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HHN XX Speculation

Mark M.

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My my my, plenty of wishes and dreams and not too much on the true speculation side, tsk tsk tsk.

Just some things to keep in mind, JMR, while a major player when it came (notice I just said came, past tense) to HHN was not the be all end all of HHN. It is a true team effort back there with everyone lending ideas and fleshing out storylines and designs. And now JMR is no longer a part of that team. In the time since his departure a lot of what was on the roster for HHN XX has changed. Various elements have been partially or completely altered while many others have been done away with and replaced by others. The event as he knew it before leaving is not the event as it is now and even if he were to come on here and post anything it would only be speculation, or anecdotes about what was a part of the event when he was a part of it. Yes his resume says he worked on the development of HHN XX, and that is a totally valid and honest statement. It just so happens that the development he did changed drastically after his departure.

As with all things in life, change is an inevitability and a new era of fear is rapidly approaching so forget about that reunion because there's a lot of new and interesting things on the horizon. Thats not to say you wont see something familiar here and there, but to be honest, who wants to see the same characters and houses over and over again every year?

And yes, for at least this year, let go of the desire for movie based houses, while they can come in handy from time to time, HHN is kind of above that. There is so much they can do and such terrifying images they can unleash when they allow their creativity to run free and not be limited by some pre-existing character they had to borrow and try to make their own without straying too far from that original character's storyline.

Amazing and fascinating things are coming out way kids, so stop obsessing with the past and get ready for a future of new and horrifying things you aren't expecting.

And no, Robosaurus will not be back ;)

I agree! Its good to see you on here.. I've been saying that for a while but you said it perfectly.

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Falls right into Shadows of the Past being just that, a farewell so to speak, no to say they will not be seen at the event, just not in the Major role as years past. And knowing Shadowlurker like I think I do, I know exactly what he is saying! So take your Family tree, your reunion, and your credibility, toss them on the Bonfire, Cause they just went up in flames.

Edited by C_D
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So Albert Caine is going to take the souls from the other past icons in order to find one for Cindy? Some of the icons are "dead"; do dead people have souls to take? Maybe Albert will collect souls to make one super-soul for Cindy, then she will take over! :)

Or were you thinking the past icons will assist Albert as Dante was saying? I don't like this as much though.

Cool idea :)

lol, I didn't read this until after I posted on the who would you like to be the icon for this year's event (or w/e it's called). Similar to what I said, but just using the souls instead of the physical icons themselves. Pretty cool ideas Voorhees and Mutalisk!

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My my my, plenty of wishes and dreams and not too much on the true speculation side, tsk tsk tsk.

Just some things to keep in mind, JMR, while a major player when it came (notice I just said came, past tense) to HHN was not the be all end all of HHN. It is a true team effort back there with everyone lending ideas and fleshing out storylines and designs. And now JMR is no longer a part of that team. In the time since his departure a lot of what was on the roster for HHN XX has changed. Various elements have been partially or completely altered while many others have been done away with and replaced by others. The event as he knew it before leaving is not the event as it is now and even if he were to come on here and post anything it would only be speculation, or anecdotes about what was a part of the event when he was a part of it. Yes his resume says he worked on the development of HHN XX, and that is a totally valid and honest statement. It just so happens that the development he did changed drastically after his departure.

As with all things in life, change is an inevitability and a new era of fear is rapidly approaching so forget about that reunion because there's a lot of new and interesting things on the horizon. Thats not to say you wont see something familiar here and there, but to be honest, who wants to see the same characters and houses over and over again every year?

And yes, for at least this year, let go of the desire for movie based houses, while they can come in handy from time to time, HHN is kind of above that. There is so much they can do and such terrifying images they can unleash when they allow their creativity to run free and not be limited by some pre-existing character they had to borrow and try to make their own without straying too far from that original character's storyline.

Amazing and fascinating things are coming out way kids, so stop obsessing with the past and get ready for a future of new and horrifying things you aren't expecting.

And no, Robosaurus will not be back ;)

Yep, i guess im very guilty for some of the wishes and dreams, i was just giving my opinion about it, and there isn't that much to speculate anymore right now without an update, sorry about that B)

as for movie houses, I dont know, they age money makers, I would like to see originals, and is becoming ever worst now that they do movies that are not horror, when i first saw doomsday and cirque du freak in the event i was like Wtf? seriously? Doomsday ended up being a really good house, but i still was scratching my head.

