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When I said American Gothic for Sam i meant as in the painting not the scarezone. The scarezone was more 1800's, but yes I still think that kind of feeling works with our theme.

What if you did a house based on The Headless Horseman, but with a twist. How about you make a demon/devil one a lot like Demon Cantina. Although everything tied in that year, not all the houses were same era, so the idea of the house is what will tie it into the icon, not the house itself

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Just checking in! Sounds like this event is shaping up to be quite cool! I have a few ideas for a few shows bubbling around my barely used cranium that I've been jotting down, as well as some ideas for things to spoof in Bill & Ted. I have a question, is LT involved with the event at all?

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Just checking in! Sounds like this event is shaping up to be quite cool! I have a few ideas for a few shows bubbling around my barely used cranium that I've been jotting down, as well as some ideas for things to spoof in Bill & Ted. I have a question, is LT involved with the event at all?

sorry but what is LT? Also I was thinking that you can write the Bill and Ted show , while HHN1293 writes the other show , and then both of you work together to write the opening scaremony

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sorry but what is LT? Also I was thinking that you can write the Bill and Ted show , while HHN1293 writes the other show , and then both of you work together to write the opening scaremony

Legendary Truth. That's a good idea, I'll send a message his way tonight and we can start shooting ideas back and forth

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My House Ideas so far.

(witches concept) You will be back in the Burning times of Europe where witches are burned as they take their vengence on all the europeans as the soldiers/muskets try to take down the witches as you travel to the woods,witches caves,courthouse,and a courtyard of the witches who were burned alive also throughout the town.

(Demon and Vampire Concept) After a horrific fire where the Demon Cantina was almost destroyed by the hands of a new bike clan who are vampires (from the movie From Dusk Til Dawn) as Vampires find a new place to crash as there own cantina(the titty twister from the movie) was already destroyed so in order to settle the score as the catina turns into a warzone.

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My House Ideas so far.

(witches concept) You will be back in the Burning times of Europe where witches are burned as they take their vengence on all the europeans as the soldiers/muskets try to take down the witches as you travel to the woods,witches caves,courthouse,and a courtyard of the witches who were burned alive also throughout the town.

(Demon and Vampire Concept) After a horrific fire where the Demon Cantina was almost destroyed by the hands of a new bike clan who are vampires (from the movie From Dusk Til Dawn) as Vampires find a new place to crash as there own cantina(the titty twister from the movie) was already destroyed so in order to settle the score as the catina turns into a warzone.

I especially like the demon idea

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Just to let you guys know, I finished the scare zones and submitted them to Agent. I'm happy with what I came up with and hopefully you'll find at least one you'll be happy with too! Special thanks to Director of Horror and Agent for the ideas you gave me and I modified them a bit but still kept a few of your most important points!

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Just to let you guys know, I finished the scare zones and submitted them to Agent. I'm happy with what I came up with and hopefully you'll find at least one you'll be happy with too! Special thanks to Director of Horror and Agent for the ideas you gave me and I modified them a bit but still kept a few of your most important points!

After he approves them send me the concepts and how many characters are in each and who they are so i can design them :-)

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I don't know if the house designers and so forth will be able to make the deadline, I think we should figure out where we're at right now in terms of what we have done what else needs to be worked on.

The icon himself has the Trick R Treat house, but with his backstory and all, I don't think we would be able to come up with 8 mazes all based on traditional Halloween stuff. I can see how you want to stay out of the 'making houses based on movies' idea and I can respect that, but I don't think the main focus should be so much on making sure they connect with the icon, heck a few scarezones I have aren't in connection.

The theme and backstory of the icon we have could be pretty much tied up in one house. They don't all have to be centered around the icon. 08 did a great job, connecting them all but 09 had a few houses that were borderline not with the theme i.e. Cleaver and Spawning. Julian was more of a fan of classic horror, even the Wolfman house was referencing to the remake more than the old Wolfman, and I wouldn't picture Julian giving the new Wolfman the time of day. Silver Screams, his house, did indeed feature a lot of recent horror movies and Phantom was really the only classic, yes, but it is a bit about marketing. The house appeases to the general public. They knew most of the people going to the event were familiar with the newer horrors more than the old, so the newer ones were featured more.

