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Haunted House and Scare Zone ideas


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  • 2 weeks later...



A lot of bright, colorful things have a sinister secret. Insects, Clowns, bootleg toys, and the places taken over by The DJ. For the party atmosphere is simply a mask for a legion of killers. Behind the neon paint splatters and mind-altering drugs, are several black hearts commanded by the DJ to take lives.


NEON NIGHTMARE is a blacklit Scarezone visually based on the bright colors of rave subculture (Which I know nothing about). The local scenery is covered with black tarps covered with splashes of blacklight-sensitive paint, and the area is filled with smoke scented to smell like Marijuana and LSD. Setpieces include a DJ Booth and sizable speakers, and the music is bass-heavy dubstep and techno. (I'd give examples, but I'm not sure my examples would work.)


Scaracters wear black clothes with neon lights, and various masks, and wield weapons painted in bright neon colors. Some scaracter examples:

  • The DJ: A man wearing a digital mask that features a pixel skull. He sits in the booth, heckling guests that get too close and ordering other scaracters around, but is ultimately harmless.
  • The Sober: A man wearing a loose jumpsuit splattered bright green, and wearing a gas mask with glowing lenses and filters. He wields a chainsaw that features a blacklight to illuminate the blade. Unlike the others, he doesn't need drugs to feel the urge to kill. That just comes naturally.
  • The Businessman: A man wearing a black suit with a light-up tie, and an illuminated clown mask. Carries a briefcase and a stun baton. The nightlife is the one true time he gets to show his true colors.
  • The Princess: A woman wearing a party dress with blue highlights and an Anime Girl mask that was modified so that the features glow in the lighting, with a florescent yellow wig and tiara with flashing diamonds. She wields an ax. She holds herself in high regards, but no one else likes her.
  • The Witch: A woman wearing a trenchcoat with an undershirt patterned with green ribs, a matching skull mask, and a fedora. Wields a machete. She got her name because her mask gives her a green face, she's actually a nice girl aside from the whole murder thing.
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14 hours ago, DocNiktMarr said:

NEON NIGHTMARE is a blacklit Scarezone visually based on the bright colors of rave subculture (Which I know nothing about). The local scenery is covered with black tarps covered with splashes of blacklight-sensitive paint, and the area is filled with smoke scented to smell like Marijuana and LSD. Setpieces include a DJ Booth and sizable speakers, and the music is bass-heavy dubstep and techno. (I'd give examples, but I'm not sure my examples would work.)

lol if you need examples for some reason send me a PM, I'm very into modern bass music.

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The Butchering Grounds


In a secluded part of Florida, where few roads run, lies a small farm run by one man and his many sons. Unlike most farms, this farm's pens don't hold cows or chickens. These pens are where the brother's games are held. They catch tourists and force them to try to escape the pen, where if the victim loses, they will be slaughtered and used as meat.


The Butchering Grounds is a scarezone that thrusts you into an open-air butcher shop. Based off of TCM (obviously), this scarezone is obviously gore-based. The sides of the street are lined with hanging corpses, there is a burnt and rusted tractor in the open, and a large barn facade. The air is choked with the scent of blood and rotten flesh, and amidst the screams you can hear distorted country songs.



  • The Barker: The father, a man wearing the clothes of a country fair barker, faded and slightly bloodstained. He will give orders to his sons, demanding them to collect flesh.
  • The Butchers: The sons. A group of large men wearing bloody gingham, overalls, and aprons, and animal heads and skulls as masks. Some don't talk, instead hooting, hollering, and making animal sounds. Others will growl threats. They wield a variety weapons, including meat hooks, sickles, pitchforks, axes, shovels, and of course, the ever-present chainsaw.
  • The Victims: Normal people roped into the games. They wear casual clothes, but have hideous wounds and are acting hysterically. I mean, of course they would be, they're being hunted by a bunch of sociopaths.
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When the kids are done trick-or-treating and the parties are dwindling down, it is best to get off the streets. The monsters that many dress up as come to life, to claim souls or possibly just slaughter innocents, for a few hours on the one night. However, a burst of dark energy in what was supposed to be a standard run-of-the-mill All Hallow's Eve scarezone has summoned forth many of the most powerful of these souls, demons, and forces.


