby." And the vanity guys....."HEY, WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOUR FACE?!" "I dunno, same thing that's wrong with yours?" without missing a beat: "WHAT?! I DON'T HAVE ACNE!" Then, to make up for the low blow, he states "WELL, I DID. I USED THAT CREAM STUFF, IT WORKED GREAT ON MY FACE, SEE?!!" Later on in the night when asking for a picture, he says to me "Sure, pimples!" Epic epic epic. Oh and <3 to the Vanity lady too, as well as the Gluttony lady who was seriously getting it on last night. I wanted to record a video, but she stopped by time I had my camera started up.

Grown Evil tonight was exactly what I had always wanted it to be throughout the event. A LOT more aggressive. I can only wish that it was like this a few weeks ago. They still fit into the theme perfectly too. <3 to the stilt walkers, especially the ones who grabbed my kitty, and <3 to the bat ladies. What totally made my night was about 10 minutes from closing time, one of the owl men was running around wildly with his arms/wings up in the air. It was hilarious and unsettling at the same time. I saw quite a few of the stilt walkers running around and chasing people in this zone (as well as Dark Souls) which gave me awesome flashbacks from last year. Universal, when you do a creepy zone, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE allow for aggression like was shown last night! To be 100% honest, this zone was at the bottom of my list until last night...the creep factor was amazing, and I loved the ambiance, but the scares just weren't there. Last night...oh hell yeah, they were there.

Canyon of Dark Souls of course always rocking it. <3 to the stiltwalkers here who finally began to move around a bit from their hiding spots and started running around. Awesome. Just like Grown Evil...made the zone that much scarier. The big guys were rocking as usual, and the majestic flowing of their capes truly brought a tear to my eye as I knew that this would be the last time seeing it. <3 to the stiltwalker that always came down and got my attention when I came through.

Nightmaze....what a conflicted zone for me. It started off as decent, rose up to totally awesome, then went down to bad, then came back up to decent again. I wish that the aggression that was shown a few weeks ago would have stayed present throughout the event, as I was truly terrified in this zone at one point. Regardless, every scareactor in this zone did AMAZING for what was given to them, and I'd like to give mad props to all of them.

Luck has Run Out&The Minions at the front of the park (I'm gonna sorta group 'em together) amazed me. Opening night I was honestly bored by Luck Has Run Out. It just didn't scare me at all. The minions I thought looked cool, but were "meh." Then second week rolled around. Holy crap. You minions ROCKED. My #1 new scareactor this year would have to be the Minions. Outstanding concept and execution, especially with the chainsaws. All of them interacted and scared SO WELL. I had my first true chainsaw-freakout in a very long time either last night or the night before. <3 to all of the minions. Sorry to the one that I asked to chop my gf's head off, I know that you aren't allowed haha...so hard to tell if you're laughing with me or annoyed with those masks on.

Last but definitely not least, Acid Assault. This zone stole my heart this year. The guerrilla attacks, the batshit CRAZY scareactors, and the interaction made this zone outstanding for me. <3 to the female scareactors that kept stealing my cats and incessantly requesting ketchup, salt, and other condiments. <3 to the guys/gals with the carts, and chainsaws. Ho-lee-crap this zone was simply amazing. Seeing the scareactors chase each other with my stuffed cat, and fight each other over it, as well as congregating around the one who has it=outstanding. You guys are great. This zone is closest to my heart this year, and while I try my best to not pick favorites, if I did pick a favorite this would be the most likely candidate.

Phew. Now that I'm done with that wall of text, onward to the houses haha.

<3 the entire cast of Forsaken, especially the Spaniard at the beginning. Hearing "Ahhhhh, Cats n' Combs" in a Spanish accent, and then on a separate runthrough having my stuffed cat punched, beaten, thrown, kicked, and stomped while hearing "EL GATO MUERTE!" made me rip a new gut. Amazing. The church guy, the guys in the courtyard ("THIS ISN'T CATS N' COMBS DUDE!" **stabs stuffed cat incessantly**) the guys in the boat, hell even the guy at the very end who would always get me...you guys=awesome.

