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HHN 25 Discussion

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Who are those figures at the very last turn of the victim wheel? I saw Freddy, Jason, TWD... and who were those last ones... the other Icons? Is he gloating to the other Icons that "He wins" ?

I only see Freddy, Jason and TWD. They show each of them multiple times. Based on the shot at 0:41, it clearly shows just three cages. One to the North, one to the East, and one to the West. South is where Chance walked in and Jack is sitting in the corner.

Chance is looks awesome and I am so glad they finally gave her some screen time! They are a perfect duo. Jack without Chance just feels wrong and I am so happy they included her. I wonder if she will also be in the maze?

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I only see Freddy, Jason and TWD. They show each of them multiple times. Based on the shot at 0:41, it clearly shows just three cages. One to the North, one to the East, and one to the West. South is where Chance walked in and Jack is sitting in the corner.

Chance is looks awesome and I am so glad they finally gave her some screen time! They are a perfect duo. Jack without Chance just feels wrong and I am so happy they included her. I wonder if she will also be in the maze?

They're not in cages, the victims see them briefly before Jack goes "Looks like I win... again!"

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They're not in cages, the victims see them briefly before Jack goes "Looks like I win... again!"

They are still TWD zombies. That is the cage to the North they are facing with the location Chance entered from behind them. It's just hard to see the cage bars because of the lighting and focus of the camera. He says "Looks like I win...again!" and then releases them from the cage. Then he releases Freddy and Jason by pulling the other two levers. 

You can count the legs if you pause it at 1:15 and see there are 7 pairs of legs to match up with the 7 zombies you see him release at 1:33.

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Some pictures we took are on our Twitter and Facebook pages for those that want to see them!

If you have Periscope, follow us at HNNightmares and you can see the videos we took including a walkthrough of the media setup, Mike Aielo and Jack's appearance! 

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Why does jack keep saying your welcome? And also I hope this maniacs thing dies down. We can turn that into a drinking game for how many times he says that. 

If you've ever met any sarcastic prick with an ego, you'd know. It's all in sarcastic nature. YOU should be thanking HIM for whatever horrors he comes up with for you. HE's the best and he know's he's the best. 

As for the maniacs? Goes along with his ego trip. You pledge your allegiance to HIM. You are now his little puppets per say. That's his thing. Of course he's going to bring it up a lot.

You're Welcome.

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During the media night was the first time I have heard him say "Your welcome" and I instantly thought he was referencing Frank Kindaid and his classic line from Disaster considering the day the event happened was also the first day the ride was closed forever.

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That commercial was totally worth waiting for.  I think I watched it six times in a row.  I'll probably go home from work tonight and watch it another six times.  Then, I"ll call up some friends and pull random people off the street and make them all watch it.  Yep, it's that good.

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The commercial was good. I'm sad the walkers were chosen but what did we expect. In the end Jack implies he just released everyone by pulling the other two levers. 

The tune really hits it home brings the whole thing together and the whole setup is just so.. ah. Even at the end when they bring up the logo and play the rock version of the jack in the box song..

Ahh. Music to my ears.

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That's interesting.  The place looks AMAZING (especially for someone who enjoys exploring abandoned places)...but for a movie theme park renowned for making "life-like movie quality sets" you'd think there'd have been a cheaper alternative to do it locally.  I mean I see the realism in it, just a bit surprised.

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That's interesting.  The place looks AMAZING (especially for someone who enjoys exploring abandoned places)...but for a movie theme park renowned for making "life-like movie quality sets" you'd think there'd have been a cheaper alternative to do it locally.  I mean I see the realism in it, just a bit surprised.

(HHN 25 budget meeting) Hmmm...a 10th house this year or...shoot a commercial in Budapest!!

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Where did these rumors originate on Diagon actually being open for the event? Because I was let down and pretty dissapointed when Gringotts wasn't one of the rides open on the website. But if this is true, oh my god that'll be great. Also, would all of Diagon be open or just Gringotts? 

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Where did these rumors originate on Diagon actually being open for the event? Because I was let down and pretty dissapointed when Gringotts wasn't one of the rides open on the website. But if this is true, oh my god that'll be great. Also, would all of Diagon be open or just Gringotts? 

I'm not sure myself.  I've heard not open at all early on and then open nightly to midnight with Gringotts being open as well. Then I heard they can't advertise or promote it being open.  It may be one of those you'll-know-when-you-get-there type deals.

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This new is amazing!! I really hope this is 100% official and not somebody "official" saying what they have heard without solid proof of it being true. 

Being able to grab at Hot Butterbeer and get away from the horror for a little bit is going to be awesome. Plus, the zone in pictures looks amazing at night and I have yet to see it this way. This event just keeps getting better and better with the more info thats coming out!

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That menu is really unappealing. I was hoping the turnout would be decent enough to try to go for it next year. But there's really nothing on that menu that justifies the price (outside of the scaractors)

Agreed. Like, at least have some like exclusive HHN based food. The whole Scareactor part sounds cool though.

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I adore the idea of the scareactors. I imagine them putting the big name people up instead of just ol joe they hired last month so it'd be very entertaining.

But there's only 5 choices each outside of side dishes that have 6 (woo two choices of potato).. The menu just looks like the free "all you can eat" buffet I saw at a timeshare party. Limited choices because it's "free" But this costs so much money. I wouldn't be lying when I expected a little more. :( At least it's a little more upper class than Nathans hotdogs and fries though.

This is why I bypass first year things. 

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