King_K. Posted June 28, 2011 Share Posted June 28, 2011 Since we have the dates officially revealed I figured it was right about time to start the official meetup thread this year! Following Dreamstalker's template from last year: Only post if you're going to HHN and know the ACTUAL days you're going!If you don't know the dates then don't make a post! Official Dates for HHN 21 are:Sept. 23,24,29,30.Oct. 1,2,6,7,8,9,13,14,15,16,19,20,21,22,23,26,27,28,29,30,31. Frequent Fear Pass days are in Red.Frequent Fear Pass Plus days are in Orange.If you plan on wearing a Nightmare's shirt let me know and your name will be in Blue. Dates continued on the second post! Legacy, Stephanie, Jumboshrmp, Venom, Raleigh Michelle, W. Wilson, ZKeeper, LadyVulpix103104, Auruspex, DesertBear, Ash King_K., Jumboshrmp, LadyVulpix103104, Luke125, Chibijelly, LocalHHNfan19, Grime, DesertBear, JeffreyChangaHHN, Fallow, HORRORLANDO, McLovin, Josh, hhnholdem, NowYouKnowJack, Michele, Stephanie, mz_ , JackLover, Troiandan, JWFearman, eyecdeadpeople, HHNFan05 , jrs71985, Dinosaur Pirate, Hack2112, Katinka, Ely, bmoz628, JaY0950, bubby45, madmonk, Universal Freak, mzdomb, Roberto, Zombiesurf, thedonnie, Cold Dog, HHNFreak88, Neko, W. Wilson, Luxor, Atigeg, Voorhees, Mutalisk, cwoolboy, figment1988, Ash, xxxvampchikxxx, k1ngfish1, lunatic, Cramer King_K., Jumboshrmp, LadyVulpix103104, Luke125, Chibijelly, Grime, DesertBear, JeffreyChangaHHN, Fallow, HORRORLANDO, Josh, hhnholdem, LocalHHNfan19, Michele, NowYouKnowJack, Stephanie, mz_, JackLover, Troiandan, GregOreo, eyecdeadpeople, InsaneWalnut, HHNFan05, jrs71985, Dinosaur Pirate, Hack2112, Katinka, Ely, bmoz628, JaY0950, bubby45, madmonk, Universal Freak, mzdomb, Roberto, Zombiesurf, Neko, Luxor, Atigeg, cwoolboy, Ash, xxxvampchikxxx, Cramer Oysterhead00, Grime, DesertBear, traveller, Josh, LocalHHNfan19, Michele, mz_, JackLover, Troiandan, GregOreo, Victoria, jrs71985, Hack2112, mikekilpatrick, Ely, bmoz628, I Am Weighting, eyecdeadpeople, Raleigh Michelle, foREVer56, Atigeg, killswitch22, ghostrider455, Cramer, Victim08, hhnholdem, Dr. Jimmy Luke125, Oysterhead00, Grime, DesertBear, traveller, Michele, mz_, JackLover, Troiandan, JWFearman, goldie, jrs71985, Hack2112, mikekilpatrick, Ely, HHN UK, Carnagefan, hhnFEARfan, Universal Freak, I Am Weighting, Neko, Raleigh Michelle, Atigeg, Fallow, The Director of Horror, Neko, ghostrider455, Wolfman_Kalma, Victim08, Rhi, copperfield13, Dr. Jimmy Oysterhead00, DesertBear, traveller, goldie, mikekilpatrick, Carnagefan, madmonk, Raleigh Michelle, The Director of Horror, Fallow, jetsfreakHHN, Pizzicato, Neko, JWFearman, Victim08, Rhi, Dr. Jimmy Oysterhead00, Grime, DesertBear, Fallow, traveller, Josh, LocalHHNfan19, TheBeast954, Michele, mz_, JackLover, Troiandan, GregOreo, jrs71985, Hack2112, ZKeeper, mikekilpatrick, Ely, bmoz628, HHN UK, Cold Dog, Raleigh Michelle, Atigeg, Hush, Neko, Cramer, Victim08, copperfield13, Dr. Jimmy Srum, Grime, DesertBear, faceleg, Stumpy, Josh, LocalHHNfan19, Michele, mz_, JackLover, Troiandan, GregOreo, jrs71985, Hack2112, mikekilpatrick, Ely, bmoz628, HHN UK, Atigeg, fallon6190, zombieman, tweedle9200, Source, Cinderelly115, Fangs729, Ash, babydoll1091, Maximum Madness, Ecto Cooler, Cramer, HORRORLANDO Luke125, Grime, DesertBear, faceleg, Stumpy, Michele, mz_, JackLover, Troiandan, JWFearman, jrs71985, ADDiCTED2HHN, Hack2112, mikekilpatrick, Darkeevuhl, Ely, madmonk, Universal Freak, Terra Guard, Atigeg, fallon6190, Voorhees, FreeGrizzlyBearRides, HHNFLFAN, zombieman, HHNFan05, Cinderelly115, Fangs729, Ash, babydoll1091, Maximum Madness, Ecto Cooler, Rhi, HHN Addict Dude Stumpy, Pumpkin, Darkeevuhl, madmonk, faceleg, Auruspex Fallow, fallon6190, Voorhees, zombieman, Ash, babydoll1091, Rhi, HHN Addict Dude Grime, DesertBear, Killswitch22, faceleg, Stumpy, Josh, LocalHHNfan19, Michele, mz_, JackLover, Troiandan, GregOreo, jrs71985, Hack2112, ZKeeper, Darkeevuhl, Ely, bmoz628, HHN UK, Atigeg, Hush, Fallow, Voorhees, CalifasFinest, cwoolboy, MahB, Ash, babydoll1091, Maximum Madness, Cramer, JONNYFXM