Spirits of Halloween (not to be confused with the chain of pop-up Halloween stores with a similar name) is a scarezone that sorta acts like All-Nite Die In or Altars of Horror (Without the theme of a Drive-In for Die-In or the blatant photo-op feel of Horrors), combining many franchises into one with both licensing and a bit of underhanded bootlegging. Characters directly related to Halloween, and iconic monsters, roam the streets of this scarezone (best set in an urban-themed location). The windows are filled with cutouts of monsters, bats, and pumpkins, ghosts and ghouls are hanging from wherever they can, Simpson-esque tombstones line the area, and abandoned candy baskets can be spotted in various places. Setpieces include a hearse near one of the entrances, and a giant Jack-o' Lantern in the middle, with many smaller jack-o' Lanterns spread throughout. These Jack-o' Lanterns, and possibly masks that resemble Jack-O' Lanterns, will light up in time with the music.



  • Jack, Eddie, and The Caretaker: From HHN itself. Jack sorta acts like the leader, despite being perfectly content with letting the others do their own things. Eddie roams the area, chasing after guests with his iconic weapon of choice. Albert will stick to the shadows, remaining unseen by his victims until it's time to strike.
  • Micheal Myers: From Halloween. He stalks people. He carries a knife.
  • Ghostface: From Scream. Also billed as the icon of Halloween. Carries his hunting knife.
  • Sam: From Trick R Treat. As an avatar of Samhain, he'd wander about with his burlap pillowcase and a razor-sharp sucker, with part of his face exposed through the burlap mask.
  • Micheal Jackson: From Thriller. The zombified version in the iconic red jacket, shambling about until his song comes on. Is a slider character.
  • The Tall Skeleton and the Pumpkin Scarecrow: Bootlegged versions of Jack Skellington. Tall Skeleton is a realistic skeleton wearing a suit with a large tattered bow tie, Pumpkin Scarecrow is a man made out of sticks with a pumpkin head, orangish-brown shirt, and light tan pants. Both are stiltwalkers.
  • Birthday Boy: Based off of Jack Chick's Boo!, Birthday Boy wears a black vest and trousers, with a snake coiled around his arm, and a giant pumpkin on his head, with horns protruding from its eyes. He wields a chainsaw and acts like an obnoxious fratboy.
  • Dracula, The Wolf-Man, Frankenstein's Monster, and Kharis: From the classic Universal Horror movies. Presented in color, with appearances based off of their iconic appearances.
  • Samhain: From Ghostbusters. A giant spirit in a dark robe, with a giant pumpkin for a head, he seeks to plunge the world into eternal night. How to achieve that by randomly scaring people, I don't know.
  • (EDIT) Unlucky Kid: Based off of Charlie Brown. A kid wearing a hole-ridden bedsheet. He carries a paper bag full of rocks, and a bloodstained rock.
  • (EDIT) Chocolate Vampire, Strawberry Monster, and Blueberry Ghost: Based off of the monster cereals. Chocolate Vampire smells of Blood and Chocolate and resembles Orlok. Strawberry Monster is a giant flesh golem with steampunk parts jutting out at random, and reeks of strawberries and rotten flesh. Blueberry ghost is a pale, starving spirit in a suit and boater hat, and smells of dust and blueberries.

The soundtrack is something similar to Nightmare alley, with music and soundbytes from various media.



  • This Is Halloween (Nightmare Alley used the Haunted Mansion soundtrack, I'm convinced anything can happen at this point.)
  • Thriller
  • Monster Mash
  • Spooky Scary Skeletons
  • Welcome to my Nightmare
  • theme from Halloween
  • Hello Zepp
  • The Mountain
  • Dragula
  • Toccata-Carpimus Noctem
  • Theme from the Munsters
  • Every Day is Halloween
  • Pet Semetary
Edited by DocNiktMarr
Forgot some characters.
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The city is in crisis, as the flames climb higher into the night sky and the ground level is choked with smoke. The fire department tried to control the blaze, however, a mix of faulty heat protection and oxygen tanks, the sweltering heat, and chemicals have caused them to go insane and attack civilians. Enter the Blazing Inferno if you dare, but if you can't take the heat, stay out.


