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Ideas for Houses (Get Ready to Hate Me)


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2 minutes ago, Twilight59 said:

Game Over 2: Hard Mode

Facade: Giant Gameboy Controller

Scene 1- Guests will be at an asylum hallway where variants will pop out in some asylum doors (Video Game: Outlast)

Scene 2: Guests will now be in Mercy Hospital where zombies lurk around every corner and at the end of the scene a hunter and witch will attack guests (Video Game: Left 4 Dead)

Scene 3: Guests will be at Daniel's bedroom where a grunt burst from the door (Video Game: Amensia)

Scene 4: Guests will now enter STEM where Ruvik and The Sadist hide in the room (Video Game: The Evil Within)

Scene 5: Guests will be at a nighttime city street where zombies lurk around the street and before guests exit the scene a volatile attacks guests (Video Game: Dying Light)

Scene 6: Guests will now be at Beth and Hannah's house where the wendigos are hiding in the house (Video Game: Until Dawn)

Scene 7: Guests will be at the maw's kitchen where we see two chefs chopping a meal while one of them attacks guests (Video Game: Little Nightmares)

Scene 8: Guests will now be at a quarantined street highway where the infected will attack or rush toward guests (Video Game: The Last of Us)

Scene 9: Guests will now be at a room covered in static with the word "CORRUPTED DATA" above while multiple game characters from previous rooms scare the guests

i gotta say this thread has amazing ideas from me, you, and doc that will make amazing haunted house ideas in real life. bravo.

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1 hour ago, themazethinker said:

i gotta say this thread has amazing ideas from me, you, and doc that will make amazing haunted house ideas in real life. bravo.


Yeah. A GAME OVER house entirely dedicated to horror games. To be honest, it'd make a good sequel, being darker and more horror-based than the original.


I don't know how characters from my haunted house would interact with Cuphead characters. It's not really something I think about.

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6 minutes ago, DocNiktMarr said:


I've heard about 15 elsewhere on the boards.

alright im doing a scp house with a plot similar to containment breach. the scps im including are






1981 [ in here you go through the tape]



if anyone has any other ideas for scps feel free to post some ideas. hope you can [due to how amazing you do houses] write a treatment for the house when i post the layout.

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before i do my scp house im gonna do a thing for twilight. im gonna make silver screams 3.

facade - instead of a theater you enter through a film festival with multiple of the movie posters on the walls. the usher will  come out with a bloody flashlight quoting taglines from the movies.

scene 1 [it follows] - in here you walk through a swimming pool at a school. as you walk by [ through lighting ] the pool will turn red from it's blood. as you are distracted by this a 7 ft tall man with no eyes scares you from behind bleachers.

scene 2 [train to busan] - as you walk through a train car you notice multiple dead bodies ripped to shreds with bite marks. some of them are actually zombies that will lunge out for you.

scene 3  [hostel] - in here you see a man with vomit stains on his torso begging for help. he tries to escape but falls down as his Achilles are slashed off. suddenly a man with a bloodied pocket knife scares guests into the next room.

scene 4 [babadook]  - in here the walls and actors are painted black and white to give it a pop out book feel. multiple quotes of the book are laid across the wall as a cardboard babadook stands there. turns out it ain't cardboard as the babadook is real and rushes at guests.

scene 5 [28 days later] - you enter outside at a alleyway in London. up on the rooftops multiple rage infected will jump [with bungee cords] to rooftop to rooftop trying to swipe a guests. below a survivor wearing a hospital gown will try and shoot at the infected.

scene 6 [green inferno] - you enter through the jungle as you see multiple cannibals feast on a mans corpse while spraying blood [water] at guests. turns out the mans alive and spits out blood at you.

scene 7 [Blair witch project] - the jungle trees turn into wood as you notice a cabin in the distance. you enter into the cabin and you notice a man staring at the wall. as you are distracted the creature from the 2016 Blair witch will scare guests.

scene 8 [donnie darko] - here you enter into a bedroom where you see a destroyed jet engine on the ceiling. outside a window you see a man wearing a bunny suit whispering "28 days, 6 hours, 42 minutes, 12 seconds. that is when the world will end.". right after he says that a teenage boy will come out from a closet with a axe and scream at guests

scene 9 [ belko experiment ] - you enter to a office cubicle. a axe is seen hanging from one cubicle. in one cubicle a man weilding a stapler will rush at guests shooting nails [ air] at guests.

scene 10 [ finale,] you enter into a abandoned movie theater. on the screen multiple scenes from the movies you went through are projected. in here you actually gotta exit through a cut in the screen. as you walk to the exit multiple of the horror movie villians in previous rooms will scare guests.