Grime, DesertBear, HORRORLANDO, Josh, LocalHHNfan19, Michele, mz_, JackLover, Troiandan, GregOreo, jrs71985, Hack2112, BabyFirefly, Ely, bmoz628, Cold Dog, Atigeg, CalifasFinest, Cramer, Dr. Jimmy Luke125, Grime, DesertBear, Michele, mz_, JackLover, Troiandan, jrs71985, Hack2112, BabyFirefly, Ely, Universal Freak, Atigeg, Voorhees, AceInTheGrave, cwoolboy, Dr. Jimmy hhnlovr23, AceInTheGrave, Dr. Jimmy Grime, DesertBear, Josh, LocalHHNfan19, Michele, mz_, JackLover, Troiandan, GregOreo, jrs71985, Hack2112, ZKeeper, Ely, bmoz628, Atigeg, Hush, hhnholdem, AceInTheGrave, akdar, Cramer, MahB, Dr. Jimmy AaronPaHHNFan, Grime, DesertBear, HORRORLANDO, Josh, LocalHHNfan19, Michele, mz_, JackLover, Troiandan, GregOreo, jrs71985, AaronPaHHNFan, Hack2112, Bsquare, Ely, bmoz628, F.U.B.A.R., Atigeg, akdar, Cramer, Dr. Jimmy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
King_K. Posted June 28, 2011 Author Share Posted June 28, 2011 AaronPaHHNFan, Grime, DesertBear, Josh, LocalHHNfan19, Michele, mz_, JackLover, Troiandan, GregOreo, jrs71985, Hack2112, Bsquare, Ely, bmoz628, F.U.B.A.R., darkdelusions, Atigeg, akdar, Cramer, Dr. Jimmy, cwoolboy, figment1988, blueeyedtimothy, marchofprogress, MahB Luke125, Grime, DesertBear, Dante, Michele, mz_, JackLover, Troiandan, jrs71985, Hack2112, Ely, Universal Freak, F.U.B.A.R., darkdelusions, Atigeg, Voorhees, akdar, Elwood, Dr. Jimmy, figment1988 hhnlovr23, Dr. Jimmy AaronPaHHNFan, Grime, DesertBear, Josh, LocalHHNfan19, Michele, mz_, JackLover, Troiandan, GregOreo, jrs71985, AaronPaHHNFan, Hack2112, Ely, bmoz628, Liam W, ZKeeper, Cold Dog, Atigeg, Hush, akdar, hhnholdem, Cramer, Dr. Jimmy Liam W, Grime, DesertBear, HORRORLANDO, Josh, Zombie Girl, LocalHHNfan19, Michele, mz_, JackLover, Troiandan, GregOreo, ChelseaLA86, jrs71985, AaronPaHHNFan, Hack2112, Grimp0nd, Ely, bmoz628, F.U.B.A.R., Atigeg, akdar, Cramer, DanB89 King_K., Liam W, Jumboshrmp, Grime, DesertBear, Josh, Zombie Girl, LocalHHNfan19, Michele, mz_, JackLover, Troiandan, GregOreo, ChelseaLA86, jrs71985, AaronPaHHNFan, Hack2112, Pastor of Muppets, Grimp0nd, Ely, bmoz628, F.U.B.A.R., Atigeg, akdar, foREVer56 King_K., Liam W, Jumboshrmp, Grime, DesertBear, Michele, mz_, JackLover, Troiandan, tweedle9200, Source, ChelseaLA86, jrs71985, Hack2112, Ely, Universal Freak, F.U.B.A.R., Luxor, Atigeg, Voorhees, akdar, Malevolent, The_Bled, PWT King_K., Jumboshrmp, Michele, mz_, JackLover, tweedle9200, Source, Anastasia, ChelseaLA86, Luxor, Malevolent, PWT King_K., Reaper, Jumboshrmp, LadyVulpix103104, Grime, DesertBear, Josh, LocalHHNfan19, Michele, Stephanie, mz_, JackLover, Troiandan, GregOreo, tweedle9200, Source, Anastasia, ChelseaLA86, jrs71985, AaronPaHHNFan, Hack2112, Ely, bmoz628, Roberto, Luxor, Atigeg, Hush, Neko, Malevolent, Cramer, PWT King_K., Reaper, Jumboshrmp, LadyVulpix103104, Grime, DesertBear, HORRORLANDO, Josh, LocalHHNfan19, Michele, Stephanie, mz_, JackLover, Troiandan, GregOreo, tweedle9200, Source, Anastasia, ChelseaLA86, jrs71985, AaronPaHHNFan, Hack2112, ZKeeper, Grimp0nd, Ely, bmoz628, Roberto, Luxor, Atigeg, Hush, Voorhees, Malevolent, Cramer, The_Bled, PWT, McLovin Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AaronPaHHNFan Posted June 28, 2011 Share Posted June 28, 2011 I will be there on the 13th, 16th, 19th, 20th and 23rd. I'm willing to meet up for drinks before the event and if you have express to hang out in the event. It's just me and my wife in my group. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
King_K. Posted June 29, 2011 Author Share Posted June 29, 2011 Please be sure to post only if you're positive you're going! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
King_K. Posted June 29, 2011 Author Share Posted June 29, 2011 If you plan on wearing a Nightmare's shirt let me know and your name will be in Blue! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Legacy Posted June 30, 2011 Share Posted June 30, 2011 Will be there 9/21/11 =) hopefully Do you mean 10/21? 9/21 is probably Employee Preview Night (Wed before the event). That might be a date you can add to the list for any Team Members who post here. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
