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Jeramy's Schtuff


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In this episode JW tackles sexism in witch movies, along with other stereotypes, and gets a surprise visit from upper management.


co-writers: Jonathan Walton & Jason Smith.


The art is by:
Behind The Rows Studio
Please Check out his work at:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BehindTheRowsStudio/
Website: http://www.behindtherowsstudio.com/home/
Blog spot: http://thescarecrowspost.blogspot.com/
Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/shop/BehindTheRowsStudio



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While everyone else was out shopping for emergency supplies, I was out shopping for an emergency hand (apparently I was low on severed hands). However, nobody needs to worry, I got the hand. It was touch and go... had to fight somebody for it. But now we're set.


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Does anyone know a horror artists who wants to be highlighted in my show for Saturday? I did not realize there were so many pretentious artists out there that didn't like free advertisement. If you haven't watched, I highlight an artist in each show with roughly 5 of their pieces and link to all their sites to promote.

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In this episode JW discusses Ouija, the board game that opens a portal to hell... allegedly.
Will JW debunk a popular hoax or succumb to spiritual the world?
Is Ouija harmless fun or a deadly pastime?

Art by Mr. Zarono.
Please check out more of his work at:
Esty: https://www.etsy.com/people/zarono
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Mrzarono
Deviantart: http://mrzarono.deviantart.com/


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Flattered and honored my friend Sinister Gomez is doing a piece in honor of Dreaded Dominions. Please, if you like great art, subscribe to his channel as he does some really amazing and quality work! But, you guys probably already know that... so you have no excuse... subscribe.

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OK, this isn't going out anywhere else. But I got a... well a package. I thought it was a bomb but, turned out to be a fan-made prop with a severed hand. Makes me want to rethink about getting a P.O. BOX. I haven't even really published my address anywhere that I know of. 


Looks like they worked really hard on it So I mean that's cool. A little freaky but cool. They clearly watch the show and know the nuances. So thanks for that. 

they also incorporated it into my lore so, while hesitant, I will go ahead and use it in the next full episode. But, if you are listening, please if you are sending things to me, make sure they look less like a terrorist threat please. Thanks :)






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The next episode is forthcoming, should be this Friday. It his a very labor intensive episode. If I ever see a green screen again... It will probably be next episode.

Also, I found out this week that Dreaded Dominions was given an IMDB page so, I've been working to get it up to speed.

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Looking for, at least two, sites to film in. One is for the show, the other is for a short film. I have three short films planned so, hopefully, I will get them all filmed by October (fingers crossed). But finding it a challenge to get places to shoot. One is a Concrete stairwell with several floors. Preferably abandoned or lacking in use. The darker the better. The other is a public bathroom. I'm thinking maybe I can locate the owners of the Artegon and see if I can film in there. It's closed so there wouldn't be any distraction.

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