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Halloween Horror Nights Hollywood - Event Discussion

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So my sister is saying that this year is gonna suck and it's not gonna be as good as last year. I told her she's gonna eat some crow once she goes. And then she says she's probably not gonna go. My dad already bought the tickets. Well, I guess I scored another ticket to bring a friend! I see downside side to this at all.

Just asking, but did she say specific reasons as to why, or was she just unimpressed in general?

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It's not Walking Dead I guarantee you that. That is most likely the deciding factor for a lot of people.

No Shows/ No Bill and Ted

Alien Vs Predator and AWIL are not totally relevant

Dracula Untold has no hype behind it

Clowns is not a property

FDTD is obscure at this point

Face/Off is kinda WTF if you don't watch the show or are a Uni/HHN fan.

there are a lot of chances being taken with the GP this year but everything is pretty much amazing so I have faith this year will knock it out of the park!

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She was just un amused in general. She thinks Walking Dead is gonna be the only good house. She thinks last year because of Insidous and Walking Dead was the best year we ever went to. I feel somewhat sad for these poor GP not realizing how great this years lineup is.

I guarantee you this is how 75% of GP non horror fans see the line up

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I'mma just put my opinion as a non-GP.

Fuck everything Walking Dead. My opinion. Hated the show. Didn't want it since day one. Still don't want it.

No show is terrible. Bill and Ted was definitely a fun show. (though not hearing "We Will Rock You" on repeat in my break room in Cucuy was amazing).

I would not care about AWiL in the least (again, my opinion) had I not heard how good of a house it was in Orlando. And just with that information, I actually want it.

AVP, again would not care, but the puppets being actual molds and the surprise at the end. Yeah, I want it. Now if ever, not another year.

FDTD, had this not been announced, I wouldn't have minded one bit. However, after watching the show, only because it's being featured as a maze, I'm glad it's coming. The movie was good too.

Clowns 3D sounds super generic, but I think HHN can pull it off. Even if it's a "plain" maze as in, nothing will stand out. I don't think it's gonna suck.

And Face/Off. Same thing with FDTD. Would've been fine if it was never announced. That being said, I did give it shit, especially for being in it. And only intended to watch the Alice in Zombieland episode along with the episode my character was featured in, but I got carried away. For the passed week I've been marathoning this show... Finished all of season 7 so far. Then started back at season 1. I'm now on season 3, but haven't really started on it. It was a long day. D: I digress.

Dracula. Definitely was disappointed with this. And was continued to be disappointed until I saw concept art and heard the story of it. Though I don't think it'll be maze of the year, or even like Cucuy last year where it could be a competitor, but be unnoticed. I still think it's gonna surprise a lot of people if it's pulled off the way Murdy explained it.

Final opinions: After all things considered and where we are now.

WD: No.

No show: No.

FDTD: Yes.

Clowns: Yes.

Face/Off: Yes.

Dracula: On the fence, leaning toward yes.

Awil: Yes.

AvP: Yes.

But consider that my opinion is reflected off research and a little bit of bias. I don't the GP will have anywhere near the same outlook.

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I guess I'll go in the box then. Way disappointed in the inclusion of a meh horror show (FDTD) and the worst horror show this side of Season 8 of Dexter (TWD) over AHS. But I'm sure I'll still have fun at the event.

To be fair, the whole reason FDTD was chosen was because it had a connection to TWD. I think Murdy mentioned Greg Nicotero putting a word in. While the show wasn't that great, the environments and characters are really cool and should make for a good maze. AHS still has a possibility for next year. Rick Baker was on episode 8 of The Strain, if he mentions it to murdy maybe we could end up getting both FX shows.

Edited by Ridesandstuff
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The redeeming qualities that excite me for this year


-7 mazes

-AVP (better see an Alien Queen)

-Clowns 3D (The facade looks perfect)

-And final year of HOH

The stuff that makes me go meh okay



-Walking Dead (I'm ready for something different and a new Terror Tram theme)

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The GP have good reason to scoff at the event because this year's lineup can come across as non-stellar and last year was disappointing. Now I'm not saying last year totally sucked or that I'm not excited for this year, I already have my tix and everything. But think about it: last year the event was very underwhelming; it was the first year ever that I ranked Knott's Scary Farm above HHN. And now this year the GP - or the core target audience, which I'm assuming is teens to young adults, will look at the properties, just like you guys mentioned, and become disinterested (like the aforementioned sister). I on the other hand feel like there's great potential and am excited as hell to go. Why? Cus the Aliens franchise is badass. If you guys haven’t seen them please go and watch them if you can (only applies to Aliens 1-3). I think most of you younger folks would definitely get a kick out of Aliens 2 cus it was directed by the timeless James Cameron. Predator was also a great action flick; they simply don’t make them like that anymore. If you want to become interested in AVP go and watch Aliens 2 and Predator. For you guys who are judging the FDTD property based on the TV show, please go and watch the original movie directed by Rodriguez. It is one of my favorite action-horror movies of all time. It’s a quintessential popcorn flick. If you need more incentive to watch it: it was written by Quentin Tarantino and stars George Clooney as a badass thief on the run. The movie AWIL didn’t resonate with me; I watched it recently for the first time to kinda understand what the maze would be about, but I couldn’t get into it because the writing and acting were just too weak. However, you guys have all heard the praise from people over in Orlando, and seeing how the maze is more or less an updated transplant from Orlando, then it should be just as good if not better. TWD, Dracula, and Clowns all have potential because they are all proven Halloween cliché properties – zombies, vampires, and evil clowns. Even if they totally suck, at least the event will hit on a ton of different oldies but goodies. FO doesn’t even count so who cares. I don’t really care about the cancellation of Bill and Ted cus it hasn’t been good since 2009. Plus, I haven’t been on Minion Mayhem and am looking forward to that as a new experience. Anyways, that’s my two cents.