I know that the people in HHN can take anything, and make it really scary (like wizard of oz and alice in wonderland for example) they are really good at that, but with movies is kinda different because is not just a concept, but there is a story and characters that you are familiar with, and the houses end up being as close to the movie as possible. all I'm saying is that I like movie houses, The Thing was one of the best houses i have ever seen, just wish they always use horror movies.

Edited by black7mask
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Thank you for the insight, shadowlurker. I'd prefer there be no movie houses myself. Personally, I think Universal seems to do better with houses where they take their own ideas and run with them, as opposed to trying to "recreate" the moments of a movie in a fluid manner. That being said, I did enjoy the Silver Screams house last year, but that was telling Julian's tale more than trying to recreate the plot of a particular movie.

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This is quite a fascinating development.

For those who may not know him, as he rarely posts, shadowlurker is a highly respected individual who was a moderator at that other site.

He would not have posted as he did unless he actually knew something.

So this means that much of what we had taken for granted about HHN XX was in fact false.

I jokingly suggested a while back either here or on the other site's spec thread that Shadows of the Past had been bathed in red light because it was in fact a "red herring".

That plus my joke from 2009 about CLASSIC referring to Greek mythology leaves me very bemused indeed! My jokes are coming true!

Next thing you know they'll have a house all about ice cream or use an evil cat as an Icon!

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Hi guys,

Shadowlurker is indeed correct that the Robosaurus will not be back BUT will be at the 2011 Florida Airshow - just in case you Robosaurus freaks wanna see him again!

Also interestingly enough, Bobbie Weiner the Bloody Mary women will be signing autographs at Spooky Empire this year - so in case you wanna settle your BM dispute, you can go along and ask the good lady herself!

That's all for now!

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I am very intrigued and excited about what shadowlurker has suggested. As anyone who has read any of my prior posts would know..I trueley dislike the idea of reunion years and or rehashed/re-imagined houses.

This does make me go back and rethink the one clue we think is true...."arts and crafts move".....

I do have my own theory of what this could be.

Back at the old site many of us lurked on...years ago, I posted my own idea for a HHN theme. I thought it might be interesting if maybe all those "overlooked" or "unused" ideas that universal had thrown to the wayside came to life, and took over HHN. What if they took out their vengance for being created but never used. What if their scrap book/ scrap heap of left for dead arts and crafts got loose....or were set loose.

I could never real come up with a good idea to bring it all together ie: how they came to life.....but hey I was up late that night and speculating what do you want ...right?

Maybe Darkness could do it.....maybe a Voodoo Witch Doctor...Maybe a former employee with the intials JMR? lol

Lets see what we can come up with by going back to the "arts and crafts move" clue.....

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My my my, plenty of wishes and dreams and not too much on the true speculation side, tsk tsk tsk.

Just some things to keep in mind, JMR, while a major player when it came (notice I just said came, past tense) to HHN was not the be all end all of HHN. It is a true team effort back there with everyone lending ideas and fleshing out storylines and designs. And now JMR is no longer a part of that team. In the time since his departure a lot of what was on the roster for HHN XX has changed. Various elements have been partially or completely altered while many others have been done away with and replaced by others. The event as he knew it before leaving is not the event as it is now and even if he were to come on here and post anything it would only be speculation, or anecdotes about what was a part of the event when he was a part of it. Yes his resume says he worked on the development of HHN XX, and that is a totally valid and honest statement. It just so happens that the development he did changed drastically after his departure.

As with all things in life, change is an inevitability and a new era of fear is rapidly approaching so forget about that reunion because there's a lot of new and interesting things on the horizon. Thats not to say you wont see something familiar here and there, but to be honest, who wants to see the same characters and houses over and over again every year?

And yes, for at least this year, let go of the desire for movie based houses, while they can come in handy from time to time, HHN is kind of above that. There is so much they can do and such terrifying images they can unleash when they allow their creativity to run free and not be limited by some pre-existing character they had to borrow and try to make their own without straying too far from that original character's storyline.

Amazing and fascinating things are coming out way kids, so stop obsessing with the past and get ready for a future of new and horrifying things you aren't expecting.

And no, Robosaurus will not be back ;)

Speculate - to engage in thought or reflection; meditate (often fol. by on, upon, or a clause).

2. to indulge in conjectural thought.