BLAZING INFERNO is a scarezone set in a burning cityscape. Fog machines spread fog and the scent of smoke, and flame fans whip about (with giant flames on the top of the buildings). Projectors show the fire destroying the buildings in a manner similar to Acid Attack, with whatever flame effects on said building going out. There are a few burnt firetrucks in the area, with one spraying water on guests. The audio is fire crackling and frantic orchestral scores.



  • Firemen: Burnt men and women in Fireman costumes. They wield fire axes, sledgehammers, fire hooks, bolt cutters, shovels, extinguishers that spray water, and chainsaws.
  • Scorched: Civilians burned to a crisp. They run around in hysterics. If possible, one is made up to look like he's still on fire.
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27 minutes ago, Twilight59 said:

Now i know this might be out of place for the Spirits of Halloween scarezone idea you had there but i think Pennywise could fit in the scarezone.


A bit out of place, yeah. But it would be kinda cool. If we were to expand the criteria to include nightmare-inducing monsters, we could include Pennywise and Freddy Krueger.


(Fun fact: The original idea was that there would be a war between 3 factions, led by icons of Halloween: The Dark and Gritty slashers (led by Jack the Clown), the ghouls, ghosts, and spirits (Led by Sam), and the classic monsters (led by the mysterious Tall Skeleton). Freddy, Jason, and Leatherface would have fought for Jack, the Universal Monsters for the Skeleton, and Micheal Myers and Pennywise could fight for Sam.

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The Street Divided


In his Suburban home, Mr. Jimmy puts up a Kid-Friendly Halloween Display every year. This year, however, parents are avoiding his house, because right across the street is the recently moved-in Johnny Krueger, a 20something-year old fratbro who is throwing a wild Halloween party, with heavy drinking, substance abuse, and a heck of a lot of fake gore. As the night goes on, Jimmy and his actors butt heads with Johnny and his revelers, and the night won't end until someone calls the cops.


Have you ever seen 13 Tales of Halloween? I can't recommend it. But one of the better shorts was WAR, which was a story about an old man with a traditional Halloween setup getting into a fight with his younger neighbor, who throws a wild Halloween party. It culminates in the old guy attacking the younger neighbor with a chainsaw, only for them both to end up impaled on a stake sticking out of the ground. This scarezone is basically that, with more aggression. There are two houses set up in the scarezone, one with all the trappings of a decent kid-friendly yard haunt: Tombstones, ghosts, various Halloween-colored Fairy Lights, scarecrows, and Skeletons. The other has blood strewn about the front, beer cans littering the front yard, strobe lights, and plastic-and-latex body parts hanging in the trees and windows. Both sides have fog machines, and Jack-O' Lanterns (Johnny's are more monstrous, and often have weapons lodged in them). Mr. Jimmy's house has Halloween Novelty songs playing, while Johnny blares metal.


SCARACTERS (Listed in the order of Jimmy-Johnny):

  • Mr. Jimmy: A middle-aged guy dressed like a vampire. He stays in his yard, greeting guests. Wields a cane.
  • Johnny Krueger: A young punk with a mullet, wearing a tank-top and camo pants. Operates in the bed of a pickup truck, carrying a chainsaw and spraying "beer" from a keg on guests.
  • Ghostly Bride and Groom: A pair of actors dressed as skeletons getting married. The Groom carries a cane, and the Bride carries a dead bouquet of flowers.
  • Lumberjacks: Two tough guys who wander the streets, drunkenly shouting at guests and waving their chainsaws around. They wear flannel shirts and brown pants.
  • Stilt Walker: A man dressed as a ghostly gentleman, wearing stilts. Doesn't need a weapon, he's wearing stilts.
  • Party Girl: A drunk girl with messily applied skeleton makeup, carrying a solo cup.
  • Witches: A pair of women playing witches, in black robes, hats, and green face paint. One witch carries a broom, and the other a heavy wooden spoon.
  • Bikers: A pair of portly bikers. One carries a hammer, the other wields a machete.
  • Death: A man wearing a black robe with a faceless mask and skeleton gloves. Carries a scythe.
  • Halloween Punk: A man wearing a denim outfit and a gnarled pumpkin mask. Threatens guests with a buck knife.
  • Scarecrows: Two people dressed as scarecrows. One wears gingham, overalls, a burlap mask with a goofy face, and a worn baseball cap. The other wears a red shirt, black pants, a jack-o' lantern mask with a smiley face, and a straw hat. One carries a pitchfork, the other a sickle.
  • The Slashers: Two guys. One wears a Freddy Krueger costume, the other a Jason Costume (from the days Jason wasn't a mangled corpse). They are both a little unfit to actually "be" playing their characters, so the scaractors will be playing guys playing these iconic slashers. Freddy has his glove, and Jason a hatchet.
  • Sheet Ghost: A man wearing a sheet with holes cut out of it to form a face.
  • Skelebro: A man wearing a leather vest over a Skeleton costume. Carried a baseball bat with nails in.
  • Mad Scientist and Monster: A man dressed as a mad scientist and his Frankenstein-esque monster.
  • Ravagers: Two guys dressed in apocalyptic armor and gas masks. They use a hatchet and a chainsaw.
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Time to do something different:


An Icon Idea.


The Sandman


Some say he was a factory worker who was buried alive after angering the mafia. Others say he was one of the dream demons that gave Freddy Krueger himself his powers. Others still say he is merely a figment of the imagination, albeit one that is common among dying hallucinations. But one thing is for certain: The Sandman is a mythological being you do not want to meet. He often appears in your nightmares, taunting you with your worst fears before manifesting before you and killing you slowly.


The Sandman is a rather large man wearing an old, dark green trench coat and matching fedora. His face has been turned into a pile of sand, with holes where the eyes should be. He doesn't talk much, but when he does, he speaks with a loud, raspy voice. Sandman often uses a sickle or a shovel.


Necessary IPs would be Nightmare on Elm Street and IT.


Icon house would be Sandman's Lair. Sandman would force people to enter a combination of common nightmares.


Icon Scarezone would be Enter Sandman.


Minions would be similar beings wearing old-timey pajamas.

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The Nightmare is all too real when you enter the Sandman's realm. He and his minions harvest the souls of their kills, while forcing others to wear themselves out, by mixing their garden-variety fears with what should be kind memories, but are instead turned into vile abominations.


Enter Sandman is the scarezone dedicated to my Icon idea. The streets are lined with men and women, slaughtered in their beds, and a fog fills the air. The buildings have images of sand blowing across them, and some sand is spread on the ground. The soundtrack includes an instrumental rendition of Avenged Sevenfold's Nightmare, the original Chordette's Mr. Sandman, Enter: Sandman, Dreams of Cruelty, and Dark Side, among other songs.



  • Sandman: Two men playing the icon. One wields the shovel, the other the sickle.
  • Sandmen: Sandman's minions. They carry a variety of weapons, and one is a stilt walker. They tend to shush screaming guests.
  • Victims: People who are currently living their nightmares. Examples include a man who is out in public without pants (goofy boxers optional, otherwise use tighty-whities), a man covered in snakes, a woman splattered in blood, a woman with all her teeth removed, and a woman with her face fixed in a silent scream. They are all bloody and beaten.
  • Corrupted Innocence: Icons of childhood, morphed into vile creatures. Include a Teddy Bear, a birthday clown, Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, a superhero, a princess, a fairy godmother, a porcelain doll, and a kindly old grandmother.
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The peasants are revolting! ...Well, yes, but to be fair, let's see it from their point of view. The go outside one night and not only is their village in a weird location, but there are odd structures in the background and people in weird manners of dress have invaded, using strange devices. Must be witchcraft! And you know the way God intended us to handle Witches - a rope around their neck and a floor dropping out from under them.


TORCHES AND PITCHFORKS is a scarezone where the scaracters think YOU'RE the monster. To be fair, they're mainly just panicked and mislead, but you know how people in hysteria are. As such, you're the target of an angry mob. The area is surrounded with a facade of a village, lights flickering in the windows, and sometimes a fog. Setpieces include a well, just for show, a pyre, with someone's bones still visible, and a gallows. More on that later.



  • The Angry Mob: Peasant men and women, covered in dirt and crap, carrying torches and farming implements - pitchforks, scythes, sickles, hoes, axes. They tend to listen to their authority figures, and cower in fear or gang up against people using technology - take out your iPhone to influence the scaracters.
  • The Mayor: A portly man in finer clothes. Stands on the gallows, calling out a guest to get special treatment from the mob. He tends to point out guests with fancier things, and tends to demand their possessions once all is said and done, for "research". Later in the event, he may start carrying more modern gear - sneakers, watches, a poorly-hidden smartphone - so I guess it's not witchcraft if HE has it?
  • The Preacher: A tall, skinny man dressed in the garb of a holy man. Stands outside the steeple, condemning guests to Hell for witchcraft. As the event goes on, he'll also get some words in against the mayor.