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See this is the thing every GP and fans need to understand

Love it or hate The Walking Dead is THE biggest name in horror right now and every October you can't walk into a mall without finding at least 10 stores selling TWD merch, and Unbiased as I am a fan of the show and comics years before the show started, I gonna be fair and keep this neutral when I say this...The maze's have been pretty damn good I mean house of the year in '12 and 2nd in '13 can't argue with that, though 3rd year of Terror Tram is ridiculous since it seems everything on the tram is already being covered in the maze.

Now AHS, I'm not a fan, it bores me to tears I enjoyed the first season, was able to drag myself through the 2nd (honestly it was all over the place), and oh god I could not stand Coven....but I am intrigued by Freak Show (I'm a sucker for old school freak shows) that's my opinion. But I think it would of made a awesome maze, that being said I true think AHS being looked over had more to do with season 3. Since non of the seasons are related if they were to do a mixture of all 3 seasons it would be random and choppy on top of that confusing as hell to anyone who does not watch the show, The only thing that would make sense would to use the past season but season 3 did not offer up too much as far as maze potential. I think that's the best reason IDK where the whole no two shows cuz of AMC came from, but if Murdy did say that it was probably an easy way to say "Nope" without pissing fans off. I do believe we will see AHS next year as it is the second biggest horror show and like I said Freak show looks promising so it could have a maze based off of it. The Strain despite the buzz I really don't think so.

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i agree about Terror Tram. I'm all for a consistent theme, but from the looks of the construction photos, it seems like the same set up as last year and having walkers that pretty much all look similar in the already kind of stale terror tram route just bores me to death thinking about it. I really think a Purge TT would've been much better. Tram screens could've broadcast the Purge PSA different areas could've been both original and ip based like 09 ending with the characters from the Purge in the WOTW set. Hell I wouldn't even mind Face Off in TT

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Yeah, you can't even being to compare the popularity of AHS to TWD. AHS is the second most popular horror series, but it's a long drop to second. Or even the amount of maze fodder either of the most recent seasons have given. Actually expecting them to choose AHS over TWD would just be goofy. Last year the vast majority of people went because of TWD, and it's not going to be different this year.

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And the AHS pill was a bit easier to swallow this year since Coven wouldn't lend itself terribly well to a haunt. Certainly not as well as Asylum would have. Freak Show seems ripe for the plucking though... (fused together) fingers crossed.

Yea, while Coven had cool characters, there were only a few of them mainly Papa Legba, the zombis, and The Minotaur (still pissed they hardly used the minotaur in that season). Asylum would be the best season to use by far, and from the looks of it, Freakshow should be pretty similar to Asylum in terms of tone. Hopefully itll have enough stuff to use in a maze

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When looking at AHS as a part of the horror genre, it's difficult to rally behind. Mostly because of last season. It was fun and spawned some incredibly hilarious gif posts on Tumblr, but ever since season 1, it seems that their horror content has been getting a bit lackluster. A bit. That's why I have little faith in Freak Show to be anything more than a slightly eerie drama... of sorts. But hey, I'm still down. If they had announced a Coven maze I'm sure I'd be first to voice excitement. I have a very "shut up and take my money" relationship with HHN. I'm just here for teh fun.

....I realize I sound kind of erratic. Tl;dr I am an AHS fan. Bring AHS to HHN because why not?

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Look give this year's event a week or so for the word about it to spread. Sure, from the generic GP's perspective, there is nothing except for the Walking Dead and MAYBE AVP and AWIL. Now from what know now about the event here and even in Orlando, the lineup sounds kickass. In my opinion, the lineup is like an ugly clusterfuck of a sandwich that someone forces to eat, but once you eat it, it's amazing and so different the any previous sandwich you've ever eaten. In the same way, this year may not look appealing and is different than from previous years in some ways, but from what we know, this is going to be one sick year. Sure, there are some dull sounding ones (Faceoff) but I believe even that will be nice. As for the GP that do decide to go, they will absolutely love it, word will spread like wildfire, and you know the rest. But in order for word to spread, you need some sparks to fly, and that will only happen once the event begins. Plus I believe the HOTY might be either AVP or AWIL. I went last year to HHN Orlando and I enjoyed that house. I'm a sagacious guy (sort of) and I can tell the difference between puppetry and the real deal, but the way the werewolves were so detailed as well as the great puppet handling, I was actually scared at times! So there's that.

PS- GrindhouseHero13, I absolutely love your profile picture if it's a carving of who I think it is. I love Luffy and One Piece.

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I think it's kool. I don't think it should be a main event character, but it works.

I saw one of the people being fitted for that character when I went to my costume fittings. Her base costume was the dress with the diamond shape and the fish net leggings. My base costume was a skirt and a neckpiece...

Needless to say, the base costume doesn't truly represent what will come out, but at that time, though I wasn't jealous of her having a nice dress, I was jealous that her base costume was a lot more intricate than mine.

All that is kinda pointless since it makes no difference as the outcomes are both intricate in their own way.

Also my character was second to last in the episode it was featured in. ):

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