Edited by themazethinker
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9 hours ago, themazethinker said:

before i do my scp house im gonna do a thing for twilight. im gonna make silver screams 3.

facade - instead of a theater you enter through a film festival with multiple of the movie posters on the walls. the usher will  come out with a bloody flashlight quoting taglines from the movies.

scene 1 [it follows] - in here you walk through a swimming pool at a school. as you walk by [ through lighting ] the pool will turn red from it's blood. as you are distracted by this a 7 ft tall man with no eyes scares you from behind bleachers.

scene 2 [train to busan] - as you walk through a train car you notice multiple dead bodies ripped to shreds with bite marks. some of them are actually zombies that will lunge out for you.

scene 3  [hostel] - in here you see a man with vomit stains on his torso begging for help. he tries to escape but falls down as his Achilles are slashed off. suddenly a man with a bloodied pocket knife scares guests into the next room.

scene 4 [babadook]  - in here the walls and actors are painted black and white to give it a pop out book feel. multiple quotes of the book are laid across the wall as a cardboard babadook stands there. turns out it ain't cardboard as the babadook is real and rushes at guests.

scene 5 [28 days later] - you enter outside at a alleyway in London. up on the rooftops multiple rage infected will jump [with bungee cords] to rooftop to rooftop trying to swipe a guests. below a survivor wearing a hospital gown will try and shoot at the infected.

scene 6 [green inferno] - you enter through the jungle as you see multiple cannibals feast on a mans corpse while spraying blood [water] at guests. turns out the mans alive and spits out blood at you.

scene 7 [Blair witch project] - the jungle trees turn into wood as you notice a cabin in the distance. you enter into the cabin and you notice a man staring at the wall. as you are distracted the creature from the 2016 Blair witch will scare guests.

scene 8 [vhs 2]  - in here you see multiple people [dummies] with guns pointed to there heads. then strobe lights will go off as a loud bang is heard. after that a 6 ft 5 demon will rush towards guests from a breakaway wall.

scene 9 [ belko experiment ] - you enter to a office cubicle. a axe is seen hanging from one cubicle. in one cubicle a man weilding a stapler will rush at guests shooting nails [ air] at guests.

scene 10 [ finale,] you enter into a abandoned movie theater. on the screen multiple scenes from the movies you went through are projected. in here you actually gotta exit through a cut in the screen. as you walk to the exit multiple of the horror movie villians in previous rooms will scare guests.

This is pretty good mazethinker!

11 hours ago, themazethinker said:

alright im doing a scp house with a plot similar to containment breach. the scps im including are






1981 [ in here you go through the tape]



if anyone has any other ideas for scps feel free to post some ideas. hope you can [due to how amazing you do houses] write a treatment for the house when i post the layout.

By the way i got some scp ideas just for you
















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9 hours ago, Twilight59 said:

This is pretty good mazethinker!

By the way i got some scp ideas just for you
















any sane person will only pick 5 or 8 out of this list. but you wanna know something 

im gonna include all of them in my house baby!

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3 hours ago, Twilight59 said:

Thanks for including my scp ideas mazethinker!

sadly i couldn't do 993 since i didn't know how to do it, and i didn't do 087 since in haunted houses you can't make people go down stairs since you wanna make it wheelchair accessible. anwyay here it goes, if you guys want to make a part 2 go ahead.

SCP - containment breach

facility - as guests enter into the soundstage they are blasted with hot heat as they enter into what seems to be a desert, on the grounds are multiple no trespassing signs, as guests pass a razor wire gate they see a large building in the distance as they enter inside of it.


