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HHN Hollywood X (2011) Speculation

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Wow. Lots of negative posts here. Cant say we didnt tell you so. ALL of the hints perfectly fit for Alice Cooper so why would you blow it off? Anyways at first I was not super excited for this maze but now that I think of it more. It's HHN and it's John Murdy. It's gonna be good no matter what so lets just deal with it and be happy that we are getting a new maze and not a repeat and that our event is headed in the right direction for originality. Dont you think it's a bit hypocritical that we bitch and moan about not getting any original content and then when we finally do we bitch and moan about it not being the original content we wanted? Seems pretty hypocritical to me. So why dont we just take it for what it is and stop complaing about every little thing. Could the event have better names appearing? Yess. But am I gonna complain about it and ruin all the hype for this years event? HELL NO. I mean we could be getting a Twilight maze, or even worse...Freddy AGAIN. With that being said....

What maze do you guys think will be announced next and when do you think it'll be announced? :D

Edited by LeeRay
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DTH hit on one thing that I do find to be true. Murdy dismissing things for being too obscure is kind of wonky after this announcement. I for one am looking forward to AC WAY more than Hostel, but still do think this was an out of the blue random choice. Looking at it now, I think Murdy will give everyone Scream. It will be a "this is what you want (scream), here's what I want (cooper)" type of deal. Gratification and self-fulfillment all rolled up into one.

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DTH is realy on the point in my book as far as Musical artist with horror themed there alot of young artist that play into the horror Rock genera and alot of greats that are more relivent then Alice Cooper yeah I know he was one the first but I dont see him as the best, Rob Zombie, Marylin Manson, and even the Misfits (I know there old but they have a hell of a lot more fans then alice cooper does with this generation) are way above my list, but I can bet Minus Rob who has a career in Film and has been at the event before, that non of those name would of came up in a "What would you want a maze based off of," list again I may be wrong and this be the best HHN maze ever but to me this dont make me giddy as a horror or HHN fan and this just make me feel like TrT realy got the shaft from Murdy hardcore.

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I feel it's important to say that I was never one of the people begging for original mazes. lmfao Just wanted to throw that out there! I have been a long time advocate for movie based houses as the prospect of it excites me *cue zombieman groaning*

I also feel it's important to say that HHN is IN FACT capable of doing a bad maze. 3 words = My Bloody Valentine.

As I went through that maze (just for the record, I was somewhat excited for it), I got zero scares. Zero environment and it was zero fun. There was nothing intimidating or rewarding about the experience from a Halloween Horror maze stand point.

At first I thought it was just my run through as I got the tail end of the scares. But I soon realized... I did get the scares. They were just very... very... WEAK.

I was watching videos on it and each one, nobody screamed or seemed to care.

Each one I watched, I felt exactly the way I did while going through it - - I got nothing.

It might be since it was a recent movie that I wasn't in love with.

It might be since the environments were nothing special.

It might be because the villain is in no way intimidating.

It might be because the villain's weapon was just very eh.

It might be because of the scareactors, which, I don't want to say that's why because they were TRAINED to do certain things.

And as odd as it may sound, I don't think I even had FUN going through it other than watching my friend jump over the littlest things.

So yeah, Universal is capable of creating a bad maze as it has been done before.

I know there are people who like that maze but look at it in comparison to the others which were way more hard hitting and intense.

That was one of the only times that I felt Knotts actually beat Universal on something.

So we can go on and on and throw Universal, Murdy and HHN onto this shining horse riding off into the sunset but the fact of the matter is, every maze is capable of failure.

And in my HUMBLE opinion, we've seen one before and I honestly believe, we are bound to see one again.

While going through HotC, it was ALMOST a similar experience but I got one or two GOOD scares in there so I give it to them for that.

This isn't saying "Welcome to my Nightmare" is gonna be that maze (even the name is flippin lame, ugh) but you know, even from a HUGE fan like me, I'm not so quick to put stuff on a pedestal until I see the results.

I might be MIA for awhile. I don't wanna be the Negative Nancy on the boards during this time frame. So until the next codename contest starts up, I'ma just disappear off the map or be on other sections of HNN. Because right now, the event as a whole (not The Thing and Hostel, but the things that weren't given a chance) and AC has got me peeved. I hope you guys understand that I'm leaving for the greater good and positive synergy of the board :) Continue on and enjoy further speculation!

Edited by DTH316
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Wowsers, such negativity....... ;)

Let me pose a question to you....

Would you rather have these mazes or none at all?

