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LegendaryTruth - The Collective


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I'm very disappointed in Universal. They set up the website, they made the facebook page even, and then they just kinda dropped the issue. I would have been more understanding if they just didn't even mention it earlier on in the year, but now....this. This is horrible. Same with nothing happening last year, I suppose. If they are planning something...anything...it'd better happen fast, and it'd better be extremely simplified because nobody's going to have time to solve anything.

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Ignatia Himmel

Troubled by Mr. Mannarino's recent public comments regarding our activities, Mr. Fell and Senior Staff pledge complete cooperation. Apparently our efforts are unappreciated. In the meantime, we thank you for your efforts and contributions, and anticipate renewed efforts in coming days. On behalf of all Senior Staff, I'd like to express our thanks for your unquestioning efforts.

Ignatia Himmel. President

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I love Universal and all, but they seem to be screwing everything up lately. First, HRRR is all jacked up, then Harry Potter opening was a nightmare. Now HHN is dissapointing... and it's only saving grace was Ledendary Truth, and they screwed that up too. Universal frustrates me.

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Ignatia JUST added me as a friend. Took her long enough. Could this be a sign that maybe the investigation will resume once the event ends?

I just noticed that. And she has a status update. I'm really curious now. Maybe this is a way to keep the event "going" for the fans who would actually appreciate it.

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so now all the players are in the right spot Mr. Fell leads the pack with his second in comand Ms. Himmel and their new muscle Dr. scialabba S.V.P. Research and Secuity hmmm and now all past research is gone well fell doesnt like to dwell on the past but focus on the future hope somebody saved all the research might come in handy later :rolleyes:

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So, what happens now??? Are they going to continue with LT updates for a few weeks as a way of wrapping up this year and preparing us for the next, or are they just going to end LT until HHN 21. According to the new info. it would appear that they will indeed play a much larger role next year...and who knows, maybe old Adaru will make a reappearance *fingers crossed*

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steerington is dead LB must have been driven the boat lol and Endicott is no longer part of LT why is that guess she didnt like who was incharge or she was a certin person LT was looking for the whole time...its easy to change the story of this game we really dont know everything even though we like to think we do

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