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Horror Unearthed 2012

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Having only been around for the tail end of LT in 2010

^That so doesn't count... 2010's LT was a complete failure & a joke. Its best to forget that even happened.

As for the HHN site... as Voorhees mentioned above... the UH section has been changed.

You now hear the familiar LT site music and you see this


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^That so doesn't count... 2010's LT was a complete failure & a joke. Its best to forget that even happened.

Believe me, I know. I had heard from a friend about LT, and was really excited to be involved in 2010, but discovered that it was nothing like what the prior two years had been (particularly 2008). But I'll take what I can get. :)

If they do come back for next year's event in full force, I'm really going to have to try and get down there again for it.

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I love this! I am just bummed I ran out of time (or forgot some days) to play enough to get all those pieces emailed to me. I hope it doesn't matter. These completed puzzles are very interesting. It would be so brilliant for A&D to have some form of game all year. That would NOT piss me off..

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Rick & TJ had wanted to do a year-round site type of thing with LT after 2008's event, that didn't happen obviously. 2009 was pretty much set up for LT, but never got anywhere. However, it seems that we might actually be looking at our post-HHN "fun" that will lead up to HHN 23...

So right now we just have to sit and wait.... unfortunately, we'll also have to suffer through asinine speculation regarding HU & LT. Expect many facepalms & headdesking until something new does appear.

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I don't care what you say Wesker. It's obvious to anyone who even half pays attention that LT and the Iniquitus are teaming up with the Grinch to overthrow the Macy's parade and rule Mardi Gras! You'd have to be pretty brainless to not see that one coming...

I do hope that they keep this alive during the off-season, even if it is just minimal. What a great way to keep the spirit and games alive, and fuel the community's interest and passion.

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I don't care what you say Wesker. It's obvious to anyone who even half pays attention that LT and the Iniquitus are teaming up with the Grinch to overthrow the Macy's parade and rule Mardi Gras! You'd have to be pretty brainless to not see that one coming...

Your implications are impending...

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  • 3 months later...

I have friend Anthony C. He can't remember what legion he joined. Anyone know how to possibly find out for him. We already contacted Ray and he said there is no way of telling until the game comes back. Any info would be cool.

The really only way is unless someone screen capped the boards...

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