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Jeramy's Schtuff


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So this is the first song I collabed with Autumn. She did the melody, helped with the sequencing, named it, did the artwork... actually what did I do? oh the underlying noise engineering and the base and drumlines. In fact, I had to redsign the original idea to line up better with her melody. Super fun to create with her.

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Apparently  forgot to post the last episode so:

Last one :



We last left our company in a clamorous circumstance that was conveyed via Jay's conical implant to have compounded with a climatic cacophony… Can our crew convalesce from these critical conditions? Let's cognize the conclusion in: Bedlam and Boomsticks.



Bon Poisson d’avril! Make sure to have your paper fish and faux tails for the Gwok hunt. As they say: "The heart of a fool is in his mouth." In this episode, will our trio leave the Lay'ard? Was John the Killer? Find out in Volte-Face.




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On 4/1/2022 at 9:52 PM, Psycho_Bates said:


Thank You!


Fresh New Episode:
With this antepenultimate episode I want to thank everyone who listens to our litte show both newcomer and veteran. This season has been a blast and I'm already starting on season 4 before the last 2 episodes have dropped. I know everyone who has worked on the show, helped with social media, or contibuted to the process in anyway whould also agree. So thank you from the bottom of our cephalopodic hearts🐙.


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On 4/17/2022 at 2:31 AM, Psycho_Bates said:

Cool. I’ve been working on stuff too.

 Cool. I've been really busy with work, finishing this season, writing the next, and starting on Halloween costume. Sorry. I don't check back too often. But. I'll check it out!

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