Bloodengutz....ahhhh, I really really will miss this house. The Vaulter Bloodengutz at the beginning of the house almost made me cry. "Tonight they put me in the box for good! Maybe if all of you come together you can save good ol' Bloodengutz! Make sure they bring me back next year!" He usually says similar things every night, but last night they just hit me that much harder because I knew that this time he was right. <3 to Abe+Washington, the Valentines guys, even the 4th guys for getting their act together, the Easter cast, the Arbor Day lady, and the lovely elves especially the one with the toy chainsaw playing the good ol' mirror trick.

Nightingales, <3 to the various nurses, especially the ones on/around the horse, and every one who gave me the vault sign...because each one who did gave it right after an amazing scare.

Winter's Night, the guy with the Top Hat at the beginning STILL gets me. <3 the outstanding torso zombie, the mini-scare ladies, and the guys in the crypts right before the finale, as well as the scareactors who pet my stuffed kitties during the finale. I have to say that those of you who maintained character and beckoned those of us who you scared the living crap out of made this house for me. Beckoning us to the grave...so poetic.

In Between....<3 to the scareactors who pet my kitties, and to the winged demons. You guys were crazy. This was my least anticipated house, and ended up delivering more than I had ever imagined. Really trippy stuff...loved it.

Nevermore....<3 to the Tell-Tale Heart guy who kept shouting "COOOKIIIEEEEESSSS!!!!!!" I actually went to the MIB gift store to grab a Twix (closest thing to a cookie I could find) and came back to give it to him, but then he froze and stared at me. I was a bit disappointed, but I understand that you guys can't take gifts. You still made my night. <3 the ballroom scareactors, and during one particular scene around 10 something PM a drunk Poe saying in a slurred voice "Hafff you seen *hic* Virginnnia?!" My response was "Uh, nope" he just says "Oh....ok." And out she pops. Haha epic. The guy with the severed head...you manage to get me almost every time. Many many thanks.

Saws n' Steam....ahhhh, such an intense house. <3 all scareactors who called out the cats, blocked us, "chatted" with us, and the like. <3 to the guy who shouted "THAT JOKE WAS NEVER FUNNY AND IS SO OLD!" hahaha, yeah I agree, but I never carried a comb this year. Though my stuffed cats do indeed wear 3D glasses now.

I feel like I'm leaving out a lot, but I know that my post is probably already insurmountably long right now. So I'll leave it at this last paragraph. <3 to all scareactors this year. To be honest, I wasn't feeling the theme or story at all this year, but you guys as usual all made the event awesome for me.Thank you all so much for making a great year...and I hope to see you all next year.

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Both casts of 7 that my friends and I were watching last night (10/31) from 9:30-10:15 were hysterical. So much craziness going on. Especially the Lust minion that came and sat next to my friends and I who asked "So....come here often?".

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There was one of Vanity's minions tonight that MADE MY NIGHT! haha He was both scary and hilarious. He followed me through half the zone saying how he liked my face and wanted to cut it off and put it in a file cabinet under "F for favorite". You sir, were awesome! My boyfriend asked after "Did he know you?? Cause it seemed like he knew you."

Did you know me? haha WHO ARE YOU??

I had the same thing happen to me. :) Both of the Vanity minions got in on it and wouldn't let me pass! It was really entertaining. :)

Last night, my friends and I were sitting on a bench and the Vanity minion came over and he told her he wanted to cut her face off. He asked her name and then he proceeded to come by a few more times and just say her name creepily. Loved it!

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I had the same thing happen to me. :) Both of the Vanity minions got in on it and wouldn't let me pass! It was really entertaining. :)

Last night, my friends and I were sitting on a bench and the Vanity minion came over and he told her he wanted to cut her face off. He asked her name and then he proceeded to come by a few more times and just say her name creepily. Loved it!

This is gonna sound creepy, but I saw the vanity guy come up and start talking to you guys while I was passing through. Must I did envy you guys lol get it :)

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There's so much stuff I could say about all the scare actors, You all were beyond amazing on Halloween! Me & Mclovin were hanging around 7 towards the end we were watching Lady Luck's minions..all I have to say is you guys made that night amazing! shout out to EZ_E for making it hilarious. Its just to bad they didn't let you race for them happy meals haha.