King_K. Posted June 30, 2011 Author Share Posted June 30, 2011 9/21 is probably Employee Preview Night (Wed before the event). That might be a date you can add to the list for any Team Members who post here. I was wondering that too, but i didn't know if that was official. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ely Posted August 7, 2011 Share Posted August 7, 2011 Hey guys, I'm kinda new in all this meetup thing. This will be my 5th HHN, but the first one since I moved to Orlando, and the first one I'll be able to attend more than one night, so I'm really excited about it! Please add me to all the FFP+ nights. I'll be mostly on my own, so I'm looking forward to meeting all of you and have some fun together. I have some questions though, Where's the meetup spot going to be? What time? Do you guys meet to get some drinks before the event? Where? Are you gonna buy the HHN Express or just planing to do the regular lines? Sorry for the all newbie questions! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grimp0nd Posted August 8, 2011 Share Posted August 8, 2011 Hey guys, I'm kinda new in all this meetup thing. This will be my 5th HHN, but the first one since I moved to Orlando, and the first one I'll be able to attend more than one night, so I'm really excited about it! Please add me to all the FFP+ nights. I'll be mostly on my own, so I'm looking forward to meeting all of you and have some fun together. I have some questions though, Where's the meetup spot going to be? What time? Do you guys meet to get some drinks before the event? Where? Are you gonna buy the HHN Express or just planing to do the regular lines? Sorry for the all newbie questions! Like you this will be the first time I meet up with people but from what I've been told they meet opposite where the Blues Brothers perform. I was told to go there at the end of regular hours when they start to clean up and not to leave the park. If I have any of this wrong will someone please correct me. I'm buying an express pass this year just in case others have them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bubby45 Posted August 8, 2011 Share Posted August 8, 2011 Is there going to be a big meet up on opening night like last year? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jumboshrmp Posted August 8, 2011 Share Posted August 8, 2011 I have some questions though, Where's the meetup spot going to be? What time? Do you guys meet to get some drinks before the event? Where? Are you gonna buy the HHN Express or just planing to do the regular lines? Sorry for the all newbie questions! It's alright, that's the purpose of this thread! If you want to meet with other members you can look at who is going on that particular day and discuss it in chat or in a message. A popular place for drinks before the event is at Finnegan's right by Stay and Scream in New York. Some people are going to have express, some won't. Like you this will be the first time I meet up with people but from what I've been told they meet opposite where the Blues Brothers perform. I was told to go there at the end of regular hours when they start to clean up and not to leave the park. If I have any of this wrong will someone please correct me. I'm buying an express pass this year just in case others have them. That sounds right. You're likely to see a few people from here around that area before the event as long as it is a FFP+ day. We're friendly! Come say hi! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZKeeper Posted August 21, 2011 Share Posted August 21, 2011 Since I'm ABU this year. I'll be going as a guest most of the time but the dates for sure I'll be attending as a guest is October 2,9,16,23,31. I'll be wearing a HNN shirt as well. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HHN_77Jack Posted August 22, 2011 Share Posted August 22, 2011 WILL BE ATTENDING EVERY NIGHT!!!! BUT 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