3. to engage in any business transaction involving considerable risk or the chance of large gains, esp. to buy and sell commodities, stocks, etc., in the expectation of a quick or very large profit.

In legalese, speculating is defined as theorizing on the basis of insufficient evidence.

While Universal may be doing the financial verbage of speculation, we are, by the very action of dwelling on the event in question, speculating.


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I would prefer all original

dont get me wrong i want orginal too but universal is not gonna get rid of icons that have changed the definition of fear, made them money and that make us think of HHN whenever we think of them

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My my my, plenty of wishes and dreams and not too much on the true speculation side, tsk tsk tsk.

Just some things to keep in mind, JMR, while a major player when it came (notice I just said came, past tense) to HHN was not the be all end all of HHN. It is a true team effort back there with everyone lending ideas and fleshing out storylines and designs. And now JMR is no longer a part of that team. In the time since his departure a lot of what was on the roster for HHN XX has changed. Various elements have been partially or completely altered while many others have been done away with and replaced by others. The event as he knew it before leaving is not the event as it is now and even if he were to come on here and post anything it would only be speculation, or anecdotes about what was a part of the event when he was a part of it. Yes his resume says he worked on the development of HHN XX, and that is a totally valid and honest statement. It just so happens that the development he did changed drastically after his departure.

As with all things in life, change is an inevitability and a new era of fear is rapidly approaching so forget about that reunion because there's a lot of new and interesting things on the horizon. Thats not to say you wont see something familiar here and there, but to be honest, who wants to see the same characters and houses over and over again every year?

And yes, for at least this year, let go of the desire for movie based houses, while they can come in handy from time to time, HHN is kind of above that. There is so much they can do and such terrifying images they can unleash when they allow their creativity to run free and not be limited by some pre-existing character they had to borrow and try to make their own without straying too far from that original character's storyline.

Amazing and fascinating things are coming out way kids, so stop obsessing with the past and get ready for a future of new and horrifying things you aren't expecting.

And no, Robosaurus will not be back ;)

I respect you and all because you give good information, from what I've heard, you have proper grammar and don't sign your posts, and because you sound like a cool guy...

But good god, there goes anything to speculate about. Not mad at you or anything, just... welp. X3

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I respect you and all because you give good information, from what I've heard, you have proper grammar and don't sign your posts, and because you sound like a cool guy...

But good god, there goes anything to speculate about. Not mad at you or anything, just... welp. X3

There's still plenty to speculate on! We just no longer can assume that we will see a lot of old familiar stuff. Speculate with your imagination - that's what it's for!

Even the most silly speculations may someday be realized as I have learned. Plus we do have some intriguing clues, if they are not likely to re-use old concepts then in what new way will they be using:

1. Observation deck

2. ambulance/van

3. Stonehenge like monoliths

4. Rat Lady

5. Vortex

6. Museum Hallway

7. Legendary Truth?

Plus we also know about Medusa and Hades' Army... there's room for lot's and lot's of wild speculation here!

Edited by Dr. Jimmy
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As sad as I will be to see the Director and the Caretaker go (I would have liked to see them get at least one more year, especially since they got a lot less time than Jack), it's refreshing to see new ideas on the table.

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Please, if you have time read through the whole thread before posting something. The past few days we have had a number of posts saying the same thing just a couple pages back.

Also look at other topic titles, sometimes there is a whole thread dedicated to something but messages get posted in speculation.

We understand everyone one don't have all kinds of time to read everything, but we do have a search function here that you can use to find a message relating to something you want.

If you find your message missing, it's more than likely due to one of the above reasons. We strive to keep the forums from getting cluttered and out of control. The more organized we can keep the forums, the quicker we can all find and read the information were looking for.

Thanks everyone for the great speculation this far (and some wishes). When official information comes out we will be closing this thread and creating a more "official" speculation thread. We'll keep this here for the archives. Enjoy.

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Hi guys,

Shadowlurker is indeed correct that the Robosaurus will not be back BUT will be at the 2011 Florida Airshow - just in case you Robosaurus freaks wanna see him again!

Also interestingly enough, Bobbie Weiner the Bloody Mary women will be signing autographs at Spooky Empire this year - so in case you wanna settle your BM dispute, you can go along and ask the good lady herself!

That's all for now!

Really Spooky empire? Why will she be there>? Is she a celebrity? I thought she was a person who worked at Universal, also so far she is not listed on there website.

