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HHN 27 Speculation


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9 hours ago, marmoset said:

It could be or perhaps something more...famous


This isn't so much related to your above comment but...a while back now you made a cryptic comment about this year having something entirely new.  Maybe not a house or zone, but more along the lines of HHN doing something totally different.  I think you said some will like it, others won't.  Did you ever give some follow up info on that?  What's the dealio?  Feel free to respond while you're on the toilet, too.

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The HHN Orlando twitter isn't even posting any teasers of like oh hey the countdown runs out today.  I might be being pessimistic but what if it just means its too late too become an "elite soul collector". 

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14 minutes ago, elhev said:

The HHN Orlando twitter isn't even posting any teasers of like oh hey the countdown runs out today.  I might be being pessimistic but what if it just means its too late too become an "elite soul collector". 


I bet it is that. The count down os only the time you have to be an elite soul collector. My bet says we don't get anything today. The silver lining though is that MNSSHP starts this month so we'll most likely get the full lineup before then. 

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6 minutes ago, criticalanalysis said:

98% positive we aren't getting shit today. They'd be hyping it up more. Watch it be some bullshit cell phone wall papers or something.

I agree, but having said that ash vs evil dead dropped almost out of the blue right? 

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3 minutes ago, CNYHHN315 said:

have to agree, this is just a countdown for soul collectors, After today you will no longer be able to join


Disagree with you despite being able to see your POV. I think it'll be something to do with the boxes beneath the countdown.

Edited by criticalanalysis
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1 minute ago, QueenoftheBunnies said:

I'm starting to think they're just going to drop the lineup one night without saying anything. Like, it will just show up on the website and we MIGHT get a tweet or something saying to check the website for event updates. 


Here's how it'll go down, they'll update it on some secondary page on the website and tweet, "k" and that's it.

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1 hour ago, Pandry said:


This isn't so much related to your above comment but...a while back now you made a cryptic comment about this year having something entirely new.  Maybe not a house or zone, but more along the lines of HHN doing something totally different.  I think you said some will like it, others won't.  Did you ever give some follow up info on that?  What's the dealio?  Feel free to respond while you're on the toilet, too.

The cryptic comment was in regards to a zone. For a while i thought it had gotten canned, until Ifrits latest tweets. If it is still a go, they have done hell of a job keeping a lid on it. 

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On 7/28/2017 at 9:20 AM, N i c k said:

It is free for Starz subscribers, otherwise it is something like $3 an episode.


Oooh that'll get pricey! Last I checked I have a subscription to that channel which explains it. 


As for what I selfishly really hope happens an hour from now...an official confirmation on Trick r Treat as it's one of my top 3 IP's I'd love to see at HHN.


As for what I think is gonna happen...icon(s)/overall theming...? I'm trying really hard to be optimistic here lol 

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12 minutes ago, yawjt said:

we are not getting anything today and it is 100% confirmed this is what happens when the timer hits zero....keep on hoping everyone!!XxCxpMR.png

Umm...not sure what you're seeing on your end, but I'm seeing 37 minutes left on the countdown, so there's still hope. Note: I'm in Eastern time. 

Edited by mwilder
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Bated breath....low expectations. 


I'll still be quite disappointed if this isn't any type of reveal. For how long this thing has been counting down, it really shouldn't just be for their bulllsh*t social media metrics. 

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3 minutes ago, PeoriaBJJ said:

Im central time so it says Ive got an hour and a half.... hopefully its set to Eastern time.


Really poor planning on their part to have it count down based on the user's timezone. It should be 11a EST...

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