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Everything posted by ScubaGoomba

  1. I'd dig it if there were some Buffy the Vampire Slayer-esque vamps. Universal's used the property before, why not now? It'd be an easy, but effective, costume to pull off.
  2. Looking at the video that was released today, I think we'll actually have some theming in each large zone, too. When the tourists flee the Walkers, they wind up in a non-Walker zone (in the commercial, I think all of the Legions are there, but they've got to show off!). We'll probably have parts of the park that are "Walker territory" or "Vamp territory" with theming to match their respective Legion. I'm picturing banner flags up along the streets, atmospheric set dressing to get you in the mood, etc. You just don't have the dead space in between zones that existed in years prior. I'd expect a lot of fog, too, since the site seems to imply that the Legions (except the Prisoners and the Traditionals) are sneaking around. With the same number of scareactors as in the past (which is the impression I've been getting from here?) set in larger areas, expect a lot of them taking advantage of fog and conveniently placed props to come out from nowhere. Keep in mind that even cramped spaces, with enough fog, can still give off an impression of isolation so that the hidden scare seems to come from nowhere (Grown Evil got a lot from this effect, but imagine that over a much larger area). Of course, this is all speculation, but that's my impression.
  3. I'm vibing, too, that this is going to involve large "scare zones" that aren't clearly marked but where the scareactors know their bounds, probably with overlap to allow interplay. The first thing that came to mind, to me, was closing night last year at Seven; we basically ran amuck in the street, having the Seven zone as our boundaries but the areas around our sins the specific... jurisdictions? The park, then, would be like the zone was and the individual hordes will have their own jurisdictions much like the sins. Did that make any sense? The idea that everyone has full reign over the full park just seems to be a bit too much. Imagine, as a scareactor, trying to find your tag out when you have the ENTIRE park to search. Also, I'm sure sidewalks will still be safe. As I understand, they were off limits as a safety thing as much as they were for people to get a breather. Scaring people around the sidewalks, especially the curbs, creates a huge liability on Universal. Will it be cool? Absolutely. I'm bummed that I moved and can't be a part of it this year, as an actor or guest. Have faith in Universal, all you skeptics!
  4. I passed all your words on to the guy who played that Vanity Follower and he was incredibly flattered that you all loved it so much!
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