Every so often, the Mayor will demand that a witch gets their dues, and a small show will start. The Mayor will demand a that a witch is caught and hanged, and single out a "Guest" (a scaracter with a distinct feature that changes every so often during the night, and every few nights so as to not have actual guests be hassled by scaracters) for the mob to bring to the gallows. The Guest is brought onto the stage, where the preacher asks if he accepts God and whatnot, allowing a member of the mob to prepare him to be hung from a harness when the time comes. The Guest is then hung, and allowed to die. The Mayor uses this as a threat to the others.

As the event goes on, the mayor starts to get greedy - the plant always has some nice article of clothing or interesting gadget, and he always inspects it before having the switch pulled. The Preacher grows resentful to the man, rightly assuming that he's more intent on gaining some form of power over the peasantry with the items he's interested in. This culminates in the final shows, where after the hanging, the Preacher calls out the Mayor's possession of items lifted from guests. The Peasants turn on the Mayor, who is then himself hung, and for the final hours of Halloween Horror Nights, the Scarezone devolves into a madhouse, as the villagers turn on each other.

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  • 2 weeks later...

GHOSTBUSTERS: Spirits of New York

New York City, home to some weirdos. But we're not just including the people living in the city in that statement, we're including those who are stuck to NYC even in the afterlife. An attack on the Ghostbuster's containment unit has caused all the ghosts residing inside of it to break out, leaving New York City in a state of chaos. And sure, you might be able to get a photo with everyone's favorite class 5 full-roaming vapour, but you'll have to avoid the more malicious spirits and demigods in your attempts.


GHOSTBUSTERS: Spirits of New York would be a scarezone set in the New York area, utilizing the firehouse (which I hear is a replica of the actual Ghostbusters Firehouse) as a setpiece. Ghosts and other creatures from the franchise (including cartoons and reboot) roam the streets of NY, scaring guests and causing mayhem. One entrance features a parked Ecto-1, and one of the buildings will feature an inflatable upper body of the Staypuft Marshmallow Man, which will be "knocked down" by a lightshow replicating crossing the streams. Slimer will be projected onto the lower levels of the buildings, being Slimer. The Music consists of scores from the films.



  • Gozer
  • Dana as Zuul
  • Lois as Vinz Clortho
  • Ivo Shandor
  • Zombie Cabbie
  • Jogger Ghost
  • Red Sox Fan Ghost
  • Reboot Subway ghost
  • Flasher Ghost
  • Grundel
  • Vigo The Carpathian
  • Library Ghost
  • Mayhem
  • Mummy
  • Janosz Poha
  • Nanny Poha
  • The Peoplebusters
  • Scareface
  • Scoleri Brothers
  • Samhain
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and also i got a haunted house idea in which all of the characters from every adult swim show come to Universal Studios to come pitch an idea for the event when they can't think of a good idea for a haunted house they found a script and concept art of an unfinished haunted house attraction maze (and that script is created by Marty Mindfield my fan made hhn icon) and surprisingly Universal approved of it despite the cliches it had however when Marty is possessed by Fear at the warehouse he begins rampaging through Universal Studios by making the haunted house attractions come to life along with the now finished haunted house attraction that was originally unfinished can you (the guests) escape this "too real" haunted house attraction along with the other adult swim characters?

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On 6/1/2018 at 5:51 PM, Twilight59 said:

and also i got a haunted house idea in which all of the characters from every adult swim show come to Universal Studios to come pitch an idea for the event when they can't think of a good idea for a haunted house they found a script and concept art of an unfinished haunted house attraction maze (and that script is created by Marty Mindfield my fan made hhn icon) and surprisingly Universal approved of it despite the cliches it had however when Marty is possessed by Fear at the warehouse he begins rampaging through Universal Studios by making the haunted house attractions come to life along with the now finished haunted house attraction that was originally unfinished can you (the guests) escape this "too real" haunted house attraction along with the other adult swim characters?


...So, who is Mr. Mindfield?

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