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RUN: Blood, Sweat, and Fears

Mark M.

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we did get that terrible Alice Cooper house, why not make an actual awesome house based on a band? lol

Donovan presents: Season Of The Witch?
Bobby Pickett presents: "Monster Mash"?

I'm sorry I hate the idea of houses based on bands.

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One of the things that stood out was the Asian influence, It definitely increased my respect for this house and I wish I could see what they do with it. 

Wishful thinking but putting it down before I forget. A great theme would be urban legends from around the world. They could have all sorts of things. I'd love an "Around the world" house/theme. 

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I'd love an "Around the world" house/theme. 

I feel this (RUN) may technically be something like that. Based on the fact we already have a Canadian Maple Leaf in concept art and now our ?Kabuki? type person, as well as that gas mask labeled "Andre", I'm guessing each Reaper is based around a different culture / country.

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I feel this (RUN) may technically be something like that. Based on the fact we already have a Canadian Maple Leaf in concept art and now our ?Kabuki? type person, as well as that gas mask labeled "Andre", I'm guessing each Reaper is based around a different culture / country.

I could really get behind this if it's true.

The more that they release the more jealous I get that I won't be able to see any of it outside of here.... This is probably going to be a house people may go in just because and really be blown away.

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Hey, funny story, remember that image Mike posted? The "reward for your patience" one? The one we totes thought was another Body Collectors tease? Here's a refresh:

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Yeah, that's from this house. How do I know this? Well, Dr. Jimmy pointed it out on his Tumblr. But a different angle of the photo with lighting was in the media package given at the Employee Preview. I think we all got fooled by the tools and overall tone of the image. Here's the new image of that room:


Looks more like RUN now, doesn't it?

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RUN: BLOOD SWEAT AND FEARS You’ve just been selected as a contestant on RUN, a brutal TV show where everyday people are stalked by skilled assassins. Just remember: the more horrifying your death, the higher the ratings. Entrance: Near Beetlejuice Graveyard Revue Location: Disaster! queue • Exit: near Disaster! entrance 

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Now that we know this house is country / culture based in a way, I've made a list of what countries are in so far:

  • Canada (Concept Art)
  • Japan? (Employee Preview / Concept Art)
  • Brazil (That "Andre" gas mask at employee preview. Had this confirmed by the person who designed the SZ logos this year on Twitter. Won't say her name, unless it's already a known fact or something. Gonna keep this in mind just in case Uni doesn't put SZ logos on website or map.) 
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Now that we know this house is country / culture based in a way, I've made a list of what countries are in so far:

  • Canada (Concept Art)
  • Japan? (Employee Preview / Concept Art)
  • Brazil (That "Andre" gas mask at employee preview. Had this confirmed by the person who designed the SZ logos this year on Twitter. Won't say her name, unless it's already a known fact or something. Gonna keep this in mind just in case Uni doesn't put SZ logos on website or map.) 

I still find it funny that we have a Canadian assassin. I thought they were super nice ;D

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