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Halloween Horror Nights 23 Speculation


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Hi, everyone. I know I almost totally abandoned this place of recently, but I'm back.

Anyways, I have a bit of a theory as to whom this "PS" guy is (the one who runs the "evil taken root" blog).

Now, generally speaking, letters like this generally represent initials. Dissapointingly enough, I doubt that "PS" stands for "phantom shitter."

Jokes aside, this guy's made a comment about him being curious and not being able to deny looking into unusual happenings. Given that he seems to be into a bit of "detective work" as you might call it, I think he might be a descendant of Boris Shuster.

P = ???

S = Shuster.

Whether or not this is true or not, I have no idea. Nor do I think that his identity has much bearing on the plot of what is going on, but I figured I'd just throw in this theory for no good reason.


Edited by Dr. John Overwatch
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I think that the woods are the icon. The face coming out of the forest may just be the spirit of the woods that is calling us in to explore the woods and all of the fears that are manifested within. I originally saw La Llorona as a potential "icon," but I'm more and more seeing the woods and an amalgam cabin (such as the one we cannot seem to identify as one individual cabin) as the "icons" of the year. Marketing may choose to use La Llorona as a spirit to be feared in their ads and on billboards, but I'm thinking the cabin and the woods are scary enough.

Last year, they used various creatures (that ended up being legion members, although never actually appearing in HHNO) as the "Once your inside, there is no way out" slogan. I can see us being welcomed into the woods for a day hike or a camping trip, visiting the cabin from the video and then all hell breaks loose as a myriad of creatures from our nightmares (ones that dwell in wooded areas) enter our world. Does that remind you of any specific cabin and it's mysterious basement? I think this alone will attract the attention of the general public.

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Hi, everyone. I know I almost totally abandoned this place of recently, but I'm back.

Anyways, I have a bit of a theory as to whom this "PS" guy is (the one who runs the "evil taken root" blog).

Now, generally speaking, letters like this generally represent initials. Dissapointingly enough, I doubt that "PS" stands for "phantom shitter."

Jokes aside, this guy's made a comment about him being curious and not being able to deny looking into unusual happenings. Given that he seems to be into a bit of "detective work" as you might call it, I think he might be a descendant of Boris Shuster.

P = ???

S = Shuster.

Whether or not this is true or not, I have no idea. Nor do I think that his identity has much bearing on the plot of what is going on, but I figured I'd just throw in this theory for no good reason.


I think PS is a girl not a guy. Check out the audio file Jeramy posted where he "fixed" the voice a bit, still a bit disguised but clearly female.

Edited by Freak
Added quote to know whom addressing
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That gives me an idea... Someone should open up the video files and try to undo whatever video filtering or obstruction was put over it so we can get a good look at what this person looks like. I'll try to experiment with this in a little bit, if I can. I don't really have a video editor anymore.

Edited by Dr. John Overwatch
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Have we talked about what was pulled out of the backpack? To me, it looked like the conch shell to call the merman from CiTW, something maroon-colored that I haven't been able to identify yet (but it rocks back and forth, so it may be round or slightly rounded), and a package wrapped in with a ribbon or rope. And the cell phone, obvi. But why would the conch shell be in there? Was it suppose to go hand-in-hand with the CiTW house reveal? If so, why aren't there 7 other objects, instead of just 3? Questions, questions, questions.

Also, I agree with Dr. J that the person who made the video is a woman. Body language, physical stature, mannerisms, the way they person would speak and pause at certain points in their speech...tbh I don't know if those things are revealing of the person's gender, or of my own gender biases and assumptions of gender. I try to be as open minded as possible, but I've had a gut feeling from the start that the person is a woman...now, who the woman is...that's a mystery to me.

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I think that the woods are the icon. The face coming out of the forest may just be the spirit of the woods that is calling us in to explore the woods and all of the fears that are manifested within. I originally saw La Llorona as a potential "icon," but I'm more and more seeing the woods and an amalgam cabin (such as the one we cannot seem to identify as one individual cabin) as the "icons" of the year. Marketing may choose to use La Llorona as a spirit to be feared in their ads and on billboards, but I'm thinking the cabin and the woods are scary enough.

Last year, they used various creatures (that ended up being legion members, although never actually appearing in HHNO) as the "Once your inside, there is no way out" slogan. I can see us being welcomed into the woods for a day hike or a camping trip, visiting the cabin from the video and then all hell breaks loose as a myriad of creatures from our nightmares (ones that dwell in wooded areas) enter our world. Does that remind you of any specific cabin and it's mysterious basement? I think this alone will attract the attention of the general public.

I actually wouldn't like to see La Llorona as the icon for the year. It would be neat if there was a house based off the legend, like what they had on the other HHN, but as a main icon I don't feel she can bring that much to the table. It seems to me like she'd only act as another Bloody Mary, but likely have a more depressed than maniacal personality.

If the icon is just the woods and the spirit of the woods (or something of the sort), the spirit itself not being the icon but acting as merely a manifestation of the woods, I feel it has potential. However, I think it would be difficult to establish that to the layman HHN goer.

