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Our Very Own HHN Event


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I like that it takes on a traditional approach to Halloween. I don't know if my idea I sent you for an SZ might fit into the mold of traditional Halloween, but sometimes scarezones don't always have to be tied in.

I liked Reaper's idea for a Voodoo House instead, maybe we'll do a voodoo theme at the next event, who knows, but I did like it as a house instead of being the center of the whole event. Whatever ya guys wanna do with that.

I think it would be cool to add to Sam's character that he really hates what Halloween has become over the last 10-20 years. It doesn't seem to be as big of a day as it used to be, and now he's looking to bring it back?

Scarezones that are currently under construction:

Trick r' Treat(title may change though to not be confused with the house): This is mainly reference to Sam's "helpers" and idea that pumpkins are a traditional icon of Halloween. His followers who wear pumpkin or scarecrow costumes sent to hunt down their latest victims on Halloween, getting vengeance against those who mutilate pumpkins. The helpers are here to decapitate the victims and make THEM the icons of Sam's Halloween. Carving out their heads. The zone is decorated with already carved victims, with their eyes poked out and for creepy but cool effect, the heads have their skin still attached AND candles are placed inside the victims' heads!

credit: Agent and Director of Horror

**Any ideas for a location?

Salem(working title, any ideas for a title are fine): Thanks to Director of Horror for the idea of witches. I was also able to add to it by sticking to a scarezone centered around the Salem witches. They aren't traditional witches with the broom and hats, but the innocent men and women of Salem who were put on trial then burned, drowned, etc. They are back to haunt, and the costumes they wear resemble that of the Salem days, but they and their faces are burned, wet(for the ones who are drowned), etc.

**Location ideas?

The Halloween Tree: The tree is set on a scaffold standing 30 feet! Still under construction in terms of what would go on in the atmosphere and with scareactors.

Credit: Director of Horror

Location: Between Central Park and Kidzone, last year's Cirque location.

As for the idea that I had which I mentioned that might seem out of place in this traditional halloween theme, but I did like since it would have monsters and creatures:

Do you believe in the Mothman of West Virginia? Big Foot? The Beast of Bray Road? You will when you wander into this scarezone. There are more humanoid creatures out there that have yet to be discovered: Humanoid Birds, Canines, Felines, and many more scareactors run amoke after they had been captured by officials, held up in Area 51 but escaped. Unfortunately, I don't know if Loch Ness Monster would make an appearance..

Location idea: Where Army of the Dead was last year.

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Can we make enjoyable houses that are only based on one small ideas like ghosts, demons and such. Will fans and the GP would buy to see this. I love the idea of a traditional theme but we need houses or a tweak in the theme so most houses have their own idea that still contributes to the main theme. Like all variations of Halloween.

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I like that it takes on a traditional approach to Halloween. I don't know if my idea I sent you for an SZ might fit into the mold of traditional Halloween, but sometimes scarezones don't always have to be tied in.

I liked Reaper's idea for a Voodoo House instead, maybe we'll do a voodoo theme at the next event, who knows, but I did like it as a house instead of being the center of the whole event. Whatever ya guys wanna do with that.

I think it would be cool to add to Sam's character that he really hates what Halloween has become over the last 10-20 years. It doesn't seem to be as big of a day as it used to be, and now he's looking to bring it back?

Scarezones that are currently under construction:

Trick r' Treat(title may change though to not be confused with the house): This is mainly reference to Sam's "helpers" and idea that pumpkins are a traditional icon of Halloween. His followers who wear pumpkin or scarecrow costumes sent to hunt down their latest victims on Halloween, getting vengeance against those who mutilate pumpkins. The helpers are here to decapitate the victims and make THEM the icons of Sam's Halloween. Carving out their heads. The zone is decorated with already carved victims, with their eyes poked out and for creepy but cool effect, the heads have their skin still attached AND candles are placed inside the victims' heads!

credit: Agent and Director of Horror

**Any ideas for a location?

Salem(working title, any ideas for a title are fine): Thanks to Director of Horror for the idea of witches. I was also able to add to it by sticking to a scarezone centered around the Salem witches. They aren't traditional witches with the broom and hats, but the innocent men and women of Salem who were put on trial then burned, drowned, etc. They are back to haunt, and the costumes they wear resemble that of the Salem days, but they and their faces are burned, wet(for the ones who are drowned), etc.

**Location ideas?

The Halloween Tree: The tree is set on a scaffold standing 30 feet! Still under construction in terms of what would go on in the atmosphere and with scareactors.

Credit: Director of Horror

Location: Between Central Park and Kidzone, last year's Cirque location.

