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frh777 review


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Okay, so I went last night to HHN 24 and I had extremely high expectations soaring from AVP to Roanoke, My expectations weren't met in any way shape or form. I will be back later to evaluate if the energy of the scareactors has changed so this is the first review:

This is the ranking of the houses

Dollhouse of the Damned 10/10: This is by far the best tent house I have ever gone through in the history of HHN. From the facade to the finale, you become immersed in a very disturbing environment. The crib room is cool because of the smells but is very over hyped, what I will say is try to taste the room... The scenery throughout the house is nothing short of spectacular and huge props to the guy dressed as a mummy who scared the living daylights out of me. My expectations were beyond met in this house and it is simply amazing.

Halloween 9/10: A&D congratulations on this one. The house is nothing short of spectacular and the scenes are replicated exactly like the movie. The guy from the dark room with fake statues made me go down with his knife so props to you bud. It is a very well put together house and I believe that they really did justice to John Carpenter's classic. Unfortunately the facade projections were broken so meh

TWD: 8/10: Wasn't expecting to like this one at all but Aiello you beast. The environments are great and I really like the animatronic horde (from Hollywood last year) despite many people hating it. Strobe lights are used very effectively and the finale is really well put together. Zombies aren't scary, that is why this house doesn't get a great rating. Beside me liking the maze, it is crucial that TV show properties are changed for the 25th anniversary... meaning no more walking dead

Giggles and Gore 6/10: I don't really like mazes that take place in the disaster queue because space is very limited inside. Clowns don't scare me at all and there is not a lot of gore inside the house. Unlike the other three, if I hadn't read the house plot I would have absolutely no idea what was going on. Th discarded clown part of the factory is cool but other than that... not very much going on

FDTD 4/10 : The sets were extremely elaborate but the maze didn't make sense at all. The maze should have started with the bar scene and Santanico dancing, instead of curtains with a bunch of Culebras. The scare actors in this house weren't great and the Culebras are obnoxiously loud. I hated the TV show and until this day I can't figure out why it became a house at halloween horror nights

AVP 3/10: Some person with a cardiac condition decided to go in a house that clearly states "NO PEOPLE WITH HEART CONDITIONS SHOULD ATTEND" and they ended up having a heart attack. A lot of the xenomorphs were shut down because of this and the great finale scene. I saw about 2 xenomorph puppets and 3 predators. Many of the effects weren't working so I will have to update this review when I visit again. The only good thing were the sets which they absolutely nailed from the facade to the egg room. The puppets were amazing but there were only 2 of them. I was looking forward to this house the most, and it turned out to be one of the worst houses during my experience.

Roanoke 1/10: Why? Just why did they have to scrap a house based on the boogeyman and make this horrible thing with sets thrown together. Literally looks like it was put together in a week.... similar to a home haunt. The cannibals aren't scary at all and if you are hoping to see a wendigo, you are up for disappointment. The stilt wendigos look horrible. There is a little bit of gore but the rest is plain pathetic. Sorry to rant but this is one of the worst houses if not the worst that HHN has ever put together. I really expected more from them.


Masquerade 2/10: The only reason this doesn't get a one is because the human candles looked cool. Other than that, the scare actors had no energy whatsoever and were basically wondering throughout the zone without making an effort to scare people. HORRENDOUS

Purge 5/10: Sets were kinda cool but I literally only saw about 4 purgers. Come on its purge night, everybody should be purging, The actors also had very little energy and the only group that was somewhat effective were the chainsaw people


Face Off 0/10: A joke, a literal joke. More like a photo op for people instead of a scarezone. Some of the characters weren't even from the TV SHOW and the minions did a horrible job at scaring people. Don't waste time on this one

Overall Event Rating: 6/10


Also, first time I wasn't able to go through all the houses with an express pass, because the lines were too F***** long. Wasn't able to do Dracula but I will on my next visit.

Edited by frh777
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AVP 3/10: Some person with a cardiac condition decided to go in a house that clearly states "NO PEOPLE WITH HEART CONDITIONS SHOULD ATTEND" and they ended up having a heart attack. A lot of the xenomorphs were shut down because of this and the great finale scene. I saw about 2 xenomorph puppets and 3 predators. Many of the effects weren't working so I will have to update this review when I visit again. The only good thing were the sets which they absolutely nailed from the facade to the egg room. The puppets were amazing but there were only 2 of them. I was looking forward to this house the most, and it turned out to be one of the worst houses during my experience.

