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HHN 21: Event Photos and Videos


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Also, My wife used the Point and click on the tour. She got some I just couldn't with the prime lens.


so you guys could take pics in the poe house?

OMG that is so cool, that house has the most cool things in it, like the window with the crows

damn, I really hope someone takes a pic of the walls in the room with the big books, the walls covered with crows, i would love to do that for a wall in my room

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Hey everyone. Lots of events going down in the House of Wasabi. Have started editing photos from my dry run at EP night, have quite a few more coming from it, won't be back in the park until at least this Sunday (I'm helping with the 1st annual Orlando Comedy Festival). Meanwhile, I just aquired over $3000 worth of lighting gear for helping out on a movie (busy busy busy busy busy busy.....)

Here's the first batch. Hope you guys like.

For night one, I focused on 7. Going to try to focus on a street a night till I have them all, and then go back and hit everything here and there.


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Somebody show me the night maze!!! lol im dying to see it

Here ya go:


Kidding (barely) but it honestly is very hard to take pictures of as there isn't enough light. (Which I think was the point) The day pics really look just like it... with less light and some black shapes running around. I'll try again on Friday.

BUT... Check this video at 1:53

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I would just like to say that you guys are awesome. Some really really great pics!!! I appreciate it because, number one, it helps make my wait until I'm in town a little more bearable and helps scratch my HHN itch. Number two, I usually only have one night to try getting pics and this will certainly help fill in any blanks for things I missed.

So THANK YOU!!!! And keep up the good work! :D

Edited by Creeper06
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