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Jeramy's Schtuff


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In regards to the movie... In is rapidly evolving out of the simple 5 min video we had planned.

It is not Silent Hill but could fit in the universe of Silent Hill or even Lovecraft.

Honestly we want it to be our own baby but still pay homage. Conceptually should be close to Silent Hill.

As it stands I have a makeup artist (non-prosthetic), a writer (two if you include me), music composer, two directors, and a set/prop builder (again aside from me).

Our goal is to produce a small movie for now 5min or so and then use that to group fund the full movie which will at least be 30 min but possibly full length.

currently nailing down the mythos and script, working conceptual design, and scouting locations. If all goes well principle shooting will begin in January or February. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Regular art put on hold. Found a great new novel medium to work in. Very excited. I may end up needing some help though . Props, actors, etc.

More to come! Maybe you can be in them!


As for the movie... the guy with the funds up and disappeared. without the substantial money that it will need it may be DOA. Which sucks but such is life. Maybe I can pitch this idea to him and will get the ball rolling again. Otherwise, I'll do it myself.

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So the movie is still on. Will definitely be a short for crowdfunding. Looking at this Halloween to be out. So hooray for that. I don't know if my director already has actors in mind but I'll know more soon.


The other project is still in the works. The way it works, I may even incorporate it into the movie for teasers, etc. As a side note, never buy from China. I have been waiting almost a month for some of the equipment to get here.


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  • 3 weeks later...

And ANOTHER project in the works. So so busy. So much I can't talk about. But, lord willing and the creek don't rise, It'll all be revealed in October. Maybe earlier.


Hey who knows, maybe someday I'll be able to make a living of what I actually LIKE to do lol.


Sorry for the lack of art. Not that I have ever been very frequent. Just so much on my plate. My new residence is a real challenge as well. I love it. But I'm literally an hour from work. So 2 hours of my already limited day are eaten up by just traveling to work.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Walls are built!.. BUT not textured yet. Just sad blue walls. Lightning tests are going well. Did some rough filming the other day just to get a feel and I'm pretty stoked with the results. Many, many tweaks needed but overall really please. 


I want to share... I really can't. Maybe soon I'll have a teaser or something. But right now have to regulate to screeners.

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