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HHN 23 Discussion


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Hello my friend! good to see you back on. :)

I want to say. Regardless of if you like or dislike TWD... I'm floored by the scale and detail of everthing this year. I mean Herschel's barn is roughly 3/4 scale to a 3 story barn and the biggest thing I've seen in the streets yet. they built a flipping tank?!? that's amazing. La Llorona is the biggest most amazing tent facade ever. All the houses look amazing from the pics (yes even TWD has some great details). Screw being a fan of TWD or lots of IP's... I am in awe by just the gradiose scale of everything.

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I lurk all of the time and do not ever post. Also, this will be the only post, i will not respond but my only thought is that i hope they do not allow filming for the media event next year. I think the media event is an awesome idea i just hope they dont allow filming next year.

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Like Jason, I have been away for far too long. So long, in fact, that I didn't know the Spec thread turned into the Discussion thread. :unsure:

I, for one, am very excited about this year's event. I have been attending HHN since 2002 and my anticipation for an event has only been higher on one other occasion: 2008. I don't think anything can ever compare to Dr. Agana's journal and the build-up to the reveal. I followed the build-up in 2005, but I still am more excited about this year, primarily because of the Legendary Truth backstory. This year has the potential to be epic! It has the ability to blow other years out of the water in many aspects: LT involvement, the "games", the houses, the set design (and I refuse to look at pictures of videos of the event before I go, with the exception of the street construction), TWD SZs, and the fan community.

I feel that the streets are going to be awesome, and while I do prefer originality over IPs, if TWD SZs are done right, it can really create a true immersive experience. As fans who will be visiting the event many times, the walkers (besides our good Dr. James Walker) may get very old and repetitive. I will miss the diversity of the streets, but I know that Universal A&D will make the most of what was handed to them by Marketing and AMC.

Finally, I'm still holding on to the connection between LT and ETR. PS has been silent as of late. But, I do think it will find its way into the storyline of this year's event. I think we have it nailed down as PS, the lone blogger, found a backpack planted by LT. She quickly became possessed, but finished most of her blog. Someone (LT) came along and finished posting her blog with added comments. So, what actually happened to PS? Is Dr. Scialabba actually rogue? Are these two related or connected? LT will hopefully help us finish connecting the dots where PS left off.

Oh, and the man behind the mask is, indeed, back! :jason:

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Okay I'm going to chime in here, because this was one of my most anticipated houses. I watched 3 or 4 media videos of the walkthrough with the one I posted (its not in black and white) being the worst in showing how bad some of the masks look. That could be due to the flash of the camera but you can see all of the masks and makeup clear as day. A lot of the scareactors other then the riot zombies do not look like proper walkers. The walker with dreads eating the other prisoner seriously looks like The Predator. Something just looks off about the makeup and masks. The lack of characters also hurts it like I thought.

Now with that being said, there is not much they could have done differently to impress me with the "scare" factor. I say "scare" because someone popping out and pretending to grab you or banging on something loud doesn't frighten me. But I completely disagree that the house doesn't tell a story and is dull. It's underwhelming to what I expected, but it was never going to meet those heights. The house perfectly puts you in the show, with the entrance being the arena of Woodbury, then you proceed through the town where survivors are fighting walkers, to the governers mancave where you must escape Penny

and finally to the infested prison. The main problem is there is not enough scareactors in a lot of the scenes to give it the

Walking Dead feel. And that was an issue the first time I walked through the original house

It's hard to tell about the music of the show being utilized, in some of the videos you can hear it perfectly but in others you can't. I like how you can hear the main theme at times but wish some of the more intense music appears, which I never really heard. Some of it sounds generic but it is very hard to make out most of it in any video.

But this years house is night and day with last years in terms of atmosphere and sets. I actually like the survivor shooting scene and think it draws guests in and I love the ending. A&D definitely tried way harder to put guests into the show this year, and from the sets to the sound effects, I think they succeded. I'm not sure how many more interactive elements they could

have added except maybe more survivors fighting back scenes. With any IP, you are probably going to enjoy the house more if you like the property and I'm a huge fan of the show. I recognize every set they used this year unlike last year.

It's not as good as I hoped, but hopefully it will get better as the event goes. I really think they need to add way more walkers and not have just 2 in every room other then the last and the guardtower area. That might be why some are finding it dull, and I can understand that. Other then that my main issue is with the masks and lack of characters again.

Ok where can I find these videos of the walkthroughs? With scareactors. Sorry in jury duty and having technical difficulties

I completely agree with this, in the light they look like Hannibal Lector masks and not walkers. The first one you see after the Milton look alike ..I have no idea what that's supposed to be. For Universal, it's really cheap.

Edited by hhnfreak74
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For the passholder party, do you have to be outside of the park before hand or can you get your wristband/etc from within the park?

I can't remember, but I recall there being tables setup in the Central Park area giving out wristbands for the passholder party. I'd rather get one there than wait in that long ass line like last year :-)

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Question! When will the shirts be shipped out? c:

supposedly this week with 3 day shipping

going to be cutting it pretty close. if I don't have it by thursday then I most likely will not be wearing it on friday as I may just go to the parks early that day.

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For the passholder party, do you have to be outside of the park before hand or can you get your wristband/etc from within the park?

I can't remember, but I recall there being tables setup in the Central Park area giving out wristbands for the passholder party. I'd rather get one there than wait in that long ass line like last year :-)

outside the gate or inside at the kidzone in years past.

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For Friday, I can get two guests into the AP party (already RSVP'd and friends can't make it)

So if you got a party of two who want to tag along PM me. You only have to stay with me till we get to the party.

The one caveat is I will do my best to be there by five but I might be slightly late (like 5:30)

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I just read the touringplans.com blog post giving tips on HHN. They mention a holding area for stay and scream in the KidZone area. I've always stayed in the New York area. Are there any advantages to being in KidZone rather than New York?

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Guest kiwisoup

WOW... It's like we got this great event and Marketing keeps trying to muck it up lol.

Speaking of... what fear tastes like... I had wondered what happen to fear. I guess they handed him over to Meaty Meetz.

Seriously...what was with the Christmas/Harry Potter music at the beginning? Oooh, scary!

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Someone on the Orlando United forum pointed out there may be a connection to Daryl's truck that was moved and the opening scene we can expect involving the survivor and some zombies. Since the truck now has (what seems to be) guns under a tarp and a speaker next to it, I think this is highly likely. I guess we'll know for sure tonight!

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