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Ideas for Houses (Get Ready to Hate Me)


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1 minute ago, Twilight59 said:

Yeah maybe so. Also do you think there will be some changes to my Lost Episodes haunted house idea?

not at all man. im on room 12 and everything is going smoothly, would love to do a internet themed creepypasta house next. things like username 666, normal porn for normal people, deep web, stuff like that.

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Well it's nice things are going smoothly for you.

Also i'm gonna guess the plot of the internet creepypasta idea if you don't mind. After the experiment incident of Shadowcreek Labs they decided to do one last experiment and that is going to the darkest depths of the internet however things took a short turn when the computer sucks all the subjects into the computer and now you are in the computer! Can you survive the Internet's infamous websites and videos?

Edited by Twilight59
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2 hours ago, Twilight59 said:

Well it's nice things are going smoothly for you.

Also i'm gonna guess the plot of the internet creepypasta idea if you don't mind. After the experiment incident of Shadowcreek Labs they decided to do one last experiment and that is going to the darkest depths of the internet however things took a short turn when the computer sucks all the subjects into the computer and now you are in the computer! Can you survive the Internet's infamous websites and videos?

first off great idea, second here's the finished product. i changed the fifth element to star trek since i didn't actually know what the fith element was actually lol.


Sid’s lost episodes


Location - parade building


Facade - as guests walk by the parade building they see a large stack of vhs tapes forming out the words “sids lost episodes”. There will be a projection on the tapes of static and gory images.


Garage - guests enter through the garage. On the chair is a dead body of a young man, he has wires embedded to his skin.hooked up to the wires are tvs showing twisted images like, a cartoon character walking down a road [suicide mouse], a brutal dissection of a alien creature [alf’s autopsy], etc etc. as guests are distracted the body will come alive and say “welcome to my world” before they enter into the next room.


Vortex - guests are now in a vortex room but this time the walls will be projected to look like static. As this is happening twisted laughter will be played on a loop.


Squidward's suicide - guests are now in a small bedroom.the windows are open letting cold air be pumped into the room. Mixed in with the wind is the sound of screaming, as this is happening squidward will come out of a door and shoot [air] at guests before turning the gun on himself. [sort like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sgoo9xDq5wc&t=2m40s ]


Dead bart - guests are now in what seems to be third class of a airplane. There will be a gaping hole in one side [projection].the ground here will vibrate as tons of wind will be pumped into here. Out of the side of the hole will pop out bart twisted and mangled, he will scare guests while gurgling from his crushed throat.


Plankton got served - guests enter into what seems to be a platform. Below is darkness as they can hear a crowd saying the worlds “JUMP, YOU KNOW  YOU WANT TOO”, above is a bright light. This room would not have any scares but just a eerie feel.


Three Stooges - Dead Dunderheads - guests enter into what looks like a room in construction. On the floor is a ladder and right next to it is “larry” with a screwdriver in his eye. they also see “moe” with a bloody hammer sticking out of his back. As guests are distracted “curly” will come out from a door with a bloody tool and scream in pain from all of the injuries on him.


Crystal pepsi lost commercial - guests now enter to a body bag room. Here they pass by tons of body bags [of course], on the right side will be a man stuck in a meat grinder screaming in pain as blood [water] shoots at guests.


Turn the crank - guests enter into a alleway, on the floor is a young woman with shards of glass laying around her. As guests are distracted a demonic looking santa claus with one shattered eye will pop out from above a garbage can.


The dawn is your enemy -  guests enter into a small twisted looking field now. A 10 foot sun is on the ground as looming eyes [projection] are high above. Suddenly high pitched screaming is heard as the sun starts to wink [projection on it].


Legends of the Hidden Temple-Yellow Frogs - guests enter into a small throne room. In the middle of the room is a skull on a altar. All of a sudden a tall temple guard will come out and slash a knife at guests.


Ed, edd n eddy lost episode - guests again enter to a small bedroom, in the room will be double d wandering the room [not scaring guests just creeping them out]. Occasionally multiple demonic versions of the characters will come out from multiple hiding spots, for example jimmy with his jaw mangled, a savage johnny, etc etc.


