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Halloween Horror Nights 24 Speculation

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Trying to figure out if his name is an anagram for something. Having a hard time.


I'm guessing that maybe that building is supposed to be the LT mansion or something. Could be a castle, but there's no walls around it and if there were the trees wouldn't be that in that location, I don't think.

Darkness MAYBE refers to "the new age of darkness."

And perhaps the "quakes from beneath" are from Hell?

I actually have no idea what any of this means, although we could just be being trolled.

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IDK I don't take people seriously who just pop in and post one time. It takes time. Emeric took over a year. I trust Mystique saying these are coming from a legitimate source. She was also one of the original messengers for our mutual friend (along with myself and others).

Besides, so many feet in the pond murking up the water... I can only handle so many cryptic clues.

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IDK I don't take people seriously who just pop in and post one time. It takes time. Emeric took over a year. I trust Mystique saying these are coming from a legitimate source. She was also one of the original messengers for our mutual friend (along with myself and others).

Besides, so many feet in the pond murking up the water... I can only handle so many cryptic clues.

Chances are we're being screwed with, yeah.

Maybe this person is just leaking information subtly because his dad said he couldn't smoke weed with his girlfriend. If you know what I'm saying.

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Reading up on the Key of Solomon...

"Book II describes various purifications which the operator (termed "exorcist") should undergo, how they should clothe themselves, how the magical implements used in their operations should be constructed, and what animal sacrifices should be made to the spirits."
There's a few reasons it might be AHS as well. FX (the network it is on) is a subsidiary of FOX networks. Nuns are sisters, and of course the devil plays a large role in season 2.
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Reading up on the Key of Solomon...

"Book II describes various purifications which the operator (termed "exorcist") should undergo, how they should clothe themselves, how the magical implements used in their operations should be constructed, and what animal sacrifices should be made to the spirits."
There's a few reasons it might be AHS as well. FX (the network it is on) is a subsidiary of FOX networks. Nuns are sisters, and of course the devil plays a large role in season 2.

So devils and rituals that bind them and/or summon them.

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Some breaking news from HorrorNightsORL on Twitter! Writing a treatment this week with the team. This one came late in the mix. Finally got it!! Codename: Altar. Late night info! Boom!

It sounds to me that we might've just gotten potential confirmation on a freak out property coming to the event. Those demons certainly need to be Exorcised, I wonder if there is a Father who can help out with that or not?

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That... doesn't make a lot of sense.

It's fairly far past the the point where those things need to be done. If they are just getting approval on a house they haven't even done a treatment on... that is an insane rush.

An IP change would make even less sense as contracts have to be done and there is collaboration with the owners. No... if anything they swapped an original.

I find it hard to swallow. But whatever Mike says I guess.

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