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HHN 2010: Nightmare on Elm Street: Never Sleep Again


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Well at least it isn't in a larger square footage area, then you can say its more of a waste of space. The way I see it, even if it's a repeat, it's shoved in a corner that people can still see but can still walk past to get to the terror tram. Better properties are a little more out-of-the-way and spread out in different corners of the park.

It's not that I hated the movie, I just don't even remember a lot of the NOES remake... it was not that remarkable and memorable to me. Personally I'd prefer New Nightmare to be the basis of the maze if they were to use a recent NOES movie.

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Wow... I just realized too that there is the same set for SAW on the lower lot and there have been rumors of a F13 maze...

If true, this year is going to suck. That much is official.

I don't think it would even be worth it to go. Spend 30 bucks on gas, take the hour drive, 15 bucks on parking, 40 bucks on a ticket, 15 bucks on food, an hour drive back when tired at 3 am in the morning... yeah, not sounding too good at the moment for SAW, F13, NOES and HOTC... oh and VAMPYRES.

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Wow you know what, you guys are bringing me down man I will say it I LIKED THE NEW MOVIE there i said it, I saw it at the midnight premeire, Sure Micheal Bay screwed up his face but honestly it was a decent movie it really was a remake except for a couple kills and really you guys are pissing me off complaining and complaining you guys should be happy that HHN is still here and you guys bag on the GP seemingly not knowing that you are part of the GP too thats why it is the GENERAL public because it is all the people that attend HHN honestly, you guys are goona piss and moan and then go to HHN and love it. Plus Murdy has said that he would LIKE to do wolfman or psycho over NOES. Besides if you think about it who mostly goes to HHN? Males age 18-34 that is the demographic they are going for what do that demographic know best NOES,F13,TCM(which on a side note i hate when people say i'm gonna be texas chainsaw massacre instead of saying leatherface)

Sure they know wolfman but not as well as they know the others.

Rant over thanks for that i needed to vent.

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(which on a side note i hate when people say i'm gonna be texas chainsaw massacre instead of saying leatherface)

wow were did that come from? lol I hate that too by the way

look we all hated the sequal because we grew up with the originals and yes the younger crowd 12-17 probably can only remeber when Freddy vs. Jason was released everything else I believe was early 90s which is why NOES did better with that age over us old folks (cant believe im 20 and saying that). but Ive said it a hundred times we'll all going non the less and will have fun its just this is a bummer because basicly its been 3 years in a row of same ol same ol for us whove gone from 06 to now not even knotts repeat to this extent but yes we will go and have fun so why not let us gripe about it, its our opions we truely are let down with this and the thing with General Public are people who go to HHN without knowledge of the fan boards, Youtube, Twitter, HHNmasters, Facebook ect. they are the people who just show up.

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I know I know everyone is entitled to an opinion i just had to vent a little and how will they know if they don't know about all the things you listed(i'm too lazy to list them again) thats why i still think the general public is everyone who goes to the event and if you think about it if the new freddy maze sucks the probably won't bring him back anyway cuz it wasn't popluar enough and i get it same old stuff sucks but its the best they are gonna do at this point i'm just happy we didn't get something worse and that this event hasn't gone to the halloween cliche of vampires, pumpkins, zombies, aliens, and such. And that just means that by comparison the other mazes will be that much better maybe the HOH maze won't be as bad now ya know? (BTW i was just typing TCM and that thought came to my mind lol)

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Wow you guys sure have a lot of hate for someone who runs an event you devoted a whole fan site to. Now take a deep breath and think somewhat logically. First I didn't particularly care for the new Nightmare movie in that I thought it could have been better and Freddy doesn't need to be a pedophile. However since most of you are too young to have seen it when if first came out, take a couple of hours to rematch the original. The Freddy we love with all the witticisms and creative kills wasn't there. He barely had any lines, and the effects were cheep to say the least. Marshmallow stairs and 20 foot arms. It was Robert growing into the role that made him the great character we know today. The new one has to start somewhere and Universal hasn't disappointing with a maze yet. Second, Universal does mass interviews and poles to see what the public would like to see. JM said NOES was the most requested by far so he gives the public what they want. Just because 15 people sitting at their keyboards would rather see some video game made into a maze that most people wouldn't recognize (believe it or not most people don't spend their lives waiting for the next x-box release) doesn't mean that's what the public wants. HHN would close down pretty quick if only haunt fans showed up. Last, JM said in an interview, "I really dont like to repeat myself so I try to be new and original." Somehow you guys have translated that into a law that says no character, scare, theme, maze, movie or idea can ever be used more than one time. Now that doesn't even happen in the movie industry. I challenge anyone to come up with any haunt anywhere that has existed for more than one season and has never reused something. HHN is very good about keeping things fresh and new. Knotts has had the same vampire maze, zombie maze, post apocalyptic maze and cowboy theme nearly since they started. I haven't even looked up the line up for this year but I bet those themes are there again. They even use the same costumes. Redoing a theme gives the designers a chance to do the things they missed and the thing they may not have had the budget for the year before. Its the only way to keep getting bigger and better. If you trash everything every time you are always starting from ground zero.

