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Halloween Horror Nights 24 Speculation

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This week, my prediction is we will be getting our reveals of The Purge: Anarchy along with another property.

I am guessing we will see The Purge announcement WITH the Halloween maze announcement. A scarezone and a maze!

The Purge will be announced for sure, so that they can clarify that there will be multiple scarezones besides Face Off AND so they can promote the hell out of it.

Halloween is a prediction, since the facade was out in the open to thousands of potter fans.

It will obviously be The Purge and something else. If not Halloween, then it will probably be the return of Jack announcement, since people wouldn't expect it. Not to mention that the "GP" would be like "Oh look! It's that clown guy we all loved so much from a few years back!".

No Drac Untold this week, since Hollywood is getting AWIL so no dual for Drac.

This week we will see The Purge and something else

Edited by JackTheREAPER
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Remember all of those Dust Witch and Dark Carnival clues Cassilda was dropping a while back? Any ideas how those are going to fit in this year? Or are they going to fit in at all? Seems "she" is the only one that has hinted toward anything of that nature.

Maybe you guys have come to a conclusion on the topic and I missed it.

Edited by BSC
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She seems to know about as much as those of us in the know. She did not know Ritual was replaced by FDTD as we all thought Crows/FDTD was the option. She DOES know some things only a few people know. Her choice in clues are sometimes odd. But weren't really wrong based on the current info at any given time. She never corrected any information changes either which I also found odd.

For example Ritual being lost, Jack not having a major role (that we know of), The Aliens house becomming AVP.

My guess she is a well-informed fan who took the news of Jack is back and ran with it.

Why? That is an interesting question.

Bored? Loves the event? Wanted to create enough story for Universal to pick it up?

I honestly don't understand the motivation. But it was fun to figure out at any rate and it kept us busy during the off season... and maybe that WAS all she wanted IDK. I don't really expect her "predictions" to be more than the house reveals and, as much as I would love to see a Dust Witch icon or even just a character at the event, I just don't believe it was ever is in the cards.

I actually asked the powers that be point blank if it was sanctioned, and I was told they had no idea who she was. I didn't bother telling anyone as it was fun to watch people figure stuff out and learn things I wouldn't dare reveal that early.

She really put out a valliant effort in my opinion with the custom graphics and audio. I was really hoping it was going to turn into something.

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I agree...it was quite entertaining. It kept us twice as busy trying to figure out her clues as well as Dr. Jimmy's.

I thought any type of dust witch icon or backstory would be to good to be true.

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My conclusion? Whoever she was, she's following the same vein as the Ifrit did, and the Mutual Friend and, to a lesser extent, Emeric. It could all be the same person.

They're not actually connected with the event. It's a persona, sure, but it's not official in any capacity.

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Another thing that bugged me about her was the spelling in the two clues previous to the Face Off Reveal clue.

But NC (the two misspelled letters) is technically where Crows will take place. But, at the time, it was Virginia. Why say NC? To add a layer of confusion? Just not really doing the research?

Then there was that rabbit hole first clue that had us traipsing all around the United Sates to find John Carpenter's home town. After that clue they became much more succinct for the most part. Was she just finding her groove? Did she feel the clue was too hard?

It's just odd choices like that had me scratching my head.

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I agree with you about her effort JDW. Especially the embedded QR codes and the audio on one of the latter Who Am I clues.

There were so many, I can't remember a lot of the details. But some were quite clever, while some were a little strange.

I forgot about that 1st one that had 4 parts...lol. That one was confusing to begin with.

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Two things, first Halloween has not been "officially revealed" yet. At least not by Universal itself, so it may be the upcoming reveal this week. The materials seen about it were "official" but not meant to be seen yet.

Second I seriously doubt that Cassilda is the same person as Emeric Belasco or "Our Mutual Friend", and as of now doubt "she" has any real connection to The Ifrit.

I do not know who this person or persons is, but am rather certain "she" is not an official Universal sanctioned source either.

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I agree Legacy. This almost seems like it has to be The Purge since the movie is already out. But Halloween has already been leaked, so there's that.

With no word from Hollywood as of yet, I guess we can rule out DU and AvP.

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