To all the other scare actors ( Houses & other streets) You all were amazing! Props to you all!!

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There's so much stuff I could say about all the scare actors, You all were beyond amazing on Halloween! Me & Mclovin were hanging around 7 towards the end we were watching Lady Luck's minions..all I have to say is you guys made that night amazing! shout out to EZ_E for making it hilarious. Its just to bad they didn't let you race for them happy meals haha.

To all the other scare actors ( Houses & other streets) You all were amazing! Props to you all!!

Nice Sig!

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There's so much to honestly write about. So its to be short and simple.

7 - So much love to cast A. We literally lived in that zone when you guys were on set. All of you were amazing. Cast b is also fantastic, your sloth minions are some if the most energetic people I have ever seen. I'm glad I was there when you guys won Street of the Year. You guys deserved it.

Luck's Minions (entrance area) - Amazing. Loved the poppers, but the chainsaws were so much more fun. Armyofrobots you were literally one of the main reasons we walked through that damn area so much. Thanks for everything, couldn't be any more sincere.

Acid Assault - Cast B, you guys were in our face and on fire. We went through your sets like 30 times on Halloween. It was amazing,

Forsaken - Courtyard forsaken in Cast A, amazing. RaroMono , yeah you Miguel, we gotta have more crazy Spanish conversations, such a blast. Bedroom scene cast A and B, you were both amazing too.

InBetween -Holy Shit. Venom (James) you were amazing,

Poe - Lady Virginia's on Cast A, Ravens on Cast A, and final red death dancer in the right hand side before leaving the room, you were all amazing.

Saws - Cast B, Luke and Scott. Awesome.

Winters Night - Mini graveyard scene actor in Cast A, epic. Kim, loved you in he house.

Nightingale - Victoria, much love, body rip guy on Cast A (thank you for actually doing it) To the tag team scare before the horse carcass on both casts, I love you girls.

BloodeNGutz - I want to say thank you to both casts. You guys literally made this my favorite all around house this year. We went through your house countless times and I would always leave with a ridiculous smile everytime. Cast A, I love you Shoe. Senor Feaster Bunny, amazing, and finale chainsaw elf, much love. Cast B, you made my event. From the Uncle Sams, to Feaster, our laughing and dancing Leprechauns, the most amazing Arbor Day girl, the best goddamn Lincoln this side of the Mississippi , George, the Thankskilling gang and the finale elves. Much, much, much love for all of you.

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Going to keep this short and sweet.

Acid Assault - Wheelchair guy was KILLING IT. Thanks for the great scares. Woman Acid Victim, Cast B, thanks for scaring the crap out of me while I was looking at my phone.

Saws N' Steam - Luke thanks for cornering me almost every time I came through. Scuba man, thanks for splashing the hell out of me during my last walkthrough. I was covered in water after you were done with me. Finale chainsaw dude, thanks for chasing my friend halfway through Amity on the last night. It was gold.

7 - I was in this zone more than any other. Beautiful people, beautiful people. All of you were great. Greed guy, thanks for giving me and my friend one of your dollars, and we didn't even ask! Great memory of this year.

In Between - James, thanks for the great scares. Your cast was killing it. Finale guys, thanks for scaring my friend so hard he fell down and crawled on all fours out of the house. Hilarious.

Bloodengutz - Thanks guys for being an all around great house both casts. Bloodengutz/Shoe, real good show. Thanks for pressing the button. Patrick's Day guys, thanks for the tag team around the gold. Feaster Bunny, thanks for coming out more often as the event went on. I was wondering what everybody was talking about. Thankskilling Indian you're scary as fuh. Re-Election room, Gatoralex thanks for getting me everytime I came through. Washington you got me ALOT. Ho Ho Homicide room, all of you were on your A Game. Especially you chainsaw guy.

Thanks for all the great memories this year, all.