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Murdy is the one who said "no repeats" quite some time ago, so thats where that is coming from. As for our bitching and moaning, can you blame us? 3 fucking years with the same character is quite annoying. And for the record I never said I wasnt going, I (and my friends) are whores for HHN and as disappointed as I am, I am still going to attend.

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well its not so much hate for Murdy its hate for Freddy's 3 year run, like I said when "WE" mean GP it means not the super fans like us, but look also why we bitch is only one of us got that damn survewy in the first place (me) and I didnt vote for Freddy but maybe if our voice was actualy heard and taken into consideration we wouldnt of bitch so much and once again we are all still going

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Yeeeeeah, I don't think the people venting against the people who vented even read what we've been saying in the first place.

YES, we're pissed but YES, we're still going to have fun.

We 100% understand why he's coming back but it's just LAME to US. If the GP wants it back than GOOD for them.

And no, we're not the GP. The GP isn't all filled in this message board. That totally ruins the definition of homogeneous.

We're actual FANS versus people who JUST GO.

Those are two different spectrums to cater to.

Us = homogeneous group.

Just Goers = General public

It's called general public because calling it "um, everyone else" sounds awkward. Don't take that term LITERALLY

Read between the lines guys. There's more to what we're saying than the words there.

I get the people defending it have their opinions and why they're defending it, but seriously, I ask do YOU want a third repeat? Wouldn't you much rather have something brand spanking new? A second repeat, sure, why not. But THIRD? Over something NEW. Out of the hundreds of horror movies in the world there are to choose from?

So speak for how YOU feel and not looking at it from a business stand point, or a "well at least we have an event to go to" stand point or a "well I just wanna be against what everyone else is saying" stand point. How do YOU feel about it? We all understand what Universal, Murdy and the GP might be thinking but what is in YOUR mind. This thread is for discussing opinions and we're a handful of losers who actually read them so take your time and write out your view so it can actually be heard by us. It may not be a lot but at least we know where you're personally coming from and not speaking for someone else or not saying what you truly feel on the inside.

With that said - fuck this maze and this movie. I'm not backing down, lmao

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Hey! My Mom Say Im a Winner.....jk:P

but DTH is absolutly right, I peronally love the orignal franchise and despise this Cooking Cutter Remake but i think we'd still be bitching if it was the OG Freddy but not to this extent All I know is Im bringing 30 people and were gonna split up and look for those damn survey takers and change the future.

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So it's turned from speculation or anticipation of the maze concept into a "Let's bash the property"? Really guys? If you're going to act like that then why other making a thread.

Sure, I'm not too jazzed on the prospect of Freddy returning but I won't just mindlessly RAGE at the idea that we're getting him for the 3rd time... yes, it's annoying, sure I know. We feel like we've been let down by Mr. Murdy and his team folding at the GP's almighty will, okay. But there's nothing we can do about it anyway.

We're a small group of people vs. thousands of older guests as well as youngsters...some who are not even old enough to be considered adult but still a key demographic. No matter how much we scream, whine, bitch, moan, jump up and down, shriek or rant & rave... unless one of you out there has the prerequisites to be in Murdy's position, then this cycle of returning properties coming by popular demand may as well be expected to continue.

So let's just get this little hate train derailed and careening over the side of a cliff, and the speculation back on track.

.... Seriously, get over it. It's more irritating than the idea of getting a blatant repeat.

Anyway... some things are coming back to me..

As for the facade being constructed in the Shrek queue. Since it is confirmed to be NOES, anyone wanna put up some ideas of what it might be? Nancy's house? The school? The diner?

What can we expect to see?

...Did the audition team pick scareactors measuring at 5'5" to be Freddy?

Will we see the memory children?

What about the oddly hilarious moment of Kris in the bodybag?

Each of the kid's death scenes?

How much of the school will be covered in the maze?

Will they use movie soundbytes for Freddy?

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I WANT it to be the diner but I think it'll be the school

Not much of the remake took place in her actual home.