As for the idea that I had which I mentioned that might seem out of place in this traditional halloween theme, but I did like since it would have monsters and creatures:

Do you believe in the Mothman of West Virginia? Big Foot? The Beast of Bray Road? You will when you wand

er into this scarezone. There are more humanoid creatures out there that have yet to be discovered: Humanoid Birds, Canines, Felines, and many more scareactors run amoke after they had been captured by officials, held up in Area 51 but escaped. Unfortunately, I don't know if Loch Ness Monster would make an appearance..

Location idea: Where Army of the Dead was last year.

maybe you should split up for the pumpkins and scarecrow so it wont be called Trick R Treat, so people wont think it is the icon with it having a house and a scarezone. And maybe change the name from The Halloween Tree to The Tree Of Death, in contrast to The Tree Of Life

Edited by AgentOfChaos93
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^ hahaha cool.

Is there any room in this theme for a black cat? Maybe Sam has one or a house has a creepy black-cat ritual thing or something going on...

I think so, black cats were part of the classic halloween . We can add to his story that he owned a creepy black cat for a pet

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Can we make enjoyable houses that are only based on one small ideas like ghosts, demons and such. Will fans and the GP would buy to see this. I love the idea of a traditional theme but we need houses or a tweak in the theme so most houses have their own idea that still contributes to the main theme. Like all variations of Halloween.

our icon loves everything that has to do with a traditional halloween

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the tagline of the event should be: BRINGING BACK HALLOWEEN, ONE NIGHT AT A TIME.

I like FEAR THE REAPER better.

My concept for the icon was to give him and american gothic look, mixed with scars on his face to resemble a scarecrow (but not actually make him a scarecrow)

What about a zombie scarezone? like Night of the living Dead style (but with a modern twist, like fast zombies) Or a scarezone at the front gate (like where the mirror people were or where Path of the Wicked was for RoF) of corn stalks and short scarecrow crosses with Sam's victims hanging. But they are low enough that they jump off and come at you.

and I could see the tree of death looking pretty awesome towering over where Cirque du Freak was last year. Have the tree look something like the tree from Sleepy Hallow.

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eh I'm not sure if I would do another zombie scarezone. They seem to always have a zombie one. But you know what would be kinda of a neat twist? having zombies, vampires and werewolves all in the scarezone and they're either all teaming up or at war with each other and the guests are caught in the middle....

There were no zombies last year or in 2007 as far as I remember, just the MIB ones in 2008. vampires vs. werewolves would be too much like twilight and I DESPISE that series lol

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i thought that army of the dead or something were supposed to be zombies, or were they mutants?

They were zombies. It was called War of the Living Dead, or are you talking about something else?

BTW: What did y'all think of my concept art for The Halloween Tree over Kidzone circle?

Edited by The Director of Horror
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Hey Agent, me and Diego (Andrew Ryan) have been discussing about this project for the past few days on chat. I talked to him about if saw the event with a skoolhouse or american gothic atmosphere. He said American Gothic, Shotguy thought American Gothic, and I did too. So I think the overall atmosphere should be more like that, but there can a couple houses or scarezone with the skoolhouse atmosphere.

Also I think we should stick with Shotguy's concept for Sam. "My concept for the icon was to give him and american gothic look, mixed with scars on his face to resemble a scarecrow (but not actually make him a scarecrow)"

Also, ever since I knew the theme was traditional halloween, a whole house for witches, a whole house for devils/demons, skeletons, and ghosts has been a though. Except the more I think about it, the less ideas I have. I have great rooms ideas for devils, skeletons, witches, ect., just don't know how to do a whole house based on them. I guess I could stretch the scene of that one room throughout the whole how, but then the overall house quality and enjoyemnt would suffer.

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Hey Agent, me and Diego (Andrew Ryan) have been discussing about this project for the past few days on chat. I talked to him about if saw the event with a skoolhouse or american gothic atmosphere. He said American Gothic, Shotguy thought American Gothic, and I did too. So I think the overall atmosphere should be more like that, but there can a couple houses or scarezone with the skoolhouse atmosphere.

Also I think we should stick with Shotguy's concept for Sam. "My concept for the icon was to give him and american gothic look, mixed with scars on his face to resemble a scarecrow (but not actually make him a scarecrow)"

Also, ever since I knew the theme was traditional halloween, a whole house for witches, a whole house for devils/demons, skeletons, and ghosts has been a though. Except the more I think about it, the less ideas I have. I have great rooms ideas for devils, skeletons, witches, ect., just don't know how to do a whole house based on them. I guess I could stretch the scene of that one room throughout the whole how, but then the overall house quality and enjoyemnt would suffer.

so you want an american gothic theme?

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