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HHN Hollywood 2013 Event Discussion

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A - Advanced (90-100%)

B - Above Average (80-89%)

C - Average (70-79%)

D - Below Average (60-69%)

F - Failure (0-59%)

According to popular opinion its about 7/10 which is a C- slightly below average

A scale of 1 to 10 is not the same a letter grade score. Apples and oranges, my friend.

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1 to 10, a 5 (being in the middle) is average. Letter Grade is based on more of pass/fail percentage system where you need a 60 percent or higher to pass, so while a C (75 percent) is the average of a passing grade its NOT an average of the whole scale.

Edited by Trevler
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I've always used the letter score myself. When I was a wee lad, I started off with the 1 - 5 system, but it seemed too easily fudged. Then I went to 1 - 10, but somehow that didn't seem detailed enough. So I started to add fractions/decimals to better differentiate. At this point, I used the grading scale and I stuck with this for years. Then I recently realized to truly use the grading scale, I would have to fully work with 1 - 100 and percentages instead of fractions/decimals. And with that, i started using a rubric. That's just me though haha

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So I watched the opening scaramonies on the livestream last night and was kinda underwhelmed. I figured I missed something. Now there's a few youtube videos of it out and I must say its lame and weak. It is literally the purge announcement for a minute and then SUPER QUICKLY the guys come out. "Let the killing commence!" They rush into the crowd, the end. To better this, the purgers should come out at least half way through the announcement and do some sort of little choreographed action of violence/posing/whatever THEN end as usual. As of now, its boring. I watched 10, 11 and 12's beforehand and was excited to see those in person. This, I'm just praying early access opens up somewhere so i don't have to stand through it.

That's just my unofficial review of that, for now. Hopefully it improves because right now it doesn't seem like much thought went into it, or the entire zone for that matter.

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Its getting mixed reviews. I've read in a few places that its the best maze, and then a few places that its the worst, and a few places that its just okay.

But don't worry about what other people grade it or what it should be graded. In fact, don't even think about it when going through the mazes. Just go in, have fun, and then think about it afterward, or else it'll be annoying and no fun to be overly critical over every single little thing.

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Btw, a review is up on youtube. The guy constantly says that things are terrible (after awhile, I kinda stopped watching cuz I was convinced he'd say the whole thing was "terrible").

Id post it but I'm on my phone. Just search Halloween Horror Nights Hollywood 2013 review and confine the search to videos posted today.

He blacks out his face in the video but then has clips of him at HHN clearly lit... I don't understand... lmao

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Here's the grading rubric I devised for the mazes and the Terror Tram.
Bill and Ted and the scarezones will get a flat grade.
11 categories.
Each scale is based on 0 - 10.
110 percent/points are possible.
The general letter grade system (90% & above - A, 89-80% - B, 79-70% - C, 69-60% - D, 59% & below - F) is used here.
Queue/Facade: Does the queue and the facade set up the maze well? If the queue doesn't, does it at least have some sort of entertainment? How well designed is the facade? [Automatic 5 for HOH attraction]
Set Design - How well designed are the sets? Are they realistic and do they make me feel like I'm in the actual environment? [Automatic 5 for HOH attraction]
Sound Design - How well designed is the sound edit and mix? Does it fit the environments and does it conjure up the mood necessary to make the maze work?
Scareactor Design - Are the scareactors scary looking? Do they look authentic? Do they match their counterpart on screen or are they an original nightmare? How well put on is their make up?
Special Props & Design - This is usually the area of innovation. But if there's nothing new, or even new to HHN, what else does the attraction offer other than the traditional scare? What other elements are used to immerse the guests and creep them out or wow them further?
Immersion - How well do all of the elements combined put the guest into the action by making them believe it's actually happening and not thinking they're in an attraction?
Length - How fullfilling is the maze in the space it utilizes?
Scare Level - How scary is the maze?
Fun Level - How fun is the maze? (usually a gimme)
Story Comprehension - Does the story make sense from beginning to end?
Personal Bias Bonus Points - In all honesty, my feelings for an attraction boost or lower the points of a maze (I am human afterall), but by keeping this a seperate category, this'll make sure it'll only be by 10 points. And since there's 11 categories in the rubric grading scale this year, an attraction can exceed 100 percent/points! [Automatic 5 for HOH attraction... because I like the HOH haha]
Same business as before with a few minor tweaks.
Queue/Video: [Automatic 5 for having a video at all]
Set Design/Makeover - [Automatic 5 for usage of its permanent sets]
Sound Design -
Scareactor Design -
Special Props & Design -
Immersion -
Length -
Scare Level -
Fun Level -
Story Comprehension -
Personal Bias Bonus Points - [Automatic 5... because I like the TT haha]
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He blacks out his face in the video but then has clips of him at HHN clearly lit... I don't understand... lmao

Ugh that stuff makes me cringe so hard. He probably thinks that not liking this year makes him dangerous/daring/edgy/interesting. If he's so invested in the idea that he doesn't like this year that he's literally masking his face to avoid...I dunno...attacks or something...then he clearly made up his mind that he didn't like this year before he went. Booooring.

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Yeah, some of the clips were of him and his buddies leaving the mazes clearly disappointed. Idk if they "planned" that and acted disappointed for the sake of the video but that self-entitled attitude irked me. Even when something doesn't live up to expectations for me, I'm still all smiles and having the time of my life. I can't imagine going to a theme park and being so morose because something wasn't good enough lol

If the reviewer is on the board or reads this, i encourage you to lighten up a bit and not let the quality of the attractions dictate your behavior. I'd be really annoyed if someone like that was in my group bringing the whole morale down because something wasn't "good enough" for them. To get online and bitch about it is one thing but to be there and be ungrateful is another.

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In other news, I can officially declare its HHN DAY!

Wow, this week went by a lot faster than I expected, thank god.

I'm very excited for tonight and I can't wait to read all of your reviews this weekend!


Edited by DTH316
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It's tonight people. Look out for a crazy mustache guy yelling, "SHARRROOOOOOONN!!"

Btw, a review is up on youtube. The guy constantly says that things are terrible (after awhile, I kinda stopped watching cuz I was convinced he'd say the whole thing was "terrible").
Id post it but I'm on my phone. Just search Halloween Horror Nights Hollywood 2013 review and confine the search to videos posted today.
He blacks out his face in the video but then has clips of him at HHN clearly lit... I don't understand... lmao

Just go and have fun. I haven't seen the video, but the vibe I get from what you're writing is that he has some sort of bias against the event.

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