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The Walking Dead: The End Of The Line


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Guest kiwisoup

For some reason that gimmicky effect that Hollywood did last year of the "wall" of static zombies popping out of a doorway toward you via animatronics come to mind lol.

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  • 2 weeks later...

For some reason that gimmicky effect that Hollywood did last year of the "wall" of static zombies popping out of a doorway toward you via animatronics come to mind lol.

It should.

This....isn't entirely true.

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Went through all the houses starting at about 8 and this was one of the first ones my group did, and we all thought it was the worst one at the end of the night. It just seemed so been there done that, and some of the effects already mentioned were so cheesy and not well done. It was long, but there was nothing really all that exciting about it. The cast was doing their best but I think Walking Dead at HHN is well... dead. At least for a few years.

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Got around to finally getting in this house tonight. While I thought a lot of the house felt, honestly, a little boring, I think it had some great scenes and I got two of the best scares I have ever gotten at HHN in this house tonight. The added length didn't do too much for me because it felt like a lot of the house was just going through looking at zombies in different environments. I have also not seen the show so I guess I have no real frame of reference for any of these environments. Even with it's fault I still think it is beter than the last two TWD houses.

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I'm a fan of the show and think it's alright. What I don't like about it is more on the creative design side rather than the IP side. A lot of the practical effects are not up to par. The house also has a weak beginning and ending. The only thing that saves this house from being the worst are the large environments and amount of scare actors.

BTW, does anyone else find it strange the adverts for HHN 24 show burning walkers, yet there are none.

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There is one *burnt* walker. Was the decision to pull them due to the fire alarm issues on employee preview night?

I heard that was just a joke alarm pull, so I don't think they made it past concept possibly. Unless they were at employee preview and someone legit thought they were burning, which I just have to facepalm at.

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I don't find this to be a bad house. What I find it to be is average and decent at best, something that easily scares people who are jumpy and quick to frighten but does little or nothing to anyone with more experience.

What it mostly feels like is overdoing it. The house gets top billing in marketing, the largest house in the event, and a facade and part of the finale located outside the soundstage. But....it's a pretty average zombie house. Apart from the large sets and the nods to the show, it has nothing to distinguish it. Zombiegeddon/Zombie Gras back in 2010 managed to be more entertaining and do more with the concept despite being a relatively small Disaster queue house with an attached scarezone. Take away the "Hey fans, remember this part of the show?" content and you're left with an average haunted house that drags on for far longer than it should. Big fans of The Walking Dead will get a kick out of it, but that doesn't do anything for non-fans like myself.

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I feel like they stressed the size of this house way too much. Yes, there are two rooms outside the stage. Nothing to freak out about. Several of the rooms were also lacking greatly. The room right after the candle room is so bland and plain. It's literally just a curtain and a table. There isn't even any props on the table or anywhere else in the room. I feel as though they should have made less rooms but better scares and a better design. It just seems like some of the rooms are thrown together. But overall, I think it's an okay house.

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As someone who has filled in 2 times as a scaractor there, i can tell you there are 2-3 burned zombies at least.

I'm a fan of the show and think it's alright. What I don't like about it is more on the creative design side rather than the IP side. A lot of the practical effects are not up to par. The house also has a weak beginning and ending. The only thing that saves this house from being the worst are the large environments and amount of scare actors.

BTW, does anyone else find it strange the adverts for HHN 24 show burning walkers, yet there are none.

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