1999 - guests enter into a small basement. Here they can see a small pit with multiple burnt bodies. As guests are distracted mr bear will pop out with a hatchet and scare guests.


The black friday incident - guests enter in a small black hallway, the luxo ball is there along with a naked woody [won’t have genitals], he will be rotted and decayed as strobe lights will go off revealing the words “EDGE” on the walls. He will start to say “Don't you want it? Don't you want it? Don't you love it?” before scaring guests.


La misericordia - guests enter again through a black hallway as they see a crying eyeless woman. She won’t do anything as this room will just be a eerie room.


Scarface vhs tape - guests enter through a bathroom. In the shower is a armless man with a bloody chainsaw right next to him. As guests are distracted a demonic tony will pop out from a mirror and threaten guests.


Sunlit nightmare - guests enter in a realistic looking bedroom now. A young boy can be seen cowering near a desk. Out of the bed will pop a cartoonish like spider as it sprays venom at guests [water].


Sid’s version of jaws - guests are now underwater. High above are multiple body parts floating [simple strings]. Out of the water comes a giant burnt shark growling at guests [reused jaws prop ].


Sid’s version of star trek - in here guests are in a sci fi like city. Here it’s in the middle of a alien invasion, here multiple battle wounded versions of the casts will pop out as demonic aliens brutally kill them.


Sid’s version of alien - guests are now in the nostromo. It seems as if there in the lunchroom. On the table is kane with the iconic chestburster but this time multiple chestbursters are popping out of him, through his eyes, mouth, ears, legs, etc etc.


Sid’s version of batman - guests are now in a dark alleyway, here they see two dead bodies of martha and thomas wayne. But if guests look closely they see two bite marks on their necks. All of a sudden a demonic batman will swoop over the rooftops as he roars in the night sky.


Hall of hatred - guests are now in the middle of a art gallery like room. The portraits will show multiple villains from movies and cartoons. For example, him from powerpuff girls, chucky, predator, etc etc. Some of them are actually booholes that will drop down and scare guests.


channel ∞ - as guests enter they hear some loud static. Once the sound ends the lights will come on as there in the middle of a twisted town. Up high on the sky is a green full moon. As there distracted a humanoid completely covered in static will pop out between a alleyway.


Sid’s throne - guests now in a dungeon. Up in the middle of the room is a throne made out of his cassettes. On the throne is Sid saying “oh don't worry the fun just started “. The Tv's will then show the words “hijacking transmission from Carey,ohio”. As this happens multiple cartoon characters from previous rooms will jump out and scare guests to the exit.

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Also here's a room suggestion for your internet themed creepypasta house

.GIF- Guests will now be at a white room where there will be a smiley face only with realistic eyes and a realistic mouth however the GIF would turn angry and stobe lights are set off and a twisted version of the GIF would pop out.

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Here's another room suggestion

The Grifter- Before guests go into the bathroom with the bathtub full of maggots they will be in a portrait hallway in which haunting portraits from the 18th century are almost melting and sometimes the people in the portraits will pop out then guests will enter into a bathroom where they can see a bathtub full of maggots while this distracts the guests a twisted version of the infant from the screen cap of the video will pop out of a bathroom mirror.

Edited by Twilight59
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Also if you don't mind asking me this mazethinker but are you going to detail the scenes of your internet themed creepypasta house idea sometime soon? (Not to be rude or anything)

Also here's a scene suggestion to doc's Eddsworld haunted house idea

Matt Sucks- Guests will now be at Edd's living room where he is watching vampire related films/tv shows however while guests are distracted by this Vampire Matt will pop out and attempt to bite guests.


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9 minutes ago, Twilight59 said:

Also if you don't mind asking me this mazethinker but are you going to detail the scenes of your internet themed creepypasta house idea sometime soon? (Not to be rude or anything)

Also here's a scene suggestion to doc's Eddsworld haunted house idea

Matt Sucks- Guests will now be at Edd's living room where he is watching vampire related films/tv shows however while guests are distracted by this Vampire Matt will pop out and attempt to bite guests.


actually i was waiting for you to do a layout of the internet creepypasta house first so i can know which stories to cover. get what i mean?