Lobby/106 room - guests enter into the lobby, tons of blood and bodies are all over the room.as they’re looking around a guard will come out and say “ THE SITE IS EXPERIENCING MULTIPLE CONTAINMENT BREACHES, FULL SITE LOCKDOWN INITIATED, WE GOTTA GET THE CIVILIANS OUT! “ as he says it 106 comes out behind him and drags him through a wall [the wall will have a hole in it so the actor can go through”.


scp 682 containment chamber - as guests enter into the room they see a scientist getting eaten by a 10 ft reptilian creature [ basically the la llorona effect ] he begs for help as blood is sprayed onto the guests, as guests exit the room the creature will come out again through a hole in the wall.


scp 610 containment chamber - when guests enter into the room they are hit by the smell of rotting flesh, they can see multiple infected on a dining room table, each ones has multiple limbs growing out of itś body, some are real and some are fake.


Scp 3199 containment chamber - they enter into what seems to be a cryo storage area, multiple of the tanks have half chimp half chicken hybrids floating. But one tank seems to be broken. When guests think they’re gonna get scared by a escaped hybrid, one of them wakes up and bangs on the glass.


Scp 1048/hallway - guests enter into a small painted white hallway. Multiple foundation posters are hung up on the walls with some having claws marks and stuffing on them. Suddenly one of the posters drops down as a teddy bear covered in ears [ hand puppet ] jumps out and swipes at guests.


Scp 1981 - in this room the walls are becoming static [projection]. In front of the static is ronald reagan [ dummy] giving a speech with multiple cuts and bruises on him. Some cuts actually spray blood [ water] at guests. As they are distracted a strange black hooded figure will come behind guests and whisper “i see you” before scaring them into the next room.


Scp 093 - when guests enter into this room it will flash red before it is revealed there are in the middle of a crop field. they look on the left and right and see multiple tall legless humanoids wandering the land [ projection]. This room won’t have any jump scares. Just a eerie feel.


Scp 231 containment chamber - guests enter into what seems to be a asylum cell. On the bed is a young woman restrained as she screams for help. Again this room would not have any scare’s. Just errienes


Scp 1678 - guests enter into now what seems to be a alleway. The ‘entrance audio ‘ for scp 1678 will play. On the wall is a steel vending machine with strange food items inside. Out of nowhere a bobby will pop out and swing a stick at guests.


scp 096 containment chamber - when guests enter into the room it will be covered in blood, guests notice a 6 ft creature on the floor crying, once they exit the room the creature will come out through a break away wall screaming at guests.


Scp 2030 - in here guests find themselves in what seems to be a small talk show like theater [ basically the afv theater]. As you walk by the guests watching some will jump out. One has tons of head growing on his neck, another is entirely skinless, and another has a ruptured stomach with pigeons feeding on the guts.


Scp 939/rec room - guests now find themselves in a destroyed rec room. For example a vending machine is pushed against the door for a barricade, multiple bullet holes are on the walls and ceiling, etc etc. guests will hear a voice pleading for help, suddenly a [animatronic] large red creature lunges underneath a table as guests run out.


Scp 082 containment chamber - guests now enter into a padded cell with a king size bed, sink, toilet, and a large dining table. On on of the chairs is a man [dummy]. Out of nowhere a 6 ft 10 giant comes out from a breakaway wall and rips the man's head off and starts to devour it.


Scp 973/surveillance room - guests now enter to the surveillance room. Most of the monitors show the carnage going around the facility. On  the control panel lies a body being devoured by a half human half fox creature. She rips out the kidney out of the body and sprays [water] blood at guests.


Scp 2852 blue level event -  guests now are transported to a church. In the middle of the church is the bride and groom bleeding from the mouth. In the altars are many teethless people scaring guests. Not just that but cousin johnny pops out with a ear piercing buzz as many locus crawl around his face [makeup].


Scp 1471 - guests enter into a pitch black room only illuminated by strobe lights. These strobe lights are timed to a camera flash. In the room is a strange grotesque creature, each flash lets him get closer to the guests until he scares them.


