1. Cabin in the Woods
2. American Werewolf in London
3. La Llorona
4. Afterlife
5. Walking Dead
6 Resident Evil
7. Havoc 2
8. Evil Dead
After Visiting (2 times):
1. American Werewolf in London (gets better every time I see it; the wolf puppets are one of the best things I've ever seen at HHN)
2. Cabin in the Woods (minimal latex masks and some pretty damn good sets)
3. Evil Dead (with the right timing, this house is pretty great, especially the end)
4. Walking Dead (blows last years house out of the water)
5. La Llorona (beautiful, but has had timing issues every time I've been through; some of the masks in here look awful)
6. Afterlife (trippy with a few memorable scenes)
7. Resident Evil (hokey, zero scares, but still fun to hunt all the easter eggs)
8. Havoc 2 (loved the first one, the pacing on this one just seems off though; this one feels like a chore to go through sometimes)