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HHN Hollywood 2012 Speculation

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Murdy said it was an actor who was well known for turning down roles which made other actors famous.

I believe that actor to be Burt Reynolds, based on his character bios.

Ohter clues to note:

- Scary Soundtrack. Well known to film fans. Scary Movie as well.

- Clint Eastwood and Burt Reynolds fired on the same day by Universal.

Burt Reynolds -

- Tested for Rosemary’s Baby.

- Starred in Deliverance shot on the Tallulah Gorge in Georgia as well in Salem, South Carolina

- #8 on the list is Burt Reyn olds, he was in the TV show Riverboat in 58, that set was still by the Black Lagoon when I started at Uni (Dawn of the Dead (2004), Boat named Enterprise)

Clint Eastwood -

- #2 on Quigley's list is Clint Eastwood, he played a fighter pilot in Tarantula and a Lab asst. in Revenge of the Creature.

- The director of this film the maze is based on was part of a horror entourage I escorted through the mazes two years ago...they included...That maze tour included Tyler (Michael Myers), Derek (Jason Voorhees), Bill (Chop Top\Otis) and Sid(Captain Spaulding).

Directed By (Either): Rob Zombie, Tobe Hooper, Eli Roth

Rob: HOTC, DR, Halloween I,II, Lords of Salem

Eli: Cabin Fever, Hostel, Thanksgiving

Tobe: TCM I,II, TCM, Poltergeist, Salem’s Lot

- A Unique Casting Challenge.

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Damn, I all inspected that picture before I even looked on here just for you guys to come to the same conclusions haha oh well.

Anywho, clearly it reads like this: "The Texas" then "Chain Saw (two words, as originally intended)" underneath and "Massacre" on the bottom.

I couldn't find a matching yellow logo, but it's 100% definitely reads as TCM.

The "x," "cha" and "cre" are all clearly visible.

Anyway, half excited and half disappointed. Excited since the first maze was the best maze they've ever done, disappointed because there's already 2 other repeated themes. However, this is going to be a brand new maze with a completely different tone and feel. If they can up the ante as much as they did with the F13 and NOES remake mazes, you guys are in luck. Quite frankly, if you even replicate or exceed the success of the 07/08 maze, it's already on top. This maze has its hands full. As great as I think it will be, and fun, I don't think it could quite possibly exceed "Back In Business." So I'm going in this one without thinking about it, since it should be seen as a separate creation anyway.

Here's my anticipation list (yes, I count this as official news at this point):

Welcome to Silent Hill

The Walking Dead: Dead Inside

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre

Alice Cooper Goes to Hell: 3D

Terror Tram: Invaded by the Walking Dead

La Llorona: The Child Hunter

Universal Monsters Remix

I bumped Silent Hill over TWD. Even though I'm not a fan of it, I'm sure it'll have scarier monsters, environments, scare tactics, sets, effects and etc..

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I'm extremely excited. By two favorite mazes. La llorona and Texas chainsaw are there this year. Silent hill is one of my favorite movies/videogames. I mean with aall the amazing environments and characters. I'm a big zombie fan. Especially of walking dead. And even though I do not think it's a good idea I'm anxious to see what they can do with the monster remix and with Alice Cooper. Very excited for this year...

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June 23rd. This was a short list I compiled on the likely mazes we thought we'd see this year from all of our speculation.

Obviously, this doesn't include Universal Monster Remix, because uh... who the eff would expect that? Although one could debate we guessed it... if we mixed two of our HOH speculations together. Anyway, point is, out of all the codenames there were... well... I'll just let the list speak for itself...

The Walking Dead (100%)

La Llorona (85%)

Silent Hill (60%)

Lords of Salem (45%)

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (30%)

Poltergeist (30%)

Alice Cooper (20%)

The Exorcist (15%)

Hostel (5%)

Yup. 2 months before all of the mazes were announced, we had each one of them figured out. Sure we didn't have all the codenames figured out down to a tee but that was only half of the journey for this speculator.

Welp, it was fun speculating the mazes with ya guys. Next up is the scarezones and then speculation will be officially over.

Seeing as there is no maze with clowns in it... safe bet is we're seeing the return of the KLOWNZ scarezone, which I was really hoping I was wrong on, but oh well. As for the other 2 zones... lemme ponder that briefly...

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Oh, sorry. Sometimes I forget its a scarezone, and considering Murdy said they're not going to make an attempt to spruce it up with any decoration this year, its hard to consider it one. Almost as much as a scarezone as the front gate if you ask me. But I suppose it DOES count. So yeah, 3... maybe... that's if we even get a scarezone down there this year.

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^I really wish they would, Reapers had the potential to be a great scarezone. Really nice mask(even with the goatees), cool concept... Sadly it was condemed to the lower lot. They could have atleast used there surroundings to there advantage. The JP facade looks pretty hellish/underworldish why not add a couple bones or cool design on it. They could have black lit the whole scarezone to make up for the lack of decorations. I think I've said this before, bit reapers would've been great in NY street with the fire tower...oh well, hopefully they'll find a way to have a make up scarezone if they don't have it. BTW over at micechat (I know not the most reliable source) a member heard from someone that the go go's may be nurses this year, Grind could've been right.

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$10 says go-gos are Sexy Universal Monsters.

Come see your favorites like sexy Dracula wife! Sexy Bride of Frankenstein! Sexy Wolfthing! Sexy Mask wearing burn victim! Sexy rotted, bandaged corpse! And my favorite, sexy invisible guy!


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WTF! I hate Hollywood so much right now. *makes angry eyes, puffs lips and crosses arms angrily like an 8 year old*

OHH, OHH! And don't forget, Best Whorehouse in Texas is also the house in House of 1000 Corpses, which is the same basic plot of TCM! Nail on the head. And welcome, new friend.

Nice, I liked how you choose to pick on basically this group's own Quigley speculation AND the one connection that was admittedly the weakest link. Now that it's pretty much looking like its TCM, someone here really IS looking like a little whiny/angry 8 year old. Thanks for the warm welcome friend.

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