Scp 009 - guests now enter through a cave covered with red ice. On the ground is what seems to be at first a body impaled by red ice. Turns out the ice was growing out of him. As guests are distracted a man with spiky red ice growing on his throat scares guests as he gurgles in pain.


Scp 015/transition hallway - guests are transported in the middle to what seems to be a factory, multiple pipes here and there will burst open spraying water at guests.


Scp 002 - guests are now in a room covered in flesh. The furniture in the room are also made out of skin, bone, teeth, and hair. Like 093 and 231 this is just for errinies.


Scp 432/transition hallway - guests are now in a blank hallway. Since they let there guard down in the last two room they won’t expect a scare. So when the guests are calm all of a sudden a tall minotaur like creature will jump out from a break away wall and scare guests to the final room.


scp 173 containment chamber - when guests enter into the room the lights will flicker, they notice a statue [ actor ] staring at guests, the lights cut off then strobe lights go on as the statue rushes towards them as guests exit the maze.

Edited by themazethinker
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Well SCP-993 could be in a clown themed studio where a Nine Tailed Fox soldier will be tied to a chair pleading for help while guests are distracted by this Bobble will pop out and slit the soldier's throat with a knife then slash the knife at guests.

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2 minutes ago, Twilight59 said:

Well SCP-993 could be in a clown themed studio where Nine Tailed Fox soldier will be tied to a chair pleading for help while guests are distracted by this Bobble will pop out and slit the soldier's throat with a knife then slash the knife at guests.

good point. anyway i would actually like to see your guys take of a scp house after mine. if of course you guys want to

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and also SCP-087 could be a transition where guests are now in a staircase and at the bottom staircase is SCP 087-1's face and when guests exit the transition SCP-087-1 will pop out to scare guests.

Also here's a correction SCP-973 is an scp consisting of two entities one is a police cruiser and second is a police officer in his late forties not a female/fox creature (no offense)

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1 hour ago, Twilight59 said:

and also SCP-087 could be a transition where guests are now in a staircase and at the bottom staircase is SCP 087-1's face and when guests exit the transition SCP-087-1 will pop out to scare guests.

Also here's a correction SCP-973 is an scp consisting of two entities one is a police cruiser and second is a police officer in his late forties not a female/fox creature (no offense)


Yeah, I followed along, looking up the SCPs by number on the website, and I caught the SCP-973 error, too.


As for 087, I just thought it could be in a transition where you pass the top of the stairs, and if you look you'd be able to see the face (Which I guess is canonically SCP-087-1?)


And if done at Hollywood, they could slip in a reference to JAWS and the SPC. Just a thought I had.

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6 minutes ago, DocNiktMarr said:


Yeah, I followed along, looking up the SCPs by number on the website, and I caught the SCP-973 error, too.


As for 087, I just thought it could be in a transition where you pass the top of the stairs, and if you look you'd be able to see the face (Which I guess is canonically SCP-087-1?)


And if done at Hollywood, they could slip in a reference to JAWS and the SPC. Just a thought I had.

oh crap sorry.

scp 973 - guests are now in the middle of a highway. as they walk around a police siren is heard as red and blue lights are seen. suddenly out of the dark a demonic police men shoots guests with a pistol [air].

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Welp here's part 2

SCP-513 - Guests will be inside a soundproof, climate changed cell where they can see a rusted cowbell while guests are distracted by this a bell noise will occur and SCP-513-1 will pop out and scare guests

SCP-008/surveillance room - Guests will now be inside a surveillance room where the cameras show the carnage around the facility on the control panel is a corpse and a zombie eating it while some zombies (victims of SCP-008) lurk around the corner and might try to eat the guests (Note: This is a replacement of the SCP-973 error)

SCP-3922- Guests will now be inside in a television filled room of movies and tv shows being altered by SCP-3922 while guests are distracted by this soldiers with padded armor shoot at guests.

SCP-811- Guests will now be at a swamp containment cell that is littered with dead bodies and in the cell hides SCP-811

SCP-035- Guests will now be at a containment cell where a scientist struggles to get the mask off while this distracts guests an animatronic tentacle will attack guests.