armyofrobots Posted August 22, 2011 Share Posted August 22, 2011 I'll be there everynight... working. But I'll have the opportunities to come out and say hello. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
King_K. Posted August 22, 2011 Author Share Posted August 22, 2011 The list is updated. HHN77_Jack, do you have specific dates? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HHNFreak88 Posted August 25, 2011 Share Posted August 25, 2011 I will be there on 9/23/11 if I am not working the event. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
King_K. Posted August 26, 2011 Author Share Posted August 26, 2011 List updated and a day for Employee Preview (Sept. 21) has been added. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AaronPaHHNFan Posted August 29, 2011 Share Posted August 29, 2011 I posted this in the official meet-up thread but I was thinking because there's going to be a bunch of us at HHN on Halloween that we should have an official meet-up. Anyone else interested in this? Reply in the meet-up thread please so that we don't clog this one up. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grimp0nd Posted August 29, 2011 Share Posted August 29, 2011 I posted this in the official meet-up thread but I was thinking because there's going to be a bunch of us at HHN on Halloween that we should have an official meet-up. Anyone else interested in this? Reply in the meet-up thread please so that we don't clog this one up. I can't see another meet up thread so I'm answering here. As you know I'm there that night so I'd be up for a meet. Be a good chance for a group photo Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stephanie Posted August 30, 2011 Share Posted August 30, 2011 I'm excited to see my friends at the meetup! The HHN Orlando Updaters are having a meet up on September 23rd at 5:30 near the Universal Globe (Age Limit for their gathering: 20) I will be hosting a gathering on October 2nd and will be arriving at 5:30 and all attending will meet up at the front gate. (Age limit 21 but will be flexible) I hope to meet some awesome HHN fans! Aw, I'm too old to go to this one. It's alright. Can't wait for horror nights, every night! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DJSexyGlexy87 Posted August 31, 2011 Share Posted August 31, 2011 I might be going on the 19th, dont hold me to it. Waiting on the final details. Keeping my fingers crossed! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ThomasHHN Posted August 31, 2011 Share Posted August 31, 2011 The HHN Orlando Updaters are having a meet up on September 23rd at 5:30 near the Universal Globe (Age Limit for their gathering: 20) I will be hosting a gathering on October 2nd and will be arriving at 5:30 and all attending will meet up at the front gate. (Age limit 21 but will be flexible) I hope to meet some awesome HHN fans! Why do you have an age limit? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
King_K. Posted September 1, 2011 Author Share Posted September 1, 2011 Eric and I will be going the October 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th and 31st...I will be at employee preview...taking my Mom, she's never been all these years! Hope to see some of you through our Sunday visits! ..No opening weekend? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hush Posted September 1, 2011 Share Posted September 1, 2011 ..No opening weekend? For the first time in 20 years...unfortunately no Eric works midnights now and is off Sunday/ that makes it impossible to hit opening weekend this year...but hey I figure 20 years running, missing it once won't kill us...LOL And we are definitely going Halloween this year, so that makes up for it my book. Hope all is well with you sweetie!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
eyecdeadpeople Posted September 2, 2011 Share Posted September 2, 2011 Fallow, do you have a annual pass and if so. on the 23th are you going to the RSVP to get in the park early at 5? a group of us will be there 23, 24 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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