Remember not everyone will always get what they want. Do you know the stress and dissatisfaction that Murdy goes through every year. I am sure there are a ton of great ideas that he has had that were been turned down. Remember Murdy is the HHN Master, but even he has a boss. Maybe they shot down an idea, due to cost, licensing or any other number of factors. You guys have to realize that Murdy does not have the ultimate power over anything. Regardless if they annouce a SpongeBob Squarepants maze next, you know Murdy will put his heart & soul into it to make it the best maze out there. And if you do not agree......then tough. Majority rules. Im sure it was easier to get licensing for AC's stuff than TrT, and working with his idol made it an even better proposition. All I am trying to get across here is that sure you guys are upset that you haven't got what you ultimately wanted, but remember HHN is an awesome event that we all enjoy coming to. We are all fans, (Some more than others), but we all love this kind of crazy stuff. Personally I know I will enjoy this year's event just like every other past year. I am dissapointed that TrT was cut this year, but oh well, aint gonna cry abut it. If SCREAM is annouced next, then I will be dissapointed again, I hate that series with the heat of a thousand suns, but I will still attend and enjoy the event. My two cents here, agree, disagree, trash, burn, delete....do what you want, cause at the end of the day, on November 1st we'll all be satisfied with another cool event that was filled with awesome memories of attending the event, working there, getting together as a group, shouting out the secret attack word and looking at the GoGos.

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like ive said before i respect everyones opinions and views on certain things... me personally am very happy and excited with this year... MBV i never even watched before walking into that maze and i loved it (the locker part scared the holy living shit out of one of our friends that went with us) but everyone feels different Jason is one of my fav. horror icons but the first year was the only good year in my eyes.... i cant wait for the next 2 (3) maze announcements cuz with each one its getting better and better...AND then we still have all the SZ's and Bill n Ted o hell i just made myself even more excited now....

60 DAYS TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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one more time as far as me and DTH we havnt siad this is gonna be the bad maze this year but were saying its the oppisite of our cup of tea and what kills me and Im sure DTH is that while this is a maze and other things people have been shooting for Evil Dead, TrT, The Exorcist, Wolfman, and scream are boned, why even have a survey if hes gonna ignore it Evil Dead and Trick R Treat have hit big on the survey, have people asking for it on Facebook and Twitter, has been the number one thing asked for on this site and out of the friggin blue Alice Cooper walks in (Waa Waa Waaaaaaaaaa) when Murdy turns down things claiming Movies are our brand and giving us this list of qualities a movie must have then pulls this stunt regardless if the maze is good or not that a HUGE slap in the face, so far thank god for The Thing (which is one of my favorite movies of all time) and Hostel hell even HOTC (I did enjoy it last year) this is only one stain on this year's event so Im still gonna enjoy the hell out of it but its kinda like Megan Fox yeah she suuuuper hot and I would go out with her in a heart beat.......but she still got her wierd thumb. thats my 2 cents.

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one more time as far as me and DTH we havnt siad this is gonna be the bad maze this year but were saying its the oppisite of our cup of tea and what kills me and Im sure DTH is that while this is a maze and other things people have been shooting for Evil Dead, TrT, The Exorcist, Wolfman, and scream are boned, why even have a survey if hes gonna ignore it Evil Dead and Trick R Treat have hit big on the survey, have people asking for it on Facebook and Twitter, has been the number one thing asked for on this site and out of the friggin blue Alice Cooper walks in (Waa Waa Waaaaaaaaaa) when Murdy turns down things claiming Movies are our brand and giving us this list of qualities a movie must have then pulls this stunt regardless if the maze is good or not that a HUGE slap in the face, so far thank god for The Thing (which is one of my favorite movies of all time) and Hostel hell even HOTC (I did enjoy it last year) this is only one stain on this year's event so Im still gonna enjoy the hell out of it bit its kinda like Megan Fox yeah she suuuuper hot and I would go out with her in a heart beat.......but she still got her wierd thumb. thats my 2 cents.

Understood, but what if Murdy could not get the license for all those great propeties.....I asked him if it was true that TrT was out and he said yes, that he would still like to do it, but even Halloween took years to get the rights to it. As crazy as it sounds not everyone is willing to hand over the licenses to their properties for a halloween maze. Case in point Stephen King. Feel free to get upset about it sure, but seriously you act like it is all Murdy's fault. I am not accusing anyone of anything here it is just ridiculous how crazy some people get.

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Hey, just want to let anyone who may be new to this board know that DTH316 is not normally a negative dude. Quite the contrary, he's usually a pleasure to chat with. He's taking this Alice Cooper announcement really hard - I know it's got me very surprised - so let's let him cool off.

This board is normally a very peaceful place.

So, let's all take a cleansing breath and get back onto speculation....

Anyone want to recap which clues are left? I'm forgetting which countries we have and have not covered.

With three brand new themes announced already, and knowing that HOTC is a repeat, that leaves three possibilities to come:

1) Two more entirely new houses

2) One more new house and one repeat/reboot

3) Two repeats or reboots

(non-A.C.) thoughts?