Edited by The_Bled
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I've already posted my thanks for certain scareactors, but I was asked by someone to post this specifically. I was walking through Nevermore around 11:40 pm on Halloween night and the raven in the finale room kept coming towards me and poking me with her wings. I eventually got cornered behind the last stack of books and she said, "You better post that!" Well, here it is, and thank you for making my final run through this house memorable. A few other special shout-outs from Halloween night . . . armyofrobots, it's always a pleasure interacting with you - thank for being such a great minion! SHOE, while I missed you both times through your house, you were an amazing H.R.Bloodengutz - keep up the enthusiasm! Kim, you never failed to recognize us and give us a shout-out - great job this year; I can't wait to see where you get casted next year! The first gunman in Nighingales (you know, the one I met in the Forsaken line), you always changed up your routine when we came through to entertain us - I especially loved when you weren't in your spot at the end of the night, but we found you shooting us from the top of one of the bunks in the triage tent - what a great way to end the house for us! 7 ladies and minions, you were always on target and you will most cetainly be missed! You know, they made Saws 'N Steam a house from a scarezone, so you never know. . . .

To everyone else, thanks again for such a great year. As I have told some of you in person, you really make the event, especially for those of us who come back throughout the month for more. The interaction and the personalization of your comments show just how dedicated you are to your roles and, for that, we are forever grateful!

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Now that I've had a few days to rest and recover from the month (including yet another 5 hour nap today), I want to send my final thanks and shoutouts for the event. Voorhees just echoed so many of my thoughts, so let me echo some more some more.

Forsaken: how much fun were you all, right up to and especially the closing night?? Mi amor Senor Caliente who shave-o'd; Matador; the team in the courtyard; and the three way tag team in the finale: you all made my YEAR! So many gratz on co-HOTY, you worked it and I'm so happy and proud for you!

In-Between: I was never sure which one was Venom, but the scares in this house were always a blast. Thanks for the shout-outs and shirt-outs. My special thanks to the demon who did a dance with me early in the night - I just loved twisting the night away with you!! Congrats on co-HOTY as well!

H.R. Bloodengutz: Wow, I am SO gonna miss this place. Shoe, it was a fabulous treat interacting with H.R. all month long. Sexy is back, and he'd better be the Icon for 2012!! Dead Presidents - Cast A Lincoln, it was my honor to receive the tip of the stovepipe hat all month long (usually after you scared the be-poopers out of me every time). Cast B Lincoln, how much fun did you have with Uncle Fred? And you have really long legs (long story). Both casts Washington - I love your follow up scares and shirt outs! Much love to all the Presidents. Arbor Day - ah, my cast A former cheerleader, you NEVER failed to target me with the blood and gasoline concoction - in the face. Cast B Arbor Day - I didn't get to see you enough this year, and was so happy you made it past your 13th birthday with your matchbook! HAPPY ARBOR DAY to you as well!! :D Finale elves, you were always on - NIGHTMARES!!!

Winter's Night: One of the most beautiful houses I've seen yet. Kim, it was always a treat to hit the finale when you were on - thanks for always having a point and a wave for me after you made me pee my pants (I could never remember which one was you, so you ALWAYS got me)!

Seven: oh my heavens, where to start. SpooN and all the Gluttony minions, you always made me feel extra welcome upon my entrance to the zone. Final cast Gluttony minion - I'm glad I finally gave you the opportunity to use "Meals on Wheels" instead of "Meals Pushing Wheels"! Cast B Wrath minion - I had such a great time interacting with you all month, thanks for scares, shoutouts, and general all around coolness! Greed minions, both casts - you gave me such great interaction all month, terribly creepy and thoroughly fun - thank you! Sloth minion who was also Uncle Fred's best bud - fabulous month, thanks for all the shoutouts! Love to all the Sloth minions, actually, both casts, you all had more energy than I could have dreamed, and gave me GREAT interaction and viewing pleasure. Lust minions - you are all seriously going to get arrested for lewd acts - keep it up! I had a great time with all the Vanity minions, but special hugs to the one who kept having his way with Uncle Fred - and with his own nose. I can't remember which cast it was, but you were having tons of fun with us while I was hanging a bit with Mr. Timeout on the 30th. Thank you - that was so much fun and you are VERY creative! ALL the Sins - great job all month, it was a blast both watching and saying how dee! Many congratulations on SOTY, hard earned and well deserved!