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Have we talked about what was pulled out of the backpack? To me, it looked like the conch shell to call the merman from CiTW, something maroon-colored that I haven't been able to identify yet (but it rocks back and forth, so it may be round or slightly rounded), and a package wrapped in with a ribbon or rope. And the cell phone, obvi. But why would the conch shell be in there? Was it suppose to go hand-in-hand with the CiTW house reveal? If so, why aren't there 7 other objects, instead of just 3? Questions, questions, questions.

Also, I agree with Dr. J that the person who made the video is a woman. Body language, physical stature, mannerisms, the way they person would speak and pause at certain points in their speech...tbh I don't know if those things are revealing of the person's gender, or of my own gender biases and assumptions of gender. I try to be as open minded as possible, but I've had a gut feeling from the start that the person is a woman...now, who the woman is...that's a mystery to me.

The items appear to be something wrapped in white cloth or in a bag. A mojo/Gris Gris bag. A box or tiles wrapped in red ribbon or a red shoelace.

I totally agree with PS being a female.

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That gives me an idea... Someone should open up the video files and try to undo whatever video filtering or obstruction was put over it so we can get a good look at what this person looks like. I'll try to experiment with this in a little bit, if I can. I don't really have a video editor anymore.

Tried it was too garbled and compressed. There is a slight image of her profile at the beginning. But it is so compressed and blocky its impossible to make better. Perhaps if I had the original uncompressed video... like that will happen lol

Also... This borders on seeing items in the lantern, or BM's mirror.... BUT there are what appear to be letters and numbers in the face.


Now I don't know if they are just screwing with us or what but there are some clear letters in it.

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Tried it was too garbled and compressed. There is a slight image of her profile at the beginning. But it is so compressed and blocky its impossible to make better. Perhaps if I had the original uncompressed video... like that will happen lol

Also... This borders on seeing items in the lantern, or BM's mirror.... BUT there are what appear to be letters and numbers in the face.


Now I don't know if they are just screwing with us or what but there are some clear letters in it.

Jeramy, besides the 67434, have you seen any more numbers?

PS mentions geocaching. GPS cooridinates would help our search for the road.

EDIT: With all those letters in there, you don't think they'd use a clue similar to the Ifrit's, do you?

Edited by mystiquephreeq
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Jeramy, besides the 67434, have you seen any more numbers?

PS mentions geocaching. GPS cooridinates would help our search for the road.

EDIT: With all those letters in there, you don't think they'd use a clue similar to the Ifrit's, do you?

Well just below the nose to the left looks like a 9 as well

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What Evil Has Taken Root? Obviously the event is going with a dark forest type theme... which is a lot better than a graveyard... I look forward to see what they do with it... I hope they turn New York Area into Raccoon City especially since the city is just on the outskirts of the forest... All the houses also involve a forest... I know TWD had plenty of Forest scenes (IDK about Havok)

Pure Speculation- Icon

What if the Icon is a member of Legendary Truth? Hear me out before you shoot me down.. What if the person in the video went out to investigate the Evil Woods and was him/herself killed/possessed and turned into whatever we face this year. This is probably more wishful thinking, I just think watching videos up until we see the Icon would be awesome.. Witness the creation of the Icon..

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I rewatched the video and took notes of everything I saw. I don't know if this will help, but this is what I could identify:

In the large brown bag, the first item pulled out is a small white lacing bag.

Past that, we have a red container of some sort. I guess this might be used holding glasses/makeup/medicine or something relatively small.

The third item I saw was a yellow box with red ribbon tied around it. Almost like a "gift" of sorts.

The final item, of course is the phone. Probably functions off of a touch screen or stylus system. Capable of video recording and digital transfer of files to a computer and or storage device.

The video, unfortunately, was a little too dark and chunky for me to make out exactly what that red container was.

this was just posted on facebook...what do you think?


This seems more like a fan-made page to me. Sorry to say, but I would remain skeptical of it.

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this was just posted on facebook...what do you think?

That account has been around since '10. Along with Jack, Cindy, albert, etc. they are fan made and not sactioned.

O.K. I'm gonna rant a bit so forgive me.

I've been talking with several people and It is looking more and more like ETR (Evil Takes Root) and LT are not related at all. Almost like Marketing is doing one thing and A&D are doing another. I mean we have LT pushing merchandise and no real info yet, Goth.. pretty much trolling us with pic of herself and not much else. Legions... I'm gussing will pretty much not exist after mechandise is gone... and then you have PS giving us the only really useful info.

Mike is on record saying they are no longer looking to make a cohesive, unifying story/backstory.. which irks me to no end. I mean how lazy can you be? Heck we practiacally write the backstory for them. (Please take my ideas over just using unrelated gimmicks to advertise).

But at the same time it's confusing.... What is the point of all the puzzles if there is no payoff? What would be the point to a year round LT game if it is all little puzzles with no substance? Heck the IFRIT (whom I'm pretty sure is not sactioned) gave us all that info. But where is the story? I don't want LT and PS just basically revealing houses and streets.

I hope I hope i hope that I, and others, are wrong... But at this point it seems like trees in the streets (much like last years graveyard) handled by LT. PS revealing houses. Goth and LT pretty much doing nothing much other than promoting whatever game and perhaps the streets. Legions never being referenced again after the merchandise sells out.

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