During Jack's years did every house involve clowns? Director's involve all of his movies? Caretaker..whose theme was originally more for Cindy than him?

So in conclusion, the icon and theme are fine, it's just very limiting to make it all about traditional halloween customs and Sam's version of Halloween, I'm sure house designers are probably pulling their hairs trying to figure out how to make their houses connect with Sam.

Edited by Leonardo Van IcePickasso
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Sam kinda reminds me of the guy from Halloween 3.

On my end of things, I have a few ideas for things I'd like to spoof in "this year's" Bill & Ted, but haven't really started developing a script yet. I can't recall if I'm also supposed to do work on a show for sam of if my co-writer is...

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Sam kinda reminds me of the guy from Halloween 3.

On my end of things, I have a few ideas for things I'd like to spoof in "this year's" Bill & Ted, but haven't really started developing a script yet. I can't recall if I'm also supposed to do work on a show for sam of if my co-writer is...

the show for Sam, opening scaremony, is for both the show writers

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I'd be more than willing to help HHNFan out with show writing, I've taken lots of writing classes before and have pretty much finished my original task of scarezone creating. If he hasn't heard anything back from his co-writer.

well i havent heard anything from his co writer so you can help him out

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Does this story sound good/scary:

It's midnight. Four friends (Dan, John, Ryan and Eric) dig up a grave at a cemetery to retrieve a ring they hear is worth thousands of dollars. They decide to let Dan keep it at his house until tomorrow when they can cash it in. Dan hurries home only to discover that something else is waiting for him.

If anyone has any suggestions to help make it better PLEASE let me know! =P

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what do you have so far

I have the full house of Trick 'r Treat. Have some ideas for a witch house, though no run-through. And Diego is working on a demon/devil house.

"Does this story sound good/scary:

It's midnight. Four friends (Dan, John, Ryan and Eric) dig up a grave at a cemetery to retrieve a ring they hear is worth thousands of dollars. They decide to let Dan keep it at his house until tomorrow when they can cash it in. Dan hurries home only to discover that something else is waiting for him."

What is that for?

Edited by The Director of Horror
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Does this story sound good/scary:

It's midnight. Four friends (Dan, John, Ryan and Eric) dig up a grave at a cemetery to retrieve a ring they hear is worth thousands of dollars. They decide to let Dan keep it at his house until tomorrow when they can cash it in. Dan hurries home only to discover that something else is waiting for him.

If anyone has any suggestions to help make it better PLEASE let me know! =P

dont think that will fit as a show here.

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I have the full house of Trick 'r Treat. Have some ideas for a witch house, though no run-through. And Diego is working on a demon/devil house.

"Does this story sound good/scary:

It's midnight. Four friends (Dan, John, Ryan and Eric) dig up a grave at a cemetery to retrieve a ring they hear i worth thousands of dollars. They decide to let Dan keep it at his house until tomorrow when they can cash it in. Dan hurries home only to discover that something else is waiting for him."

What is that for?

are you talking about the Trick R Treat movie or the icon house , because if you want I can create the icon house

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The movie house. We should name the scarezone and the icon house differently, so if won't get confused with the movie house. And sure, you can do the icon house.

ok ill do the icon house. Do you have any concept drawings for the houses yet? Oh, and are you guys writing the mazes in detail or just the concept of it?

Edited by AgentOfChaos93
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ok ill do the icon house. Do you have any concept drawings for the houses yet? Oh, and are you guys writing the mazes in detail or just the concept of it?

The only house in detail yet is Trick 'r Treat. But eventually (and hopefully) all the houses will have a detail run-through.

After all the mazes are complete, I will start to draw them out. I can probally knock out one maze drawing per day. But I won't do it like Universal does. They have a drawing for every wall in the entire houses, no matter how big or small. I might draw out two of three wall elevations if they seem important enough. I will do an elevation of all of the facades though. And I'd love to help draw elevations, concept art, and maybe even floor plans for the large and main props in some scarezones, (if I have extra time). *breathes in, exhales slowly* haha

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