SCP-1499- Guests will now be in a foggish landscape where SCP-1499-1 instances roam and lurk around the landscape some are attacking the guests while others rush towards guests.

SCP-178- Guests will now be at a containment chamber where where stereoscopic glasses are seen laying at a wooden podium while guests are distracted by this large bipedal entities attack and scare guests.

SCP-049- Guests will now be at a containment chamber where a plague doctor is performing surgery on a d-class personnel and while guests are distracted by this SCP-049-2 instances attack guests.

SCP-3008- Guests are now at a nighttime IKEA where instances of SCP-3008-2 will roam around and sometimes rush towards guests.

Cafeteria- Guests will now be at a destroyed cafeteria where an instance of SCP-008-1 will be seen eating a corpse on a table while this distracts guests a Class D-Personnel will slash guests with SCP-668.

SCP-079- Guests will now be at a containment chamber where SCP-079 can talk to guests about getting out of the facility.

SCP-689- Guests will now be at a concrete chamber where they can see SCP-689 sitting on its throne although sometimes it might get up and attack guests

(I tried my best on this)


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On 6/14/2018 at 8:57 PM, Twilight59 said:

Well i could basically i could imagine it like for example

Grim Matchstick: P-p-please don't h-hurt me!

Scarecrow: Oh i'm not going to hurt you...i'm just going to inject you with these needles


By the way docniktmarr what do you think of the example dialgoue for the cuphead characters interacting the scaracters from your haunted house ideas?

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2 hours ago, Twilight59 said:

By the way docniktmarr what do you think of the example dialgoue for the cuphead characters interacting the scaracters from your haunted house ideas?


No offense, but I recommend giving all this Cuphead talk a rest. It's just not something that I can go on, talking about on end.


Unlike LEGO, Halloween, or Smash Brothers. But it's harder to fit one and three into a board topic.

On 6/16/2018 at 10:20 AM, Twilight59 said:

Welp here's part 2

SCP-513 - Guests will be inside a soundproof, climate changed cell where they can see a rusted cowbell while guests are distracted by this a bell noise will occur and SCP-513-1 will pop out and scare guests

SCP-008/surveillance room - Guests will now be inside a surveillance room where the cameras show the carnage around the facility on the control panel is a corpse and a zombie eating it while some zombies (victims of SCP-008) lurk around the corner and might try to eat the guests (Note: This is a replacement of the SCP-973 error)

SCP-3922- Guests will now be inside in a television filled room of movies and tv shows being altered by SCP-3922 while guests are distracted by this soldiers with padded armor shoot at guests.

SCP-811- Guests will now be at a swamp containment cell that is littered with dead bodies and in the cell hides SCP-811

SCP-035- Guests will now be at a containment cell where a scientist struggles to get the mask off while this distracts guests an animatronic tentacle will attack guests.

SCP-1499- Guests will now be in a foggish landscape where SCP-1499-1 instances roam and lurk around the landscape some are attacking the guests while others rush towards guests.

SCP-178- Guests will now be at a containment chamber where where stereoscopic glasses are seen laying at a wooden podium while guests are distracted by this large bipedal entities attack and scare guests.

SCP-049- Guests will now be at a containment chamber where a plague doctor is performing surgery on a d-class personnel and while guests are distracted by this SCP-049-2 instances attack guests.

SCP-3008- Guests are now at a nighttime IKEA where instances of SCP-3008-2 will roam around and sometimes rush towards guests.

Cafeteria- Guests will now be at a destroyed cafeteria where an instance of SCP-008-1 will be seen eating a corpse on a table while this distracts guests a Class D-Personnel will slash guests with SCP-668.

SCP-079- Guests will now be at a containment chamber where SCP-079 can talk to guests about getting out of the facility.

SCP-689- Guests will now be at a concrete chamber where they can see SCP-689 sitting on its throne although sometimes it might get up and attack guests

(I tried my best on this)



And your best was great.

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Eh none taken and also thanks for liking my scp idea scenes!

