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HHNH Random Thoughts, Debates, Opinions, Bickering...

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Say anything you want about HHN Hollywood that doesn't necessarily fit in any thread. Start a debate, enter one, randomly say something on your mind, etc..

I'll go first.

2012 could've been the best year, but the two things that dragged it down immensely... Alice Cooper Goes to Hell and Universal Monsters Remix. Everything else was pretty spot on.

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Ok this has been bothering me for a long time. Die anyone notice that all the HHN mazes have a weird smell in them? Not stinky but just kind of strange. Does anyone know what it is? It's most prominent in HOH

The worst part of HHN 2012 to me were the scare zones hands down

Edited by Ridesandstuff
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I think Remix was the right approach to remaking the HOH for HHN, but a bad execution. I prefer the taking the current experience of a montage maze and build from there better than trying to add a storyline to the maze. Such as the story of Wolfman, the guy who hangs out around coffins and collects Chucky dolls. Was adding dubstep the best way to go? Nope. Did it make more sense than the previous years' overlays? Yes.

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Say anything you want about HHN Hollywood that doesn't necessarily fit in any thread. Start a debate, enter one, randomly say something on your mind, etc..

I'll go first.

2012 could've been the best year, but the two things that dragged it down immensely... Alice Cooper Goes to Hell and Universal Monsters Remix. Everything else was pretty spot on.

In danger of having more of the "He-Man HOH Haters Club" assemble in this thread, UMR held up on its own merit. :ninja: As usual, the cast of the HOH overlay did an awesome job and I felt the Chucky overlay, while enjoyable ranked below Vampyre, Universal Remix, and Wolfman (in order of preference). Alice Cooper added some great scenes to this sequel maze. I experienced very little difference in the quality of the event since 2009.

In 2011, we happened to visit HHN on a night when Terror Tram had to shut down early making the largest conga line in the history of universe. The theme was much better in 2012. I do agree that VIP was somewhat off-putting due to the stop at Amity Island, but the Walking Dead TT made up for that snafu.

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I was watching Orlando's Bill & Ted from this past year and WOW that was horrible, I'm extreamly happy that we got our own writters now compared to our Bill and Ted it seemed way too much like the Hanging, just character's walking in and out randomly. Once again greatfull for Hollywood!

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What I can honestly say about HHN is that I hate how random and thrown together it seems.....

I feel the same way. Especially after seeing what Knott's did for their 40th, I just can't fathom why the event just can't have an overall theme anymore. They drifted that since 2008, but completely dropped it and said "screw it" since 2010. It just seems like they don't care. I hate the mixture of different themes.

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Didn't Murdy say something like "the event does better without it" or something? Sounds like a bunch of hogwash to me. I want to see the surveys that concluded that nonsense.

I think he said something along the lines of the event is successful enough without one. Why do it if it's not needed? This is where I appreciate Knott's.

They appreciated the fans last year.

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I asked him on Twitter about it and he said "No. Never never never!!" and I asked back "So, horror movies randomly thrown together is the way to go?" and he said "Yes, if attendance is any indication" ..... I also asked him at Monsterpalooza and he said more or less the same thing....

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So as I understand it, theme is harder to do and therefore it isn't worth the effort because people will show up anyway. Sounds like what makes the Transformers movies so crappy to me -_- but ooooh they make money! *barf* meet us halfway, come on..... well... last year they did return SOMEWHAT to theme.

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Ooooooh I like little fun, interesting facts like that lol

If American Horror Story premires the same day or if Insidious 2 premieres on the same day...then we can October 14 national HHN day or something. Haha

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Does anyone know where i can find a picture of the "all abandon hope ye who enter here" writing that was on the gates of hell in ACGTH?. I'm doing a slide show on the works of Dante for history and I want to include it on an "in popular culture" page but I can't find it anywhere

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