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1. Observation deck

2. ambulance/van

3. Stonehenge like monoliths

4. Rat Lady

5. Vortex

6. Museum Hallway

7. Legendary Truth?

Plus we also know about Medusa and Hades' Army... there's room for lot's and lot's of wild speculation here!

Wait a minute... Stonehenge, a museum, and Greek myths? Aww damn. We may just be taking a trip back into the past of horror.

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When I think of greek myths and stonehenge it makes me think this year will be about origins and how things came to be. And the observation deck could belong to a spaceship or something going to space to find out how planets were formed. Then HHN can teach us a lesson about not being too curious because something evil is behind the questions we want answered about the unknown.

Edited by DarkFoama
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OK, I've only been to HHN 5 times (over 6 years...EVERYBODY got married in Oct the year I couldn't make it) so I can't intelligently "guess" at what I think. So THANK YOU to everybody throwing out "educated guesses" as to what's going on this year. Gives me speculation to pass on to my group of friends, and educates me to all the past years I've been unable to attend.

PLEASE keep up the wild speculation...I look forward to checking out this forum every day/night :)

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Guest FL Universal Jax

I know it’s been said, but I think I will weigh in on speculation for this year. After the past few months, I have come to the conclusion that "scrapbook" could mean that they are scraping the last 20 years of HHN? Maybe I will ask a few questions to get some creative minds working...

Could Shadows of the Past really mean, the last 20 years of HHN will be nothing more than shadows, or distant memories?

Could trees be figurative for eras in history? Each branch represents different times perhaps? Is Universal moving to a new branch/era in HHN history?

Could Roddy have left because A&D was becoming too predictable? (For those that don’t know, nobody replaced Roddy, his job responsibilities were divided up among several individuals.)

Is it possible that HHN will feature a new set of characters for the next 20 years? After all, 20 years does come and go extremely fast... At least it seems that way!

Could it be that A&D is simply screwing with each and every one of us, and when all is said and done, HHN XX will be a reunion year in which Jack, The Usher, The Director, and many others appear as one?

Or..... Is it that we are entering a new era in HHN where information is no longer available until the day of the event? Perhaps A&D has figured out a way to keep silent while making it to our advantage.....

Of course these questions could merely be pure fantasy.... But, I will leave that to you to decide.

Happy speculating!

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I know it’s been said, but I think I will weigh in on speculation for this year. After the past few months, I have come to the conclusion that "scrapbook" could mean that they are scraping the last 20 years of HHN? Maybe I will ask a few questions to get some creative minds working...

Could Shadows of the Past really mean, the last 20 years of HHN will be nothing more than shadows, or distant memories?

Could trees be figurative for eras in history? Each branch represents different times perhaps? Is Universal moving to a new branch/era in HHN history?

Could Roddy have left because A&D was becoming too predictable? (For those that don’t know, nobody replaced Roddy, his job responsibilities were divided up among several individuals.)

Is it possible that HHN will feature a new set of characters for the next 20 years? After all, 20 years does come and go extremely fast... At least it seems that way!

Could it be that A&D is simply screwing with each and every one of us, and when all is said and done, HHN XX will be a reunion year in which Jack, The Usher, The Director, and many others appear as one?

Or..... Is it that we are entering a new era in HHN where information is no longer available until the day of the event? Perhaps A&D has figured out a way to keep silent while making it to our advantage.....

Of course these questions could merely be pure fantasy.... But, I will leave that to you to decide.

Happy speculating!

I certainly hope you're wrong on that last part about no HHN information being available until the day of the event! I will die from anticipation every summer! Probably very unlikely, thankfully, from a marketing standpoint. They have to attract visitors like me to fly across the country to attend the event - hard to do with no information (ok, not for me... I'd go regardless, but you know what I'm saying).

The possibilities are driving me a little bonkers - I need some hints already!

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As with all things in life, change is an inevitability and a new era of fear is rapidly approaching so forget about that reunion because there's a lot of new and interesting things on the horizon. Thats not to say you wont see something familiar here and there, but to be honest, who wants to see the same characters and houses over and over again every year?

And yes, for at least this year, let go of the desire for movie based houses, while they can come in handy from time to time, HHN is kind of above that. There is so much they can do and such terrifying images they can unleash when they allow their creativity to run free and not be limited by some pre-existing character they had to borrow and try to make their own without straying too far from that original character's storyline.


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