Also by the way doc can you give me scene suggestions for the Multiversal Breakout idea? I had a little idea block for this (Except when the breakout occurs inside the space hyperprison)

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Another round of ideas:

  • St. Horrid Memorial Hospital: A hospital is usually a place where professionals save the lives of many people every day. Some hospitals have people who aren't quite qualified. And then there is St. Horrid. With the staff full of idiots, psychos, and other assorted nutjobs, death is more preferable than St. Horrid.
  • YouTube Dead: (I call it a bad idea because I know the forum would hate it) A mysterious gem based off of the YouTube Play button has been sent to various YouTubers. What was simply assumed to be a fancy, if oddly numerous gift, however, turned out to carry a curse: The recipients either became corrupted monsters, or had their worst creations come to life to torment them. Enter the madhouse if you dare. (Doc's Notes: A: This is base on videos I watch. No Paul brothers, standard Reaction videos, or Children's channels. B: This is an idea I'd had for a while. Like, back when Matthew Santoro had the Clones, back when Rhett and Link had one video per day, back when Channel Awesome had a positive reputation, before Antisepticeye. If I were to post the plan, I'd edit it to my current tastes/Channel preferences.)
  • The SlayPen: Betsy Bunny's Birthday Bonanza used to be a popular place for children to throw birthday parties. It had a play area, mascots, and it actually paid for the rights for Happy Birthday to You! However, around the turn of the century, a freak kitchen fire killed the entire staff, leaving the building abandoned for 20 years. Now a new owner is reopening it for a new generation, but the past is coming back to haunt him.
  • MONSTER MUSIC: Volume 2: The Eternal Halloween Party never stops! With Halloween (She Gets So Mean), Somebody's Watching Me, Werewolves of London, Frontier Psychiatrist, and Nightmare on My Street, the (probably weaker) lineup will hopefully give you chills and thrills! (...something feels wrong with that last word.)
  • ROCK N ROLL: SHOCK YOUR SOUL: Let's go back to the origins of MONSTER MUSIC, a haunted house dedicated to Halloween Music. I think I said that it was based on various music videos? Like, that it originally included scenes from Gorillaz? Yeah, I'm returning to the original idea. The house is based on various music videos and songs, focusing on more than 5 per house!
  • Mystery Science Theater 3000: (Confession: I've never watched MST3K, but I've seen clips and I really want to.) Kinga Forrester and TV's Max have created a new device to further the torture of Jonah: a form of transmission that puts YOU in the movies! Now, instead of being able to riff away the insanity, he'll have to save himself! But it's not quite ready, it needs some fine-tuning. And that's where you come in. You are a test subject, unlikely to make it past the horrible films. HOWEVER, Tom, Crow, and Gypsy will try to help you, even if they're not really qualified to do anything.
12 hours ago, Twilight59 said:

Eh none taken and also thanks for liking my scp idea scenes!

Also can you give me scene suggestions for the Multiversal Breakout idea? I had a little idea block for this (Except when the breakout occurs inside the space hyperprison)


Well, I'll need some context. Can I bring in Villains you didn't list, does the environment change depending on who you encounter (which would limit my ideas if not, but I still have some), what does the prison ship look like?


Also, Darth Vader and Green Goblin are unlikely, seeing that Universal's Direct competitor owns the rights to those two, but there can be some replacement. Oddly, Disney can't use Goblin in their parks because Universal actually still has some rights to Marvel Characters. But there can be replacements, there's a big world of evil out there. And as for Queen Scarlet and Lord Hamlet... who are they?

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Well Queen Scarlet is a dragoness from the Wings of Fire universe and she is the main antagonist of the dragonet prophecy and died in Escaping Peril. Also originally he was a villain but i realized that he is a protagonist so therefore i may replace him with Macbeth. (Also by the way if you want to know who Hamlet is he's a protagonist in the play Hamlet by William Shakespheare)

Also i would imagine the space prison to be really big and the interior of the prison would be also big on the inside and also the youtube dead haunted house idea is a good idea! I mean think of the possibilities you could have Shane Dawson with his conspiracy theories videos, Venturiantale with Jimmy Casket, Markipler with the alter ego Darkiplier, Bedbananas with his GMOD paranormal video, DanielFromSL and the wonderworld video he made and more!

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