Lady Luck's minions: Have I mentioned how much I love minions? In the last two minutes anyways? Army, it was a total and complete blast for the entire event run. You are FABULOUS on streets, and running into you each night was one of the things I looked forward to most. Thanks for always giving the guests such special, individualized attention and interaction! eZ-E, it was really fun hanging with you and watching you each night by Lucy's - you were so creative, and I knew I'd have a great time with you every time you were on set. Thanks for an awesome year! (Now to make sure all my prosthetics are in place and functioning....)

Grown Evil: I can't leave without giving more love to my favorite crow/raven/black bird thingie with the deviated septum. I know you didn't just snort at me, but when I came through, you ALWAYS made sure to target me - thanks! Also hugs to the smaller ground bats - you were endearingly creepy, but also ADORABLE (that is a good thing, I promise you). Thanks for giving me lots of waves and squeaks the final nights - it was so beautiful to watch you wave with the wings, you moved so well!

Canyon: You all did so well in such a small tight space. Oodles of thanks and hugs to Mr. Bungle - you are really inventive with your scares, and you are seriously a HOOT!! Uncle Fred and I had a great time with you in here this year, thanks for all the attention and good times!

Acid Assault: First of all, I LOVE GOOD FOOD! Big hugs, mucho love and thanks always! I loved interacting with the Wheelchair actor, he did such an amazing job all through the run, scaring the people all month long. He would also give me attention while I was watching on the sidewalk, and was good enough at being creepy that I oftentimes didn't know what to say... and with my mouth, that's a hard thing to do. Thank you! Hand hearts lady - I always looked forward to seeing you each night, and you never failed to give me FUN interaction. You also have so much energy you wear me out - great work this year! Hand hearts, ketchup and ranch dressing - the recipe for a perfect night. Speaking of ranch dressing - Hell0513, I never did manage to bring that ranch dressing for you. I'll have to tenderize all year and see about whipping up a fresh batch for XXII. Thanks for the fun and scares (you were seriously creepy, which is a good thing) and for watching out for Steve. And Steve - I can't describe how much I will miss him. Steve, your existence had a bigger impact in my life than I ever could have imagined. I hope you have a good rest and happy home during the off season. Guess there's no punch line here - HA!

(Wow, been holding all that in the past couple of weeks :P )

As always, I'm sure I'm missing people in here, and if I did, I apologize to you. This year was so phenomenal, and such a huge joy in my life for the past six weeks, and I want to make sure the actors know - IT IS 100% BECAUSE OF ALL OF YOU!! If it weren't for you, HHN would still be a wonderfully creative endeavor with sets that I think are really amazing - but this event lives and breathes because of you. It's why so many of us come back night after night; you make each excursion a new adventure. Thank you for all the hard work, enduring the asshats and douchebags, physical trauma, constantly evolving direction, and giving it up with blood, sweat and tears. Thank you for giving me the happiest and most joy filled six weeks of my year. :wub:

It's gonna be a long 46 weeks...

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Cast B Lincoln, how much fun did you have with Uncle Fred? And you have really long legs (long story).

Hahahaha, i kept waiting all month for you to come through with the wheelchair and you finally did on the last night!!! I was beyond excited, I definitely wouldnt have cared if my ASM/SM was behind you, that was too much fun! And i do have long legs haha, tell uncle Fred "sorry for sitting on him" somehow i think he'll forgive me ;)

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Ok I'm going to keep this short and sweet. The quality of scareacting was superb on the whole this year and I guess it's a little unfair to single anyone out but I gotta give two shout outs as they stood out for me. First one goes to the scareactor in Nevermore who came out at me holding a severed Poe head. You got me good more than once even though I knew you were coming. Secondly to the actors playing H.R. BloodNgutz in the opening room. We always spoke to you when we visited your house and you never dissapointed in your responses. You played the role brilliantly and turned what was my my least anticipated house into a fun experience. Thanks to you all

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