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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/23/2012 in all areas

  1. I did a Google search for the text string in the photo, and it did find a YouTube link, which is the below video. My guess is that this is confirmation on no icon, as there wasn't one in 2004? The only other thing I can think of is that the commercial mentions the event being in two parks, which we know isn't going to happen this year, right?
    4 points
  2. Obviously the Classic Universal Monsters. John Lennon = Dead Beatle = Scarab. THE MUMMY Mark Twain = the two marks left on the neck by the bite of DRACULA Carmen Miranda = Fruit Brute cereal = WOLFMAN Audrey Hepburn = Liza Dolittle "created" into a "real lady" by Prof. Higgins = BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN Harry Houdini = Erich Weiss = Erik, THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA Nikolai Tesla = Tesla coils used in the Classic Universal film FRANKENSTEIN
    4 points
  3. Spoke for just a few seconds with both Penn & Teller at the meet and greet after their show last Saturday evening in Las Vegas. They confirmed with simple " yes" answers, when asked that they will appear at HHN. Didn't mention when and din't have an opprotunity to ask any other questions. Secomd time seeing their show in Vegas. If their maze at HHN is half as good as their show, we are all in for a special treat.
    3 points
  4. Don't expect to see an icon in the tv commercial. or it could be like 2009 where there was no icon in the commercial, but one at the event.... Just throwing that idea out there...
    3 points
  5. I havenothing to add as far as speculation but I wanna say how exciting it is to see you guys come up with it!
    3 points
  6. I don't remember the tv commercial being discussed in these forums.
    2 points
  7. It would be awesome if they've snuck that past everyone without our knowing.
    2 points
  8. ...Yeah....I'm just going to wait two weeks and not deal with this shit.
    2 points
  9. Holy effing crap that's Twain not Einstein. I'm now going to jump off a bridge in disgust with myself.
    2 points
  10. Hah! That's a coincidence. "A-key" was actually shorthand for "answer key." Although I might have done that subconsciously, as I am a musician! I live near Universal and drive by frequently... I've seen the "god" lights on after park hours a couple evenings recently. Could very well be some late-night testing happening!
    2 points
  11. I don't give much credence to that post from Archives. It stated that there have been "no major leaks" this year??? Really? I have never had more info leaked to me about HHN as early as this year. I've been told about some things before they had been approved just minutes after they had been proposed.
    2 points
  12. A Buffy-verse themed year would be so awesome.
    1 point
  13. I still want to unearth a Hellmouth. Or the First Evil. Or a Spike to take home for later. I vote Spike.
    1 point
  14. Or it means we're not getting an icon in our advertisements but will for the event, which is why those images were on a tv, and ties in to the commercial. We'll know next week either way, if past years are any indication.
    1 point
  15. Honestly, I'm not all that impressed with this Ifrit character...unless we're not extracting the right or enough info from the clues. Maybe I'm just expecting too much :/
    1 point
  16. Definitely not two parks... no need to get your hopes up! They need permits to build houses. While in theory the event could take place in both parks with houses and permits only in USF, it's not happening this year! This further confirms the fact that I've heard nothing further about potential icons lately. The rumor mill has been silent, which usually means there's nothing to discuss. If there is in fact an icon, I will be surprised!
    1 point
  17. No icon...OR....they're using IoA, or part of it EDIT: ^^^ I was kidding, for the record. In all seriousness....so what does this have to do with our 6 famous-and-dead people? Or is it even connected?
    1 point
  18. Gnumas? How bewilderbeest! That looks Ike part of a YouTube URL.
    1 point
  19. I think the code might be different from what we think it is.... 1st character = m 2nd = j 3rd = i know we said O or zero but it looks sort of like a peace sign or some kind of small drawing.... 4,5,6th = INg 7th = t or plus sign....but I'm leaning more toward the letter t 8, 9th = LR Also, I, N, L, R, and possibly O are capitalized, while m, j,g, and possibly t are lowercase maybe the "mjOINg" means "I'm enjoying"? BAH I'M ALL OVER THE PLACE
    1 point
  20. New clue. Backwards writing. It says. "Just because he's a doctor doesn't mean he's correct. How are these people similar? Simply watch the set." If someone wants to link the pic feel free. My dyslexia comes in handy sometimes.