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I really hate that argument. So, like it or don't go? Incorrect. We have the right to bitch and moan to get our point across. I am actually excited for Alice cooper, but I defend DTH and Grindhouse's rights to voice their dissatisfaction to the death. I really hate the "would you rather have this or a repeat?" Line of thinking. There are more than two options, more than 20 options, more than 100 options. So would they rather have this than a repeat? Probably. Would they rather have TrT, Evil Dead, or another original content? Most definitely. See what I did there? I didn't spout propaganda about love HHN or die. I'll have fun at Alice, but that doesn't mean somebody else can't voice their disagreement over the choice.

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I just want to reiterate one of my points from a couple weeks ago. Murdy loves to constantly refer back to his "rules": good environments, variety of scareactors, and brand recognition. And now he's broken those rules with two of the three mazes for the year. Hostel has brand recognition but one environment (warehouse) and one type of killer (dudes in butcher aprons with torture devices). 1 ouf of 3. Now we have Alice Cooper. Who knows about the environments and killers (here's hoping that those will be really cool) but it has no brand recognition (does anyone know Welcome to My Nightmare?!?!). So that's 2 out of 3 at best. So, bottom line, Murdy's rules are only rules when it's convenient for him (or his bosses, to be fair). So when he says things like "There's not enough demand for that", he's lying. It doesn't matter. There was ZERO demand for Alice Cooper.

Anyway, we all want the best possible event. We're fans. We're going to go and have tons of fun, no matter what. But if an announcement disappoints some of us, we can say that. Fortunately, we have 6 mazes so there will hopefully be something for everyone. I am hoping to be pleasantly surprised by this new one. Really. :)

Back to spec, I hope some people are right above that he throws a bone to the fans and gives us Scream. But I don't see how Scream will fit into the clues given (a tomb and forest?). Or were those clues for the other maze. It all gets so mixed up.

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Understood, but what if Murdy could not get the license for all those great propeties.....I asked him if it was true that TrT was out and he said yes, that he would still like to do it, but even Halloween took years to get the rights to it. As crazy as it sounds not everyone is willing to hand over the licenses to their properties for a halloween maze. Case in point Stephen King. Feel free to get upset about it sure, but seriously you act like it is all Murdy's fault. I am not accusing anyone of anything here it is just ridiculous how crazy some people get.

I find it hard to believe that he couldnt get the rights to TrT he knows the director WB studios is litteraly down the block, the director showed interest in HHN maze based off of TrT, Plus Im sure there were other Movies that he himself put on the back burner for Alice Im not starting up pose to burn Murdy at the stake Im just saying to me this is a big let down and like I said Im realy excited for this year due to Bill and Ted the Go-gos The Thing and Hostel but once again, Alice Cooper Maze=Megan Fox's Deformed Thumb. just one imperfection on something amazing.

Hey, just want to let anyone who may be new to this board know that DTH316 is not normally a negative dude. Quite the contrary, he's usually a pleasure to chat with. He's taking this Alice Cooper announcement really hard - I know it's got me very surprised - so let's let him cool off.

This board is normally a very peaceful place.

yes in fact DTH is one of the most passionate about this event on these boards

I really hate that argument. So, like it or don't go? Incorrect. We have the right to bitch and moan to get our point across. I am actually excited for Alice cooper, but I defend DTH and Grindhouse's rights to voice their dissatisfaction to the death. I really hate the "would you rather have this or a repeat?" Line of thinking. There are more than two options, more than 20 options, more than 100 options. So would they rather have this than a repeat? Probably. Would they rather have TrT, Evil Dead, or another original content? Most definitely. See what I did there? I didn't spout propaganda about love HHN or die. I'll have fun at Alice, but that doesn't mean somebody else can't voice their disagreement over the choice.

thank you well put, everybody look like alot of you this is one of my most favorite times of the year and this is why I feel strongly about it like DTH and realy Im super leyt down by this maze annoucment it was Thing :D Hostel :D then Alice Cooper :( Im exciteed for this year I just dont find this maze interesting and Ive been saying this the whole I dont know wiether it will be good or not, but the "Dont bitch or dont go argument" is pointless not once did me or DTH say this whole years gonna suck cuz of one bad maze its just not something we would enjoy in forsight we could be wrong and this be the best maze ever but to me I dont like the idea, but that not gonna effect me enjoy everything else that is all

now we got HOH-Trivia

and Shrek Venue-Soap Opera to worry about

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I just want to reiterate one of my points from a couple weeks ago. Murdy loves to constantly refer back to his "rules": good environments, variety of scareactors, and brand recognition. And now he's broken those rules with two of the three mazes for the year. Hostel has brand recognition but one environment (warehouse) and one type of killer (dudes in butcher aprons with torture devices). 1 ouf of 3. Now we have Alice Cooper. Who knows about the environments and killers (here's hoping that those will be really cool) but it has no brand recognition (does anyone know Welcome to My Nightmare?!?!). So that's 2 out of 3 at best. So, bottom line, Murdy's rules are only rules when it's convenient for him (or his bosses, to be fair). So when he says things like "There's not enough demand for that", he's lying. It doesn't matter. There was ZERO demand for Alice Cooper.

