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Would Andrew and I have permission to do a Trick 'r Treat house. I think it fits this this theme perfectly, is a movie (which means it is recognizable to some degree), and could work perfectly as a house.

yes, you can do this house. So is this theme and icon the one we are going to use? everyone agree?

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I liked the voodoo theme better, but if everyone else likes it i guess I will go with it. BUT, we need to change the icons name. It is too cheesy for HHN. (i.e. changing the name Paul Bearer to Albert Caine) His name shouldnt be a pun, it should just be a name Like Albert Caine or Julian Browning. Plus there is already a Jack icon...

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Here's my idea for a Trick 'r Treat based house.

You enter in Emma's yard with all of the ghost scarecrows. You can see the facade of the house, it is an unpractical set. You come upon Emma's severed body with the pumpkin lolipop. Then Sam jumps out at you with a sheet. You enter through a gate in the fence and are now in the yard of Mr. Kreeg. His yard is full of jack o' lanterns. You enter under the porch and into the den. You see Sam run across the hallway upstairs. Once you exit the den and enter into a hallyway leading to the bedroom you see Mr. Kreeg strugling for his life after being attacked by Sam. Still going down the long hallway you hear a shotgun blast coming from a room to the left of you. Then you enter the bedroom with the flaming jack o' lantern and red writting all over the walls. You exit the house and now are in the backyard of Principal Wilkins digging the grave for the kid he posioned, Charlie. You walk through a tall wooden fence surrounding the yard and are now in what seems like a rock quarry filled with thick fog. There is very little light and you here the voices of children taunt you. Shortly after, the flickering of the bus headlights reveal the children in their costumes, inches away from your face. After you escape from the children you are on the path lit by jack o' lanterns in the forest. After you are distracted by Laurie in her Red Riding Hood costume, a vampire tries to attack you, which later turns out to be Principal Wilkins. Afterwards, you come upon the suprise party. All of the girls are ripping out of their storybook costumes and transforming into werewolves. You see their dates, dead. Once you are about to leave the party, mauled and scratched body of Principal Wilkins falls from a tree with his his vampire costume. You leave the forest and are in an area filled with thick, dense fog. The only thing in sight is a jack o' lantern. You see the flame go out, everything is dark. Then an extremley loud scretch is heard, a blinding light is flashed several times revealing Sam's face in jack o' lantern form.

Like it?

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I think it needs to not really be a play on words, just a kind of eerie name Like Mary Agana or Elsa Strict you could not tell who they were based off their name. First I think we need to come up with HIM and his name will fall in place. What time era do you want him to be from? based on the fact you chose the name Jack lantern, I am thinking like an irish man or irish immigrant farmer. Like wizard of oz ear dusty crops, small town...possibly Carey, Oh ;-) lol what do you think? I need these to know who I am designing lol. Maybe almost make him a scarecrow-esque man? and if we make him like that he can be called The Farmer or The Reaper....(maybe a harvester of souls?)

Edited by Shotguy06
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I think it needs to not really be a play on words, just a kind of eerie name Like Mary Agana or Elsa Strict you could not tell who they were based off their name. First I think we need to come up with HIM and his name will fall in place. What time era do you want him to be from? based on the fact you chose the name Jack lantern, I am thinking like an irish man or irish immigrant farmer. Like wizard of oz ear dusty crops, small town...possibly Carey, Oh ;-) lol what do you think? I need these to know who I am designing lol. Maybe almost make him a scarecrow-esque man? and if we make him like that he can be called The Farmer or The Reaper....(maybe a harvester of souls?)

well he grew up with a traditional halloween so I think he would be somewhere in his 30's. definitely from a small town because he wants more people to get into halloween . You can give him an erie look, and his name could be The Reaper( not real name) with his tagline being FEAR THE REAPER

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Show writer here! Sorry had some family busy-ness to attend to but I'm back. So when is the deadline for my show ideas?

So we're not going with a voodoo theme? That's kinda disappointing. Oh well, I'm sure we'll still make an awesome event!

im still deciding the deadline. I would say probably late july

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the only thing is that Sam is the name of the icon of Trick R Treat. I think John Hartley is good.

What if you did a house based off of Trick R Treat and not exactly the movie transfered to a maze? That way there is more originality and you can do whatever you want with it and not have to create pictures for the movie...

Sorry if that comes off as harsh, I really don't mean it to, I am just kinda anti-house mazes. Plus the general public has never even seen the movie (as I havent either) and reading the description of the maze would mean nothing more to me than the rooms that were described, I know nothing of the movie

edit: also after reading the plot of the movie (I need to see it, it sounds great) I think it would also be better not not use an exact copy of the movie, because the "pictures" wont be recognizable to most and I think we run a thin line of the Sam character being almost "iconic" and we wouldn't want that. What if you just made the icon house a mix between Trick 'r Treat and the Hallows, then you can use our icon and the one who is killing

Edited by Shotguy06
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I know I'm not involved in this, whatsoever. But, I have been enjoying reading through this idea of "Voodoo." My ideal house / scarezone, would have to a shanty town taken over by a tribe of witch doctors killing off the villagers.

Edited by Reaper615
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Should I do one house themed towards witches, one towards ghost, one toards devils, ect.? Then I could do one house, like The Hallow, that features the witches, ghost, devils, ect. all condensed into one.

If not, then should I connect all the house in some way, like I did with the Gris-Gris for the voodoo theme?

It will be easier for you if you do not connect them because that is 3 out of the 8 mazes you already have down . Also, I think it will be pointless to have each character with thier own maze and then combine them for one maze .

If anyone has any ideas for a scarezone, please send me a PM. I'm a little dry on ideas and only really have one :( You'll get lots of credit for any kind of ideas you might have :)

Ill send you a PM

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Should I do one house themed towards witches, one towards ghost, one toards devils, ect.? Then I could do one house, like The Hallow, that features the witches, ghost, devils, ect. all condensed into one.

If not, then should I connect all the house in some way, like I did with the Gris-Gris for the voodoo theme?

I think all the houses should be some form of connection to the Icon like you did with the gris-gris. I think the traditional monsters (i.e. witches and ghosts and stuff) should be the icon house like The Hallow (mixed with Trick 'r treat) since the Icon strives for halloween tradition.

Then maybe a vampire house could be its own. Zombies I think work better as a scarezone than a house. ....

...thats just my opinion

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