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21 minutes ago, Twilight59 said:

Also if you don't mind asking me this mazethinker but are you going to detail the scenes of your internet themed creepypasta house idea sometime soon? (Not to be rude or anything)

Also here's a scene suggestion to doc's Eddsworld haunted house idea

Matt Sucks- Guests will now be at Edd's living room where he is watching vampire related films/tv shows however while guests are distracted by this Vampire Matt will pop out and attempt to bite guests.



Huh, I had something different planned. Thanks for reminding me.

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Oh yeah right i get what you mean sorry for not doing the layout of the internet themed creepypasta house i'll get started to do it.

Internet Creepypastas

Facade: Shadowcreek Labs

Scene 1: A server room and at the near end is a glitchy computer with a glitchy vortex

Scene 2: Normal Porn for Normal People

Scene 3: Chatroom 98

Scene 4: Username 666

Scene 5: Blind Maiden Website

Scene 6: The Grifter

Scene 7: .GIF

Scene 8: familyvacation1.com

Scene 9: We Kept Driving

Scene 10: Sky Judge

Scene 11: Barbie.avi

Scene 12: Satellite Image

Scene 13: Talk to Strangers

Scene 14: Memoirs of a Cam Girl

Scene 15: smiledog.avi

Scene 16/Finale: An errorish landscape with the previous scaracters attacking/scaring the guests

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1 hour ago, Twilight59 said:

Oh yeah right i get what you mean sorry for not doing the layout of the internet themed creepypasta house i'll get started to do it.

Internet Creepypastas

Facade: Shadowcreek Labs

Scene 1: A server room and at the near end is a glitchy computer with a glitchy vortex

Scene 2: Normal Porn for Normal People

Scene 3: Chatroom 98

 Scene 4: Username 666

Scene 5: Blind Maiden Website

Scene 6: The Grifter

Scene 7: .GIF

Scene 8: familyvacation1.com

Scene 9: We Kept Driving

Scene 10: Sky Judge

Scene 11: Barbie.avi

Scene 12: Satellite Image

Scene 13/Finale: An errorish landscape with the previous scaracters attacking/scaring the guests.

                                                                            CREEPYPASTA : ERROR 404

location - shrek queue


facade - as guests walk into the queue there will be a huge lab [sorta like the body collectors recollection entrance ]. the windows will glitch occasionally and show the words "error".


server room - here guests enter into a small server room [like this http://scp-wiki.wdfiles.com/local--files/scp-1769/SCP-1769_Algorithm_Server_Room.jpg]. they hear the words "going online in three, two, one ". all of a sudden the lights will go off as they hear " ERROR, UNKNOWN WEBSITE". as they enter into a small vortex [ you already know what a vortex is so i won't describe it ].


[note on transition, as guests enter to each room a computer will be there with the websites name on it. ]


normal porn for normal people - guests now enter to a small bedroom. on the bed is a woman getting mauled by a hairless chimp [chimps a animatronic while the woman's a dummy]. as guests are distracted a man will pop out with a chicken mask wielding a camera and shout at guests to " KEEP ROLLING!". [there's multiple easter eggs to the other videos on the site like a peanut butter sandwich on the drawer, a dance dance revolution mat on the floor, etc etc.].


chatroom 98 -  guests enter to a attic now. on one of the crates is a laptop with the word's "LOOK BEHIND YOU" on it. behind the guests will be a pale white man with a large grin will scream at guests.


username 666 - guests are now in a room covered in red. in the middle is a woman in a bathtub covered in blood. the rooms lights will turn off, then when they turn on the woman will be there all deformed growling at guests.


blind maiden website - in here guests will see multiple photographs of eyeless bodies on the walls . on a table is a man getting his eye ripped off by a eyeless hag with pliers. blood will spray at guests [water]. she will then put the eyes into one of her eyesockets.


the grifter - guests enter to a small old looking hallway. on the walls are multiple portraits and they seem to be melting. some here and there are boo holes letting actors scare guests. they enter into a bathroom now, in the tub is tons of maggots pulsating [simple props being shaken by a vibrating floor]. all of a sudden a demonic like baby will pop out from the bathroom mirror.