Anyway, we all want the best possible event. We're fans. We're going to go and have tons of fun, no matter what. But if an announcement disappoints some of us, we can say that. Fortunately, we have 6 mazes so there will hopefully be something for everyone. I am hoping to be pleasantly surprised by this new one. Really. :)

Back to spec, I hope some people are right above that he throws a bone to the fans and gives us Scream. But I don't see how Scream will fit into the clues given (a tomb and forest?). Or were those clues for the other maze. It all gets so mixed up.

well another thing we have to look at is it seems like murdy is very loose on the codename meanings and their hints. did he actually say there was a forrest or did he just say he was ordring tree's? he didnt specify on the type of tree's as far as i can remember. they could be apple trees for all we know. if thats the case then we dont really need to think of a movie with a forest. somebody please correct me if i am wrong.

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I really hate that argument. So, like it or don't go? Incorrect. We have the right to bitch and moan to get our point across. I am actually excited for Alice cooper, but I defend DTH and Grindhouse's rights to voice their dissatisfaction to the death. I really hate the "would you rather have this or a repeat?" Line of thinking. There are more than two options, more than 20 options, more than 100 options. So would they rather have this than a repeat? Probably. Would they rather have TrT, Evil Dead, or another original content? Most definitely. See what I did there? I didn't spout propaganda about love HHN or die. I'll have fun at Alice, but that doesn't mean somebody else can't voice their disagreement over the choice.

I am not arguing that DTH & GH cannot express their opinions, everyone is entitled to do so, just like I am entiled to mine. I am also not spouting Love HHN or die either, that is simply ridiculous. The fact of the matter is that we do not know the whole details of why Murdy chose what he did, but the excuses that are sprayed around are amazing. You hate my argument, then that is fine, I do not care if you agree with me or not. You reallty hate the "would you rather have this ior a repeat? " line, then that is fine, I do not care that is my opinion. I know I will enjoy the event even if it is All New, All Nightmare on Elm Styreet mazes.

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well another thing we have to look at is it seems like murdy is very loose on the codename meanings and their hints. did he actually say there was a forrest or did he just say he was ordring tree's? he didnt specify on the type of tree's as far as i can remember. they could be apple trees for all we know. if thats the case then we dont really need to think of a movie with a forest. somebody please correct me if i am wrong.

You could be right. He can be tricky with the clues to make you think he's talking about one thing when he means something else (like the connection between Alice Cooper and Indy). That Murdy is a wily one.

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what else has been said about the two remaining codenames

Trivia (HoH) - Real Wild Child

Soap Opera (Shrek) - Run, Forest, Run” and “O’Dowd

ive been looking back on pages but cant find where someone put everything all together,

Edited by djevilclown
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To Murdy. Everything I said about Welcome to My Nightmare... it was the - -

La Llorona, sometimes called the Woman in White, in Mexican folklore, the ghost of a woman crying for her dead children.

Woman in White (radio), a radio soap opera created by Irna Phillips.

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Hobbz, I wasn't directing my post towards you, but rather just as a general statement. I got flamed for not liking the Hostel choice and it was the same rhetoric."don't complain because it's better than nothing." Well who said we were getting nothing? It's just an arguement against someone's personal opinion that tries to make them seem ungrateful, spoiled, and irrational. I posted my opinion, free of Passion or hate and was treated like a 2 year old brat throwing food at the wall. I'm just sticking up for those who, like me, get put down for not looking forward to every element of the event.

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To Murdy. Everything I said about Welcome to My Nightmare... it was the - -

La Llorona, sometimes called the Woman in White, in Mexican folklore, the ghost of a woman crying for her dead children.

Woman in White (radio), a radio soap opera created by Irna Phillips.

welcome back DTH lol, you could be on to something, that is a nice connection.

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more celebs probably means zombie but maybe someone else for the last two mazes

also on the PR that murdy just tweeted it says:

"Halloween Horror Nights" 2011 will bring unprecedented star power to an array of unrivaled, film production quality mazes uniquely themed to today's most definitive horror properties and deliver the most compelling, spine-chilling, haunted attractions. All-new terror filled "scare zones," original shows and the popular "Terror Tram" will be among the ""Halloween Horror Nights" offerings. Additional new content for the 2011 "Halloween Horror Nights" mazes and attractions will be announced shortly.

thats interesting cuz i thought there was only bill n ted

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