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About behemothman08

  • Birthday 02/13/1998

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    Niagara Falls, Canada

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  1. Just curious, I know Hollywood was selling AWIL and CITW last year, what movies was Orlando selling in 2013? (Im assuming AWIL CITW & ED)
  2. I've been gone for a while and I am too lazy to read over spec. What is the rumored lineup, if I'm understanding correctly its TWD (confirmed) Halloween AVP Dracula Living Dolls Clown Factory some kind of ritual house ?????
  3. May I request an AVP sig (just for when/if the house is announced)
  4. The scariest part about HHN so far is general admission, am I reading it right? $95.99!!!
  5. Lighting, check! Audio, check! Wood has been bought for my home haunt, one of four costumes done! Gonna be done REALLY early this year!

  6. Walk into the club like, waddup, I got social anxiety and I want to go home.

  7. It has to be Superman guys, TCM was already used, Hollywood already did Halloween, Alien would be too expensive, and Ghostbusters would be way too cheesy, let's face it, Superman is the property we have been looking for this whole time.
  8. Black Sabbath concert tonight!!!!!

    1. Freak


      Seeing them April 26th!

  9. "STDs are not Pokemon, don't catch 'em all!"

  10. Hollywood didn't get a teaser site until July last year, it was the 2012 site until then.
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