the .gif - guests enter into a mostly black room, there will be a smiley face in the side of the wall [actor] smiling. suddenly it starts to frown and it screams at the top of it's lungs. all of a sudden gory images will come out on the walls [projection] as the full boo hole to the smiley face will drop down and scare guests.


familyvaction1.com - guests are now in the middle of a backyard. in the middle is four holes with 4 corpses stuffed in it. as guests are distracted a man wielding a bloody shovel will pop out and swing the shovel at guests.


we kept driving - guests are now in the middle of a highway. guests can hear Russian gibberish over the sky, all of a sudden a black car will pop out and honk it's horn at guests.


sky judge - guests enter into first class of a airplane. in here  they see red light in the windows "simpe lighting". a hooded figure can be seen at the back of the plane floating. the passengers on the plane are bloodied. some here and there will scream and beg for help while others will say to " LET ME OUT OF HERE".


barbie.avi - guests enter in a abandon bedroom. the bathroom door will shake violently as moaning is heard. suddenly the shaking stops as the door bursts open as a one armed girl will pop out with a butcher knife.


satellite images - guests are transported in the middle of a town. every person there is a girl wearing black pants, white t-shirt, and black hooded jacket. some here and there are dummies while some are real and swing a purse at guests


talk to strangers - guests now enter to a room filled with photos of woman. some walls are actually booholes to let a old man wielding a camera to scare guests.


memoirs of a cam girl - here guests enter a small bedroom, on the bed is a laptop with next to it multiple bras there. in the closet is a man wearing a black mask and he'll wield a small pocket knife and slash at guests.


smiledog.avi - guests enter a pitch black room. the room will be lit by strobe lights timed to a camera flash. each flash let's a demonic dog with a smile on it's face get closer to the guests before it attacks [animatronic].


error 404 - guests are now in a entirelly blue room.  a error sound is heard as multiple of the actors from before will scare guests. suddenly the lights will go off then turn on as the window startup sound is heard as guests exit the house.

Edited by themazethinker
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2 minutes ago, Twilight59 said:

The house idea is good but i edited it and added three scenes and those are Talk to Strangers, Memoirs of a Cam Girl and smiledog.avi. Also do you mind editing the idea you had there and add the three scenes in? (Not to be rude or anything)

sure i'll update you when it's done

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1 minute ago, Twilight59 said:


im thinking of doing scare actor descriptions for the 4 houses i done so far since im bored. remember im only doing one for today and some others tomorrow so pick which one you would like me to do first.

scp containment breach

creepypasta : classified

sid's lost tapes

creepypasta : error 404

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Just now, Twilight59 said:

I choose Creepypasta: Classified.

necrosis infected doctors - these guys or girls will have bloodied up lab coats, blood running down there eyes and nose, and multiple bite wounds on them.


laughing doc - he will have multiple glass shards sticking out of him and some in his eyes, he will also have multiple tiny hand prints on his lab coat.


happy puppet child - she will basically look like a normal child but with black eyes and a orange jumpsuit.


patient no. 0017983 - he will have a broken off straight jacket and multiple self inflicted scratch wounds on him.


russian sleep experiment test subjects - they will have most of there organs exposed, one even used it as a scarf. they will have bitten off lips and finger tips.


nazi twin experiment - the twins will have there heads fused together, almost like this https://pm1.narvii.com/6389/50fe81f9148033365fda68dcf01fca66f77af6a9_hq.jpg . they will both have ripped up clothing on them with the star of david printed on there back.


guards - basic swat gear.


mutated Chernobyl people - they will have multiple limbs growing on them. if this was in real life they can easily reuse thing costumes for this.


the romanian beast - it will be covered in fur, hunched like a bear but walks on it's knuckles, and will have multiple bones growing on it.


vr subject - he will basically look fucked up, he has multiple claw marks on him and his torso is visibly open.


vr beast - it will basically look like a demonic version of the tank from l4d.


gateway of the mind subject - he will be about middle age and will have contact lenses to make him look blind, his tulpa will look like him but will have claws, messed up teeth, and taller. if you're wondering how there look alike both will wear masks to look like the same person.

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