The rest of this could potentially be justified as opinions (even if I think most of them are wrong), but this just seems plain unfair. Giving a 3/10 because you went through the house when a medical emergency partially shut it down? That's like saying the Honda Civic is a terrible car because someone took three of the wheels off and emptied the tank before giving you a test drive.

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I'm not sure about making a review because half of the houses felt disappointing to me but I like your honesty. I totally agree with you on Roanoke, it does have the feel of a cheap haunt. (I'm sure those sets are not cheap, but the house feels cheap) and I agree that there is nothing scary about the cannibals, It is a pretty weird house. Just wanted to let you know you were not the only one that felt that way.

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At what point in time was a boogeyman house scrapped in favor of Roanoke? The only scrapped house was replaced with fdtd? Or so I thought.

It was a toss-up for a while. FDTD was expected to replace Roamoke while the original boogeyman house was in a soundstage.
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Roanoke 1/10: Why? Just why did they have to scrap a house based on the boogeyman and make this horrible thing with sets thrown together. Literally looks like it was put together in a week.... similar to a home haunt. The cannibals aren't scary at all and if you are hoping to see a wendigo, you are up for disappointment. The stilt wendigos look horrible. There is a little bit of gore but the rest is plain pathetic. Sorry to rant but this is one of the worst houses if not the worst that HHN has ever put together. I really expected more from them.

I don't think Roanoke was the replacement for a scrapped Boogeyman house. Roanoke was hinted at last year by all of the hidden Crows inside the houses.

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Wow you opinion on Roanoke seems realy harsh. But to each his own.
The amount of raw lumber alone in this house is staggering. It's all real wood and they have to treat it weekly because of fire codes.

I Personally loved the house. They have sometreally great scenes, smells, and gags.

A little gore? Practically evey room has half eaten corpses, cooking bodies, piles of bones, a fountain of blood... heck the finale room is insanely gorey. Body parts hanging everywhere, a mound of skulls 4 foot tall, a huge windigo effigy on the walll. The room is literally two stories tall and wall to wall body parts. Other than splashing the walls in red paint, I can't imagie how it could be more gore.

But how do the Windigo's look bad? I'm curious what it is you want them to be?

As for Bayou. I thought the makups were really good for the four I saw only one was not great. They are voodoo people... the whole makeup relies on the outfit and the accoutrements. The faces are almost always skull makups or something of that nature. Again, I'm curious what you expect?

As I said to each his own but dang you seem bitter or something. I stood in the rain for 7.5 hours, waited up to 75 min for houses, pretty much missed all the scarezones, and yet still had a good time.

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We also went through the AVP house right after that happened. My son had waited all night to go in to that house and to have so much of it "missing" when we went through was really disappointing as my husband and I had gone through the night before and really enjoyed it. But, that's why we always go more than once, and it sounds like you do too. I think you'll score it higher when you get a chance to go through with everything working/in its place.

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Also, the wendigo look like that in Roanoke specifically because of the storyline to the house; the interviews that revealed the original houses and scarezones covered it.

They're not REALLY wendigo. The Roanoke colonists have begun to think that they've transformed into the wendigo because they've committed the ultimate crime of cannibalism, but they're otherwise regular humans. The "wendigo" are literally just crazy colonists dressing themselves up as the monsters.

Edited by Cody
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Not sure if you are serious about your Roanoke critique. I suppose everyone is entitled to their opinions, but I enjoyed roanoke and found it to be pretty cool. It didn't seem like it was thrown together in a short amount of time and there were some cool scares throughout the house.

Also, Roanoke was really gory. Next time you go through it, look at all the body parts, skulls, an even a few costumes. The gore factor is definitely there.

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I do agree with others that it does feel you are being harsh with Roanoke. I will agree scares were lacking, but I don't see how the sets were "home-haunt". Also, nothing's worse than Afterlife to me.

Fear Factor or Jungle of Doom for me.

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