How is Kris in a bodybag funny? lmao

I can't remember the deaths but let me look them up... (SPOILERS)

Dean Russell (Kellan Lutz) - "Self-inflicted" throat slash

Kris Fowles (Katie Cassidy) - Thrown around & gutted

Jesse Braun (Thomas Dekker) - Glove through the chest

Marcus - Slammed through computer

Dr. Gwen Holbrook (Connie Britton) - Eyes gouged out

I think the self inflicted victim will show up somewhere in the diner. Or at least Freddy can pop out from somewhere in the diner while a dying throat slashed victim lays on the floor as the distraction

Now this is what I'm looking forward to even though it was pulled off horribly in the remake - the rotating room. How they do this will HAVE to be amazing, right? This could be a speculation thread of it's own as to how this scene will be pulled off. I think we can already rule out an entire rotating room. I would love to see a chick on a wire being pulled up the walls and across the ceilings but I'm sure to some lame labor laws, that's impossible (haha). Perhaps a dummy will drop on the bed and squirt water from underneath as blood? I already feel the boyfriend watching will the be the distraction here.

Jail scene with glove through the chest. This is how I would love to see it pulled off. A guy's back to us while leaning against the bars. The prison inmate distracts us. Freddy's glove pops through his body towards us... lame, but that's the best I can think of to make that cool.

Slammed into computer... um, I don't think we'll be seeing that.

Eyes gouged out was uber lame but maybe Freddy can pop out of a mirror somewhere with the mother as the distraction.

Oh, and I guess a headless Freddy. (that's how he died right? Or was it throat slit?)

Other than that, only scenes I can think of is the school, then Kris' dream in the school, maybe a grocery store, Nancy's house & the boiling room........

Pretty much impossible to do the sinking floor.

If "Dream, Dream, Dream" isn't playing somewhere, that's already a foul.

Yeeeaaaaaaaaah no wonder we're not excited about this maze..... just m.o.

A lot of the cool stuff was deleted from the movie... if they had any sense they'd use some of these ideas:

Original opening sequence of the party and the kid on the roof

Freddy unzipping through that kid's body

Kris all bloody with the glove on

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How is Kris in a bodybag funny? lmao

I dunno, for some reason when Nancy's sleep deprived mind envisioned Kris in the translucent bodybag, I giggled. BOTH the original and remade version did that to me. It's just that the way they were both shot were just funny to me somehow. I couldn't really pay a lot of attention to the movie, I was being distracted by some curious sounds coming from the back row in the theater when I saw it...

I think that Marcus' death can be seen in a piece of the props in a room that can go through Nancy's room, possibly leading to the end, on a computer having a looping playback of his video blog. It can be worked that way.

The sinking floor can be something you can see before a turn, with a Nancy stuck in a waist up part of the scene with a fake stairs. Perhaps a latex based material?

It would be pretty cool to have Bloody Ma--- I mean Freddy.. pop out of the mirror as an exiting final scare. What did the last NOES house have as a final scare? The head of the worm Freddy spitting water at you with strobes?

At least that was one cool part of the remake, and it worked better than mom-being-pulled-in-through-the-window-on-the-door part of the original.

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the Vent/Rant thing was the purpose of the Jennifer's Body vs NOES Remake Thread I just hope that Murdy will keep Robert Englund's Voice Tracks instead of using Roshach's voice because if they go with Jackie's Im gonna be thinking of this the whole time "Roshach Jornal: October Silk Stocking's Is A WHORE" "It's Silk Specter Ass and I can hear You" "Realy? Oh! Silk Stocking's Is A Stupid Whore!"

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grindhouse, lmfao

um, what do you mean it's better than mom being pulled through a window?! that was flippin awesome!!!!!!!!!!!

and kris in a bodybag was creepy in both movies, lol, possibly one of the scariest imageries you can thank up, THANK YOU WES CRAVEN

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grindhouse, lmfao

um, what do you mean it's better than mom being pulled through a window?! that was flippin awesome!!!!!!!!!!!

and kris in a bodybag was creepy in both movies, lol, possibly one of the scariest imageries you can thank up, THANK YOU WES CRAVEN

and much more dramatic and who does not love Johnny Depp falling into his Bed and apperantly turning into the Kool-Aid guy spilling all his punch.........Wait a Minute THATS NOT PUNCH!!!!

serously I wonder why with 3 years of Fredd he has never used that bit for the maze

Hey maybe this will cheer everyone up


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and much more dramatic and who does not love Johnny Depp falling into his Bed and apperantly turning into the Kool-Aid guy spilling all his punch.........Wait a Minute THATS NOT PUNCH!!!!

serously I wonder why with 3 years of Fredd he has never used that bit for the maze

Hey maybe this will cheer everyone up



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Iv'e thought about this maze and honestly I was probably was too hard on it. Yes, the movie sucks and yes i wish we could get almost anything else but technically it is an "all new" maze, just not a particularly interesting one. I don't have hope for this, but we will just have to see how it turns out.

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