    1 point
  21. Can I be the first one to say....I HATE the instagram filter Ifrit is using on all these pictures. So disorienting sometimes. Not a fan. Alright so, I think Dr. Jimmy is right on track And I'm amazed at the way his mind words :-O So I'm going to take a different approach because I'm a pain in the butt like that... All 6 of these people were famous for different things... Hepburn - film Twain - books Baker - entertainment (jazz, specifically) Houdini - Magic Tesla - Science Lennon - Music (rock and roll) Maybe the connection also lies in the themes of the houses... film = TWD/Silent Hill books ?? magic = P&T science = LT/Victorian house music = Alice Cooper entertainment = ?? Also, almost all their deaths actually have something ridiculously interesting in common....they were all internal/disease-related, except for Lennon's: Hepburn = abdominal cancer from appendix (01/20/1993) Twain = heart attack (04/21/1910) Baker = cerebral hemorrhage (04/12/1975) Houdini = ruptured appendix/blows to the stomach (10/31/1926) Tesla = coronary thrombosis (01/07/1943) Lennon = shot in the back (12/08/1980) I looked into the way they died because of the way their faces are crossed out in the picture...it's as if death himself were to be crossing them off one by one as their deaths came and he collected their souls...interesting, huh? EDIT: Hah we came to similar conclusions....sorry, didn't see your post before posting mine! BTW, it is SO hard for me to scroll by your posts because of your profile pic .gif.....makes me cringe! lol but i guess that's the point, right? ;P
    1 point
  22. Maybe they do!!! Consider that the "real" clue may be the word Samsung in the lower left corner! Mark Twain's real name was Sam Clemens. What did he ever sing? Mostly he wrote prose not lyrics.... except for a satirical version of The Battle Hymn of the Republic meant to bring attention to imperialistic actions in the Phillipines. There we find these lyrics: In a sordid slime harmonious Greed was born in yonder ditch, A Creature reference?????? Just to show if you dig deep enough, you never know what bodies you might find buried under your feet!!!!!
    1 point
  23. Then again, it could be that my "solution" is just a product of my own demented brain being too much like Vincent Price playing Egghead. This guy likes math too much. There's probably some other answer that involves codes and numbers or something that is nowhere near as fun as what I came up with.
    1 point
  24. The way this guy's mind works I think we are dealing with a Batman villain. One from the 1960s TV series.
    1 point
  25. Unfortunately no. 55... same as in town....
    1 point
  26. So, time for some more speculating. This is from Mike Aiello's twitter (Michael_Aiello): Heading back to the park for some late night HHN lagoon show testing? Hmmmmm....
    1 point
  27. A couple posts have been hidden or edited for content in regards to a "Archive" website. This site is not an affiliate to us, or has a proven track record of providing false and untrue information. The site has also changed names and content about 20 times in the past year or two, VERY UNRELIABLE. The owner is also know to start trouble with other sites and Universal itself in the past. Please do not post any links or information from said site. Thanks!
    1 point
  28. Quote from Uni on there FB page ( it's in the comments for the poster): "Don't worry HHN fans. There are more houses to come. All will be revealed next week..."
    1 point
  29. I want games NOW, dammit! <stomping feet> I have the patience of a toddler at this point. That poster may be used at BK, but it doesn't give away anything. I can't even figure out why they bothered to tweet that.
    1 point
  30. I think it's a numbers game..... just food for thought 2806 is the post # that the pic is from
    1 point
  31. The siren and accompanying shift to the nightmare world is THE thing I'm most looking forward to in this house.
    1 point
  32. In 2010 I made Fear's Lantern just because it was so cool looking.
    1 point
  33. Dubstep eh? I'm pushing 40, so I'm going to sound like an old fart, but I STILL have no clue what it means. I assumed it was stuff like Underworld and The Chemical Bros...the kind of electronica I listened to when I used to have to walk 4 miles to school in 2 feet of snow up hill both ways. OK, enough crazy old guy ranting.... Regardless of what it is, I think ANY kind of music house would be pretty cool if they could pull it off correctly. LOUD music in a confined space can be as disorienting and scary as anything else. Of course, it would have to be really focused sound so as to not damage the ears of the scaractors in there for extended amounts of time. But to have any kind of LOUD music, with a pulsing bass beat that you an feel in your chest would be a pretty powerful stimulus and make it difficult for your other senses leading to you being more susceptible to scares. Also, if you couldn't hear the people scream/yell/laugh up ahead tipping off a good scare coming up, I think it would make your scares be a bit more startling and after getting caught once, have you on edge throughout the rest of the house, My first year was when they had the Disentorium house...and that truly screwed me up and at points, I both got lost...and had to grab onto a friend's shirt and close my eyes to get through there. As messed up as it was, we did the house like 6 times in 2 nights. It was amazing and I haven't been through anything since that had nearly the affect...Dead Exposure had some disorienting strobes and The InBetween the first couple nights before the "String Room" floor got all scuffed up and you couldn't see the whole depth trick came close...but I think a crazy LOUD house, while not sounding like anything special on paper, would be pretty damn cool...especially if it was Rave type thing with crazy lighting to boot.
    1 point
  34. Thread Locked. Please go to for further discussion. Thanks!
    1 point
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